Title: MAJP Steve Morris
1JTIMS User Advocacy / Configuration Management
MAJ(P) Steve Morris Joint Staff J7/JTD JTIMS
Program Manager October 2, 2006
2Table Of Contents
- JTIMS Program Overview
- SPIRAL 4 Capabilities (JTIMS v2.0)
- SPIRAL 5 Proposed Capabilities
- Configuration Management Update
3JTIMS Program Overview
4JTIMS Vision and Mission
- The Joint Staff, Combatant Commands, Services,
Combat Support Agencies and the National Guard
use JTIMS to - Automate individual and collective training
requirements - Manage large-scale multinational, interagency,
intergovernmental training events efficiently and
effectively - Identify force training requirements for planning
purposes - Develop robust reports to retrieve data faster to
support AOs/Planners - Vision
- To deliver a Joint Training Information
Management System that is easy to use, supports
informed decision making, and is fully integrated
with other systems of interest to minimize
rework, in order to fully support and implement
the JTS - Mission
- To provide world-class Net-Centric technology
solutions that exceed end-user expectations in
support of the JTS - To provide the Joint Community collaboration
tools to collect, analyze, and share information
in support of executing the JTS
5JTIMS Development Principles
JTIMS Login Page
- COCOM users / action officers play a key role in
defining the operational design of the system and
validating the system was built according to
specification - The system shall be user friendly, intuitive and
require minimal training - The system shall be Net-Centric using the latest
web and integration technologies - The system shall integrate with other
systems-of-interest (DRRS, JDEIS, etc) to
minimize rework and maximize information sharing - The development effort is collaborative -- all
stakeholders will have input
6JTIMS Development Timeline
JTIMS V1.0 Operational
Jan 07
May 07
Sep 07
Jan 05
Apr 05
Oct 05
Jan 06
May 06
Sep 06
Nov 06
V1.0 Dev
V1.1 Dev
V1.2 Dev
V2.0 Dev
V2.1 Dev
V2.2 Dev
V2.3 Dev
V2.4 Dev
Spiral N
Operations Maintenance
- 2006 Milestones
- Jan - Data Migrated from V5.0
- 1 Feb - JTIMS Operational on SIPRNet V1.0
- 15 May JTIMS v1.2 Deployed
- 31 Sept JTIMS v2.0 to be deployed
- End Oct DRRS 3.0 integration (JTIMS v2.1)
7Current JTIMS Capabilities
- Requirements
- Integrated with DRRS for METLs
- Integrated with JDEIS for UJTL tasks
- Planning
- Create, approve, delete, archive reinstate JTPs
- Training Objective library
- Exercise Planning Details, training objectives
by MET, milestones, expenses, transportation,
attachments - Force Request/Provider module
- POC registration/conference
- Joint Master Scenario Events List (JMSEL) export
- Theater Engagement Planning Management
Information System (TEPMIS) export - Execution
- Collection Management Plans
- Exercise and Conference registration
- Task Performance Observations (TPO)
- Training Proficiency Evaluation (TPE)
- Execution (Continued)
- Task Performance Observations (TPO)
- Training Proficiency Evaluation (TPE)
- CMP MSEL Tab (import from JMSEL)
- JMSEL Enhancements (V2.5)
- Assessment
- Training Proficiency Assessment (TPA)
- TPA Training Objective
- Mission Training Assessment (MTA)
- General
- Advanced custom report generation
- Change notification
- Advanced Security Classification Rules
- Roles and Permissions
- User Account Management
- JTIMS Lite
- TO Development
- TPO collection
- Import/Export to JTIMS Enterprise
8SPIRAL 4 Capabilities (JTIMS v2.0)
9The Spiral 4 (JTIMS 2.0) release focused on the
addition of features and capabilities to support
- A new JTIMS module was created for managing Event
budgeting data and the management of the
associated workflow - Managing Transportation Requirements for Events
(revised Transportation Tab within the Events
module) - Managing Airlift and Sealift Transportation
Planning Rates - Managing Rough Order of Magnitude (ROM) data for
Events - Managing Estimated Actual data for Events
- Managing the allocation of Validated Funding
Levels - Uploading of Joint Staff Instruction
Documentation - Managing Budgeted dollar amounts for Events
- Entering the TPFDD Estimated Actual costs for
Events - Entering the TPFDD Allocated Estimated Actual
costs for Events - Entering the Actual Transportation Costs for
Events (Airlift, Sealift, and Ground/Surface) - Combining / Un-combining Events within and across
Stratlift User Groups - Excel export of all Stratlift worksheet and table
10In addition Spiral 4 (JTIMS 2.0) includes
enhancements to JTIMS Enterprise and JTIMS Lite
- JTIMS Event Enhancements
- Event names are now standardized and managed by
User Group Leads and System Administrators - Read-only access to Transportation data entered
in the previous version of the Transportation Tab
- JTIMS General Enterprise Enhancements
- Issue resolution when importing data from JTIMS
Lite to the Enterprise application for the
following elements Audience Data, Training
Objectives, Task Data, and User/Role - JTIMS Lite Improvements
- Streamlined installation process/package
- The ability to add, edit, and/or delete training
audiences in JTIMS Lite - The ability to import updated library data from
Enterprise - The ability to edit the CMP Purposes section
- The ability to import specific event Training
Objective Library data from Enterprise - A list of issues and incorrect data elements that
were encountered when importing an event from
Enterprise to Lite - The ability to Start/Stop the JTIMS Lite Server
- Reports
- Stratlift specific reports to include Quarterly
Report, Validated Funding Level Report, Actual
Report, ROM Report, Transportation Data Report
11New Stratlift Roles
- Stratlift Manager At each COCOM, including
TRANSCOM and Joint Staff. Enables the user to
view the COCOM, Validated Funding Levels, and
Planning Rates. Enables the user to enter ROM
cost, Estimated Actual, exercise Budget, combine
exercises within the COCOM and across COCOMs, and
adjust the exercise Budget as required. - Joint Staff Stratlift Administrator - Joint Staff
Only Role. Enables the user to view the DoD
rollup, all COCOMs and all data entered by the
role. Enables the user to enter the Validated
Funding Levels, Planning Rates, and Actuals. - TRANSCOM Stratlift Administrator - TRANSCOM Only
Role. Enables the user to view the DoD rollup,
all COCOMs, Validated Funding Levels, and
Planning Rates. Enables the user to enter the
TPFDD Estimated Actuals and TPFDD Allocation
Estimated Actuals. This role can also enter
Planning Rates, however J7 has agreed to enter
the Planning Rates. - PH/IT Analyst one for each Service. Enables the
user to view the DoD rollup, all COCOMs,
Validated Funding Levels, and Planning Rates.
Enables the entry of the PH/IT ROM cost,
Estimated Actual, exercise Budget, and Actuals.
12New Stratlift Roles
- AMC Analyst - Enables the user to view the DoD
rollup, all COCOMs, Validated Funding Levels, and
Planning Rates. Enables the user to enter the AMC
Actuals. (JS/J7 will enter the Actuals) - MSC Analyst - Enables the user to view the DoD
rollup, all COCOMs, Validated Funding Levels, and
Planning Rates. Enables the user to enter the MSC
Actuals. (JS/J7 will enter the Actuals) - Stratlift Reviewer Enables the user to view the
DoD rollup, all COCOMs, Validated Funding Levels,
and Planning Rates - Event Manager - While not directly related to the
Stratlift Module, this new role enables the user
to create events. When creating events, the Event
Manager selects if Stratlift is required.
13- Stratlift Process Steps
- View Stratlift Status data across all of the
COCOMs - Drill-down into PACOM specific Exercise
Information Cobra Gold FY07 - View Transportation Requirements identified when
Cobra Gold FY07 was created - View ROM data for Cobra Gold FY07
- View Estimated Actual data for Cobra Gold FY07
- View Transportation Planning Rates
- View PACOMs overall budget and the amounts
allocated to the individual exercises - Combine/Un-combine within and across COCOMs
- View TPFDD Estimated Actual Data
- View TPFDD Allocated Estimated Actual Data
- View Actual Transportation Costs
Stratlift Process Steps Workflow
14SPIRAL 5 Proposed Capabilities
15Spiral 5 will include the development and the
release of two versions of the JTIMS Enterprise
and the JTIMS Lite applications
- Version 2.1
- JTIMS Enterprise Updates to integrate with DRRS
3.0 (Oct/Nov 2006) - JTIMS Lite Updates to integrate with DRRS 3.0
(Dec/Jan 2006) - Version 2.2 (February 2007)
- JTIMS Enterprise Application enhancements
- JTIMS Lite Application enhancements
16Version 2.1 of JTIMS will support an integrated
METL display from DRRS v3.0
- JTIMS is currently integrated with DRRS v2.0 to
provide METL and Unit data - DRRS v3.0 became the system of record on June
8th, retiring DRRS v2.0 - JTIMS METL information has not been updated since
June 8th - The key difference between DRRS v3.0 and DRRS
v2.0 is how a MET is defined - The changes in DRRS were implemented to remove
some of the required fields (Mission, OPR, etc.)
in order to support lower echelon readiness
reporting - Because of JTIMS reliance on METL information,
the DRRS v3.0 change requires that JTIMS be
reconfigured in order to provide updated METL for
each Usergroup
17Version 2.2 of JTIMS will address high priority
user defined requirements and enhancements
- System Development (Enterprise Edition)
- Stratlift Updates based on user feedback
- User Group Management User Group Hierarchys
parent/child relationships - Reports User Group reports for UGLs, Updates to
custom queries - Events Calendar Briefing View, Enhanced
calendar functionality, Linked events approval
process - JMSEL - Full Integration of JMSEL capabilities -
Add/edit/delete an Inject, Edit and update
Storylines/Threads for exercise, Inject Release
processing (coordination and actual injection),
JMSEL specific roles (MSEL Manager, cell manager,
etc), - Provide web service for TPA/MTA data (Note This
is highly dependent on DRRS requirement) - System Development (Lite Edition)
- JMSEL capabilities - Full integration of JMSEL
capabilities Add/edit/delete an Inject, Edit and
update Storylines/Threads for exercise, Inject
Release processing (coordination and actual
injection), JMSEL specific roles (MSEL Manager,
cell manager, etc),
18Configuration Management Update
19Configuration Management Update
- SPIRAL 1 - Delivered 1 Oct 05
- SPIRAL 2 - Delivered 1 Feb 06 (JTIMS
Operational) - SPIRAL 3 - Delivered May 06
- 98 CM Requirements Completed
- SPIRAL 4 Delivered October 06
- 60 CM Requirements Completed
- SPIRAL 5 Scheduled Delivery Feb 07
- 65 CM Requirements Scoped
- Open Requirements
- 140 Open Requirements not yet scoped
- All SPIRAL Open Requirement Reports are
available on the Joint Staff WJTSC Website - (http//www.dtic.mil/doctrine/wjtsc06_02.htm)
under the WJTSC 06-02 Working Groups 2 Oct 06