Title: New Technologies New Risks
1New TechnologiesNew Risks
2Technology and Security EvolutionMainframe
- Technology
- Single host
- Limited Trusted users
- Security
- Internal user authentication
- Access Control List on single host
3Technology and Security EvolutionNetwork
- Technology
- Multiple Trusted hosts
- Multiple Trusted users
- Security
- Access Control Lists on multiple trusted hosts
- Internal user authentication
- Network segmentation
4Technology and Security EvolutionInternet
- Technology
- Large number of untrusted users
- Untrusted network
- Complexity
- Network
- Configuration
- Security
- Access Control Lists on multiple untrusted hosts
- External user authentication
- Network segmentation and filtering (Firewalls)
5Technology Evolution E-commerce and Web services
- Critical Data
- Complexity
- Network
- Configuration
- Development
- Business 2 Business (B2B)
- Business 2 Clients (B2C)
6E-commerce and Web servicesNew Risks
7Access to Critical data over trusted
communication ports
8Rapid development Complex Development Framework
- Competitive Market
- Development Cost
- Automation Tools
9High level language for complex tasks
- New languages hide complexity
- Development Complexity is hidden
- Template and Wizards
- Distributed Programming Architecture
10Scripting language
- Not compiled
- Process flow can be modified at run time
- Rely on compiled languages
- Used in untrusted environment to access critical
11Dynamic Environment
- High level of customization
- Different integration requirements
- Custom development
12How web application works?
13Web Application Process
- Script Argument
- http//somesite.com/script?argument1somedata
- Script Argument Data
- http//somesite.com/script?argument1somedata1
15Web communication
- Most widely used request method used.
- Simplest request method.
- Consist of resource and argument
- Example
- http//server/file?
- argument1data
- Used to transfer data with server.
- Mostly used in conjunction with HTML form
16Current Attack Methods
17SQL Injection
- SQL injection is the process of modifying the
internal SQL query of the server side script to
perform actions not intended by the developers. - SQL injection can have serious security
implications from data loss to full infiltration
of your internal network. - Widely used and most documented type of web
application attack - Can be used against most language used to develop
web applications - Only impact application using back end SQL server
to store data
18Code Injection
- Code injection is the process of injecting code
that will be processed by the server. - Code injection is extremely dangerous since the
remote attacker can make the server run is code.. - Code injection is not widely used and is cause by
file access abstraction. - Not all programming language are affected.
19Application Discovery with Program Error
- Like normal applications, web application will
display error messages when something goes wrong - Error messages will often display a lot of
information on the environment and the cause of
the error. - Often the information displayed give to much
information - Error messages are often used by attackers to
help them gain a better understanding of the
environment they are attacking and can help them
construct very precise attacks.
20Error Reporting Example
21Development Considerationsto Prevent Attacks
22Dealing with Hostile Environment
- All incoming data should be threaded as
potentially invalid - All outgoing data should be documented and all
undocumented data should not be sent to the
client - All error messages should be standardized
23Dealing with Error Reporting
- All error should be catched by the application
- When an error occur, the user should be directed
to a standard page indicating an that an error as
occurred. - The full error message should be sent to the
development team.
24Programming Language - Application Programming
- Developers and Software engineer should review
all functions used and the full impact they might
have. - A detailed list of valid characters should be
made and all other should be rejected.
25Platform Configuration
- Administrators should read the documentation of
the specified platform used to run the web
applications. - Administrators and developers should be aware of
the types of internal and external communication
it may use with other applications (single sign
on, data base, LDAP, ...).
26Network Configuration
- Only port used by your web server (often 80(HTTP)
and 443(HTTP-SSL) should be allowed as incoming
communication. - Outgoing communication should be restricted to
limit many types of attack. - All communication between the various servers
used in your environment should be documented and
all other types of communication should be
restricted. - For added security, all traffic between servers
that should not be talking to each other should
be flagged and investigated immediately.
27PricewaterhouseCoopers GRMS
28GRMS - Information Security Solutions
- Web Application Assessment
- Input Validation
- Configuration
- Assessment of platform
- Attack and Penetration
- Network Security Assessment
- Penetration Tests
- Host Security Assessment
- Source Code review
- Security Architecture review
- Identification of vulnerable functions calls
- Integrity