Title: DIO2 Board
1DIO2 Board
2DIO2 Board
- CPLD Interface
- Seven-segment displays and LEDs
- LCD Display
- Pushbuttons and Switches
3DIO2 circuit board block diagram
4Top-level design for DIO2 interface
library IEEE use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all entity
buff3 is generic (widthpositive) port(
input in STD_LOGIC_vector(width-1 downto 0)
en in STD_LOGIC output out
STD_LOGIC_vector(width-1 downto 0) ) end
buff3 architecture buff3 of buff3 is begin
output lt input when en '1' else (others gt
'Z') end buff3
library IEEE use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL use
NED.ALL entity d2io is Port ( btns in
std_logic_vector(14 downto 0) switchs
in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)
leds out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0)
data inout std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)
addr in std_logic_vector(5 downto 0)
sseg out std_logic_vector(6 downto 0)
ssegdp out std_logic
ssegsel out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0)
cs in std_logic we in
std_logic oe in std_logic
clk256 in std_logic) end d2io
7architecture rtl of d2io is signal data_out
std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) signal sseg_reg
std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) signal digit
std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) signal count
unsigned(1 downto 0) signal leds_i
std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) signal strobe
std_logic begin ssegdp lt '1' data lt
data_out when (oe '1' and cs '1') else
(others gt 'Z') data_out lt btns(7 downto 0)
when addr(1 downto 0) "00" else '0' btns(14
downto 8) when addr(1 downto 0) "01" else
8 strobe lt cs and we leds lt
not(leds_i) process(strobe) begin if(falling
_edge(strobe)) then case addr is when
"000100" gt leds_i(7 downto 0) lt
data when "000101" gt leds_i(15 downto
8) lt data when "000110" gt sseg_reg(15
downto 8) lt data when "000111"
gt sseg_reg(7 downto 0) lt data when
others gt NULL end case end if end
9 process(clk256) begin if(rising_edge(clk256))
then count lt count 1 end if end
process with count select digit lt
sseg_reg(7 downto 4) when "00", sseg_reg(3
downto 0) when "01", sseg_reg(15 downto 12)
when "10", sseg_reg(11 downto 8) when others
process(count) begin ssegsel lt (others gt
'0') ssegsel(conv_integer(count)) lt '1' end
10with digit select sseg lt "1001111" when
"0001", --1 "0010010" when "0010", --2 "000011
0" when "0011", --3 "1001100" when
"0100", --4 "0100100" when "0101", --5 "010000
0" when "0110", --6 "0001111" when
"0111", --7 "0000000" when "1000", --8 "000010
0" when "1001", --9 "0001000" when
"1010", --A "1100000" when "1011", --b "011000
1" when "1100", --C "1000010" when
"1101", --d "0110000" when "1110", --E "011100
0" when "1111", --F "0000001" when
others --0 end rtl
11DIO2 Board
- CPLD Interface
- Seven-segment displays and LEDs
- LCD Display
- Pushbuttons and Switches
12Seven-segment LED display
13(No Transcript)
14In opcodes.vhd
constant DIO2store opcode X"010F" --
DIO2! constant LCDistore
opcode X"0110" -- LCDinst!
constant LCDdstore opcode X"0111" --
15In wc16_control add.
signal ccycle STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (5 downto 0)
MultiCC process (clk, clr, current_state) begin
if clr '1' then ccycle lt "000001"
elsif (clk'event and clk '1') then if
current_state exec then ccycle lt ccycle
1 else ccycle lt "000001" end if
end if end process MultiCC
16In wc16_control add.
when exec gt -- execute instr without fetching
next one if (icode X"010E" or icode
X"010F") and ccycle lt 3 then next_state
lt exec elsif (icode X"0110" or icode
X"0111") and ccycle lt 8 then next_state
lt exec --elsif icode
X"Code_for_multi-cycle" -- and ccycle lt
Num_cc_to_exec then -- next_state lt exec
else next_state lt fetch -- go to
fetch state end if
17In wc16_control add.
DIO2! ( data addr .. )
when DIO2store gt cs lt '1' oe lt '0'
pinc lt '0' if ccycle 1 then we
lt '1' else tload lt '1' nload lt '1'
tsel lt "111" nsel lt "01"
dpop lt '1' end if
\ Test of DIO2 DIG! D2DIG! ( n --
) DUP 8 RSHIFT \ n nHI 7 DIO2! \
display nHI 6 DIO2! \ display
nLO main ( -- ) BEGIN waitB4
S_at_ \ get HI byte DUP DIG! 8 LSHIFT
waitB4 S_at_ \ get LO byte OR DUP DIG!
19(No Transcript)
20\ led16.whp HEX 1ms_Delay ( -- ) 30D1 FOR
NEXT .5sec_Delay ( -- ) 1F4 FOR
1ms_Delay NEXT D2DIG! ( n -- ) DUP 8
RSHIFT \ n nHI 7 DIO2! \ display nHI
6 DIO2! \ display nLO D2LD! (
n -- ) DUP 8 RSHIFT \ n nHI 5 DIO2! \
display nHI 4 DIO2! \ display
21LED16.whp (cont.)
MAIN ( -- ) BEGIN 8000 10 FOR
DUP D2LD! DUP D2DIG! .5sec_Delay 2/
22DIO2 Board
- CPLD Interface
- Seven-segment displays and LEDs
- LCD Display
- Pushbuttons and Switches
23DIO2 circuit board block diagram
24(No Transcript)
25(No Transcript)
26(No Transcript)
27(No Transcript)
28In wc16_control add.
LCDinst! ( data 0 .. )
when LCDistore gt LCD_RW lt '0' LCD_RS lt
'0' pinc lt '0' if ccycle lt 7 then
LCD_E lt '1' else tload lt '1' nload lt
'1' tsel lt "111" nsel lt "01"
dpop lt '1' end if
LCDdata! ( data 0 .. )
when LCDdstore gt LCD_RW lt '0' LCD_RS lt
'1' pinc lt '0' if ccycle lt 7 then
LCD_E lt '1' else tload lt '1' nload lt
'1' tsel lt "111" nsel lt "01"
dpop lt '1' end if
\ LCD for Digilab DIO2 \ LCD3.WHP HEX
1ms_Delay ( -- ) 30D1 FOR NEXT 30ms.Delay
( -- ) 1E FOR 1ms_Delay NEXT hex2asc
( n -- asc ) 0F AND \
mask upper nibble DUP 9 gt
\ if n gt 9 IF
37 \ add 37 ELSE
30 \ else add 30
lcd.init ( -- ) 30ms.delay 3C
0 LCDinst! \ 2 x 40 display 1ms_Delay
0f 0 LCDinst! \ display
on 1ms_Delay 1 0 LCDinst! \
display clear 1ms_Delay 1ms_Delay
6 0 LCDinst! \ entry cursor shift
off 1ms_Delay
31(No Transcript)
hexgtlcd ( hex -- ) HEX2ASC 0
LCDdata! 30ms.delay u.lcd ( u --
) \display T on LCD DUP C RSHIFT hexgtlcd DU
P 8 RSHIFT hexgtlcd DUP 4 RSHIFT hexgtlcd he
MAIN ( -- ) lcd.init BEGIN
waitB4 S_at_ \ get high byte DUP DIG! DUP
hexgtlcd 8 LSHIFT waitB4 S_at_ \ get low
byte OR DUP DIG! DUP hexgtlcd waitB4 u.lcd
\ display on lcd AGAIN
34DIO2 Board
- CPLD Interface
- Seven-segment displays and LEDs
- LCD Display
- Pushbuttons and Switches
35Top-level design for DIO2 interface
36From DIO2 CPLD
data_out lt btns(7 downto 0) when addr(1 downto
0) "00" else '0' btns(14 downto 8) when
addr(1 downto 0) "01" else switchs
In opcodes.vhd
constant DIO2fetch opcode X"003A" --
In wc16_control.vhd
when DIO2fetch gt -- read 8-bit DIO2-bus (E1)
tload lt '1' -- DIO2_at_ ( addr data )
tsel lt "100" cs lt '1' oe lt '1'
In Lab9.vhd
E1 lt ground data_io data lt data_io
\ Test of DIO2 switches main ( --
) BEGIN 3 DIO2_at_ \ read switches 4
DIO2! \ display on LD(70) AGAIN
\ Test of DIO2 buttons D2DIG! ( n --
) DUP 8 RSHIFT \ n nHI 7 DIO2! \
display nHI 6 DIO2! \ display
nLO D2LD! ( n -- ) DUP 8 RSHIFT \ n
nHI 5 DIO2! \ display nHI 4 DIO2!
\ display nLO main ( -- ) BEGIN
1 DIO2_at_ \ btns(158) 8 LSHIFT 0
DIO2_at_ \ btns(70) OR DUP DIG!
\ Test of DIO2 buttons get.BTN2 ( --
n ) 1 DIO2_at_ \ btns(158) 8
LSHIFT 0 DIO2_at_ \ btns(70) OR
main2 ( -- ) BEGIN BEGIN \ wait to
lift finger get.BTN2 0 UNTIL
BEGIN \ wait to press button get.BTN2
UNTIL get.BTN2 \ get button DUP
41Random Number Generator
42RAM Module Coregen IP
43WHYP words to read and write data to memory
! ( data addr -- ) \ store data at addr _at_ (
addr data ) \ fetch data from addr
44! ( data addr -- ) \ store data at addr
when store gt tload lt '1' nload lt
'1' tsel lt "111" nsel lt "01"
dpop lt '1' if ccycle
"000001" then pinc lt '0' we lt
'1' end if
45In wc16_control add.
Store (!)
when exec gt -- execute instr without fetching
next one if (icode X"010E" or icode
X"010F") and ccycle lt 3 then next_state
lt exec elsif (icode X"0110" or icode
X"0111") and ccycle lt 8 then next_state
lt exec --elsif icode
X"Code_for_multi-cycle" -- and ccycle lt
Num_cc_to_exec then -- next_state lt exec
else next_state lt fetch -- go to
fetch state end if
46_at_ ( addr data ) \ fetch data from addr
when ramfetch gt -- read RAM in E1
tload lt '1' tsel lt "100"
47Hex to Decimal
H2D ( h d )
- Push each decimal digit into stack. \ d4 d3 d2
d1 - 4 LSHIFT and
- \ (d4 10 (d3 10 (d2 10 d1 ) ) )
48Hex to Decimal
H2D ( h - d ) \ convert hex to decimal 0 a
UM/MOD \ get push decimal digit 0 a UM/MOD
0 a UM/MOD \ d4 d3 d2 d1 4 LSHIFT \
put in the right place 4 LSHIFT 4 LSHIFT
\ (d4 10 (d3 10 (d2 10 d1
) ) )
49Example 5678 dec 162Eh
HEX H2D ( h - d ) \ convert hex to decimal
\ 162E 0 a UM/MOD \ 8 237 0 a UM/MOD \
8 7 38 0 a UM/MOD \ 8 7 6 5 4 LSHIFT \ 8
7 56 4 LSHIFT \ 8 567 4 LSHIFT \ 5678
50Decimal to Hex
D2H ( d h)
- Push each digit into stack. \ d4 d3 d2 d1
- Multiply, drop and
- \ ( d4 a ( d3 a ( d2 a d1 ) ) )
51Decimal to Hex
D2H ( d - h ) \ convert decimal to hex 0 10
UM/MOD \ push decimal digit to stack 0 10
UM/MOD 0 10 UM/MOD \ d4 d3 d2
d1 a UM drop \ multiply digit by a a UM
drop a UM drop \ ( d4 a ( d3 a (
d2 a d1 ) ) )
52Example 5678 dec 162Eh
HEX D2H ( d - h ) \ convert decimal to
hex \ 5678 0 10 UM/MOD \ 8 567 0 10
UM/MOD \ 8 7 56 0 10 UM/MOD \ 8 7 6 5 a
UM drop \ 8 7 38 a UM drop \ 8 237 a
UM drop \ 162E