Title: Tallebudgera
1Tallebudgera The School by the Water!
By Ellen, 6M Term 4, Semester 2 2003
2What is Tallebudgera?
Tallebudgera is a beach school . It is named
after the creek near it named Tallebudgera Creek.
This is an Aboriginal name which is thought to
mean a place for good fish.
3Where is Tallebudgera?
Tallebudgera is located on the Gold Coast- near
Burleigh Heads off the Gold Coast Highway.
4Why do the Year 6's go to Tallebudgera?
Tallebudgera is a school excursion. It teaches
the students water safety and to see if they can
co-operate with children their own age.
5What Activities do the Year 6's do there?
At Tallebudgera you do many water activities as
the school is by the water.
6What do the Year 6's do each day?
- 630 Morning Run
- 715 Breaky Assembly
- 80 Cabin Inspection
- 830 Morning Assembly
- 900 Morning Activities
- 1030 Morning Tea
- 1045Activities Continued
- 1215 Lunch Assembly
- 1220 LUNCH
- 120 Afternoon Assembly
- 130Afternoon Activities
- 400 Recreation time
- 500 Showers
- 635 Night Program
- 900 Supper
- 930 Lights Out
7Who else goes- who will the Year 6's meet?
They Year 6s meet kids from other schools which
are there at the same time. It is great to make
new friends.
8What do the Year 6's take to Tallebudgera?
You have a kit list which shows you what to take,
but you generally just take normal clothes,
toiletries etc.
9What is Expected of the Year 6's?
It is like a normal school. It has a principal
and teachers so you have to follow the rules that
are set. If you dont follow the rules you will
be sent home and have to go to school.
10What did past Year 6's Students think of
The all thought that Tallebudgera was worth
attending. The only things they thought werent
at there standard was the food, but they
12Thanks for watching my slideshow!!!
Hope you enjoyed it