Title: Where Guapos
1FelCom Social Happy Hour
Wednesday, May 7th, 6pm
To celebrate Cinco de Mayo (well it would be
actually Siete de Mayo). FelCom Social is
turning Mexican for the May happy hour. So come
join us in Guapos Fiesta Room and bring along
friends, family and co-workers
Where? Guapos 8130 Wisconsin ave., Bethesda
www.guaposrestaurant.com Specials the Fiesta
room is specially reserved for us ? 1 off on
appetizers and beverages until 8pm
For more information, please contact Philip Wang
(wangph_at_nidcd.nih.gov), Chaya Pooput
(pooputc_at_niddk.nih.gov) FelCom Social Subcommittee