Title: Welcome to CREST SEBASECREST Project Overview
1Welcome toCRESTSEBASE/CRESTProject Overview
2CREST Members
Chris McCulloch CREST Manager
Mark Harman Director
Nicolas Gold Deputy Director
Yuanyuan Zhang PhD Student
Shin Yoo PhD Student
Afshin Mansouri Research Assistant
Chris McCulloch Project Operations Manager
Laurie Tratt Research Assistant
Youssef Hassoun Research Assistant
Kiran Lakhotia PhD Student
Zheng Li Research Assistant
Kiarash Mahdavi Research Assistant
Tao Jiang PhD Student
Independent PhD Students
Kostas Adamopoulos PhD Student
Ghassan Dukes Part time PhD Student
Jaeeun Yi PhD student
Kazhaw AlKhaffaf Part time PhD Student
Marian Mohr PhD Student
Connie Bao PhD Student
Independent PhD Students
3Search Based Software Engineering
- Overview of project management
- project structure
- staffing appointments
- meetings and internal training
- headline early results
- industrial involvement and outreach
- non standard dissemination
- service to community
4What is SBSE?
- In SBSE we apply search techniques to search
large search spaces, guided by a fitness function
that captures properties of the acceptable
software artefacts we seek. - Genetic Algorithms, Hill climbing, Simulated
Annealing, Random, Tabu Search, Estimation of
Distribution Algorithms, Particle Swarm
5The Eight Queens Problem
6The Eight Queens Problem
7The Eight Queens Problem
8The Eight Queens Problem
Score 0
9The Eight Queens Problem
10The Eight Queens Problem
11The Eight Queens Problem
Two Attacks
12The Eight Queens Problem
Score -2
Two Attacks
13The Eight Queens Problem
14The Eight Queens Problem
15The Eight Queens Problem
Three Attacks
16The Eight Queens Problem
Three Attacks
Score -3
17That was easy
18Generate a solution
Place 8 queens on the board
so that there are no attacks
19Scale up Generate a solution
Place 44 queens on the board
so that there are no attacks
20Scale up Generate a solution
Place 400 queens on the board
so that there are no attacks
21Checking vs Generating
- Task One
- Write a method to determine which is the better
of two placements of N queens - Task Two
- Write a method to construct a board placement
with N non attacking queens
22Checking vs Generating
- Task One
- Write a method to determine which is the better
of two placements of N queens - Task Two
- Write a method to construct a board placement
with N non attacking queens
23Checking vs Generating
- Search Based Software Engineering
- Write a method to determine which is the better
of two solutions - Conventional Software Engineering
- Write a method to construct a perfect solution
24Checking vs Generating
- Search Based Software Engineering
- Write a method to determine which is the better
of two solutions - Conventional Software Engineering
- Write a method to construct a perfect solution
25Checking vs Generating
- Search Based Software Engineering
- Write a method to determine which is the better
of two solutions - Conventional Software Engineering
- Write a method to construct a perfect solution
26Checking vs Generating
- Search Based Software Engineering
- Write a fitness function to determine which is
the better of two solutions - Conventional Software Engineering
- Write a method to construct a perfect solution
27Checking vs Generating
- Search Based Software Engineering
- Write a fitness function to guide a search
- Conventional Software Engineering
- Write a method to construct a perfect solution
28Checking vs Generating
- Search Based Software Engineering
- Write a fitness function to guide automated
search - Conventional Software Engineering
- Write a method to construct a perfect solution
29Temporal Testing
optimal point of time for triggering the airbag
optimal point of time for triggering the airbag
Test data
Fitness values
31Evolution is not random
32SBSE is so generic
- Testing
- Fitness function coverage, time,
- Representation input vector
- Near neighbour similar input
- Restructuring
- Fitness function cohesion and coupling
- Representation mapping nodes to clusters
- Near neighbour clusters are one move apart
33SBSE is so generic
- Testing
- Fitness function coverage, time,
- Representation input vector
- Near neighbour similar input
- Restructuring
- Fitness function cohesion and coupling
- Representation mapping nodes to clusters
- Near neighbour clusters are one move apart
34SBSE is so generic
- Testing is a search problem
- Fitness function coverage, time,
- Representation input vector
- Near neighbour similar input
- Restructuring is a search problem
- Fitness function cohesion and coupling
- Representation mapping nodes to clusters
- Near neighbour clusters are one move apart
35SBSE Applications
- Transformation Cooper, Ryan, Schielke,
Subramanian, Fatiregun, Williams - Requirements Bagnall, Mansouri, Zhang
- Effort prediction Aguilar-Ruiz, Burgess, Dolado,
Lefley, Shepperd - Management Alba, Antoniol, Chicano, Di Pentam
Greer, Ruhe - Heap allocation Cohen, Kooi, Srisa-an
- Regression test Li, Yoo, Elbaum, Rothermel,
Walcott, Soffa, Kampfhamer - SOA Canfora, Di Penta, Esposito, Villani
- Refactoring Antoniol, Briand, Cinneide, OKeeffe,
Merlo, Seng, Tratt - Test Generation Alba, Binkley, Bottaci, Briand,
Chicano, Clark, Cohen, Gutjahr, Harrold,
Holcombe, Jones, Korel, Pargass, - Reformat, Roper, McMinn, Michael, Sthamer,
Tracy, - Tonella,Xanthakis, Xiao, Wegener, Wilkins
- Maintenance Antoniol, Lutz, Di Penta, Madhavi,
Mancoridis, Mitchell, - Swift
- Model checking Alba, Chicano, Godefroid
- Probe distion Cohen, Elbaum
- UIOs Derderian, Guo, Hierons
- Comprehension Gold, Li, Mahdavi
- Protocols Alba, Clark, Jacob, Troya
- Component sel Baker, Skaliotis, Steinhofel, Yoo
36SBSE Applications in which SEBASE is active
- Transformation Cooper, Ryan, Schielke,
Subramanian, Fatiregun, Williams - Requirements Bagnall, Mansouri, Zhang
- Effort prediction Aguilar-Ruiz, Burgess, Dolado,
Lefley, Shepperd - Management Alba, Antoniol, Chicano, Di Pentam
Greer, Ruhe - Heap allocation Cohen, Kooi, Srisa-an
- Regression test Li, Yoo, Elbaum, Rothermel,
Walcott, Soffa, Kampfhamer - SOA Canfora, Di Penta, Esposito, Villani
- Refactoring Antoniol, Briand, Cinneide, OKeeffe,
Merlo, Seng, Tratt - Test Generation Alba, Binkley, Bottaci, Briand,
Chicano, Clark, Cohen, Gutjahr, Harrold,
Holcombe, Jones, Korel, Pargass, - Reformat, Roper, McMinn, Michael, Sthamer,
Tracy, - Tonella,Xanthakis, Xiao, Wegener, Wilkins
- Maintenance Antoniol, Lutz, Di Penta, Madhavi,
Mancoridis, Mitchell, - Swift
- Model checking Alba, Chicano, Godefroid
- Probe distion Cohen, Elbaum
- UIOs Derderian, Guo, Hierons
- Comprehension Gold, Li, Mahdavi
- Protocols Alba, Clark, Jacob, Troya
- Component sel Baker, Skaliotis, Steinhofel, Yoo
37Overall Methodology
WP1 Test Case Design (KCL)
WP2 Searching Design Spaces (York)
WP3 Software Eng Management (KCL)
WP4Multi Criteria Dependable Design (York)
WP5 Non-functional Under change (York)
WP6 Refactoring (KCL)
38Overall Methodology
WP1 Test Case Design (KCL)
WP2 Searching Design Spaces (York)
WP3 Software Eng Management (KCL)
WP4Multi Criteria Dependable Design (York)
WP5 Non-functional Under change (York)
WP6 Refactoring (KCL)
WP7 Characterisation (Bham)
WP8 Algorithms (Bham)
39Overall Methodology
40Advantages of SBSE
- Scalability
- Robustness
- Insight
- Feedback
41Advantages of SBSE
- Naturally Parallel
- Anytime Algorithm
- Often prepared to wait
42Advantages of SBSE
43Advantages of SBSE
- Explore sensitivity
- Stable areas of space
- Good Neighbourhood
44Advantages of SBSE
- Landscape structure
- Metric improvement
45Advantages of SBSE
- Landscape structure
- Metric improvement
46Advantages of SBSE
- Generations
- Near neighbours
47SEBASE Staff
- Kings College London
- Chris McCulloch Project Operations Manager
- Shin Yoo PhD Student
- Laurence Tratt 3-year RA
- Afshin Mansouri 5-year RA
- University of York
- Paul Emberson, 3-year RA
- Simon Poulding, 5-year RA
- David White, PhD Student
- University of Birmingham
- Per Kristian Lehre, 5-year RA
- Ramón Sagarna, 3-year RA
- Andrea Arcuri, PhD Student
- SEBASE Additional Research Students
- Yuanyuan Zhang, KC Wong Award PhD Student, Kings
College London. - Peter Laurens, IBM CASE Award PhD Student,
University of York.
48SEBASE Staff
- Kings College London
- Chris McCulloch Project Operations Manager
- Shin Yoo PhD Student
- Laurence Tratt 3-year RA
- Afshin Mansouri 5-year RA
- University of York
- Paul Emberson, 3-year RA
- Simon Poulding, 5-year RA
- David White, PhD Student
- University of Birmingham
- Per Kristian Lehre, 5-year RA
- Ramón Sagarna, 3-year RA
- Andrea Arcuri, PhD Student
- SEBASE Additional Research Students
- Yuanyuan Zhang, KC Wong Award PhD Student, Kings
College London. - Peter Laurens, IBM CASE Award PhD Student,
University of York.
49KCL Staff
Laurie Tratt Research Assistant
Mark Harman Project Director
Chris McCulloch Project Operations Manager
Shin Yoo PhD Student
Yuanyuan Zhang PhD Student
Afshin Mansouri Research Associate
50KCL Staff
Laurie Tratt Research Assistant
Mark Harman Project Director
Chris McCulloch Project Operations Manager
Shin Yoo PhD Student
Yuanyuan Zhang PhD Student KC Wong funded
Afshin Mansouri Research Associate
51York Staff
David White PhD Student
John Clark Principal Investigator
Iain Bate Co-investigator
Peter Laurens PhD Student
Kamran Ghani PhD Student
Simon Poulding Research Associate
Paul Emberson Research Assistant
52York Staff
David White PhD Student
John Clark Principal Investigator
Iain Bate Co-investigator
Peter Laurens IBM CASE Award PhD Student
Kamran Ghani PhD Student
Simon Poulding Research Associate
Paul Emberson Research Assistant
53Birmingham Staff
Ramón Sagarna Research Assistant
Xin Yao Principal Investigator
Per Kristian Lehre Research Associate
Andrea Arcuri PhD Student
54Additional Collaborators
- Phil McMinn, Sheffield
- Massimiliano Di Penta, Sannio
55Visiting Fellows
- Darrell Whitley
- visiting in July
- Marc Shoenauer
- Successful Dagstuhl proposal for April 2008
- Hans Paul Schwefel
56Additional Potential Visiting Fellows
- Myra Cohen, UNL, USA
- Lionel Briand, Oslo, Norway
- Enrique Alba, University of Malaga, Spain
- Bogdan Korel, IIT, USA
57First publications emerging already
- ISSTA paper accepted (Shin Yoo)
- GECCO paper accepted (Yuanyuan Zhang, Afshin
Mansouri) - TAIC PART paper submitted (Andrea Arcuri)
- CEC paper UIOs accepted (Xin Yao and Per Kristian
Lehre) - CEC paper EDAs for testing accepted (Andrea
Arcuri and Xin Yao) - CEC paper on memetic testing accepted (Andrea
Arcuri and Xin Yao) - GECCO paper accepted (Laurie Tratt)
- ICSM paper submitted (Antoniol, Di Penta, Harman)
- ISSTA paper accepted (Harman, McMinn)
- SBSE keynote at SQS, ICPC, AST and FoSE at ICSE
(Mark Harman)
- September 2006 2 days Full all three partners
and industry - February 2007 2 days York, Birmingham at
Birmingham - March 2007 2 days Birmingham, Kings at Kings
- March 2007 2 days York, Kings at Kings
- May 2007 1 day Management team meeting at
Birmingham - May 2007 1 day Steering committee meeting
- July 7th 2007 GECCO workshops
- July 8th 2007 SEBASE collaborators workshop at
Kings - July 30th, 31st Aug 1st 2007 Summer School at
Birmingham - September 18th and 19th 2007 Steering committee
plus EPSRC
- September 2006 2 days Full all three partners
and industry - February 2007 2 days York, Birmingham at
Birmingham - March 2007 2 days Birmingham, Kings at Kings
- March 2007 2 days York, Kings at Kings
- May 2007 1 day Management team meeting at
Birmingham - May 2007 1 day Steering committee meeting (now)
- July 7th 2007 GECCO workshops
- July 8th 2007 SEBASE collaborators workshop at
Kings - July 30th, 31st Aug 1st 2007 Summer School at
Birmingham - September 18th and 19th 2007 Steering committee
plus EPSRC
60Internal Project Training
- July 30th, 31st Aug 1st 2007 Summer School at
Birmingham - Instrumentation planning group
- Shin Yoo, Kamran Ghani, Andrea Arcuri, Kiran
Lakhotia - Empirical and Statistical Methods Tutorials and
Workshop - To be run by Simon Poulding
- EDAs tutorials and workshop
- To be run by Per Kristian Lehre
- Existing Partners
- Joint work with Motorola published
- Joint work with Daimler submitted
- Joint work with IBM awaiting revised agreement
- New Partner Outreach
- Emtex visited by Shin Yoo and Youssef Hassoun
- GRID Tools visited by Laurie Tratt and Kiran
Lakhotia - Legal General visited by Shin Yoo, Kiran
Lakhotia and MSc - Daimler (Planned) visit by Kiran Lakhotia,
Andrea Arcuri
62Some work at KCL
- More next week at GECCO and ISSTA
- Heres a brief overview
63Motorola Cell Phone Requirements
64Search Based Regression Test Selection
65Search Based Refactoring - JHotDraw
66Search Based Refactoring -
67Search Based Refactoring -
68Motorola Mobile Phone Requirements
72Non Standard Dissemination
- Schools outreach
- Not yet started
- Trade press
- IEEE Software Article planned
- Contact with IT week, Computing magazines
- Popular Science
- Meeting with New Scientist
- Special Interest Groups
- Visit to BCS SIGIST
73Service to Community
- SBSE publications repository
- 180 papers
- 90 Full Text
- Author links to websites
- Whos Who
- Statistical Analysis
- Survey paper
74Service to Community
- SBSE publications repository
- 180 papers
- 90 Full Text
- Author links to websites
- Whos Who
- Statistical Analysis
- Survey paper
- Good start to project
- Great staff recruited
- Following stated plans
- also activities and goals
- Great initial publication success
- Leading the world in SBSE