Title: Bio 348 Human Anatomy
1Bio 348 Human Anatomy Physiology
- Janice Lapsansky
- Office hours MW 9-11 by appt, BI 305
- Email janice.lapsansky_at_wwu.edu
- phone x7337
2Levels of Organization
- Chemical
- Cellular
- Tissue
- Organs
- Organ System
- Organism
3Overarching Themes(How do we know something is
- Living things are
- composed of a single cell or a group of cells
- AT LEAST physical and chemical machines
- respond to short term changes in their
environment - grow and reproduce
- adapt to long term changes in their environment
through natural selection
For a review of the chemistry of life, and cell
structure and function, study the slide sets
posted on the course web page.
4The Boundary Organ Concept
5Homeostasis of Body Fluids
- Separation of fluid compartments
- intracellular fluid (ICF) within cells
- extracellular fluid (ECF) outside cells
- intercellular fluid tissue fluid interstitial
fluid - plasma fluid portion of blood, part of ECF
- Composition of fluids change as substances move
between compartments - nutrients, oxygen, ions and wastes move in both
directions across capillary walls
Practice these terms! Always confusing!
6Differential Distribution of Solutes in the ICF
and ECF
An estimated ___ of cytoplasmic ATP is used to
run the Na-K pump in most human cells.
7How is this (homeostasis) controlled?
8Components of Feedback Loop
- Receptor
- monitors a controlled condition
- Control center
- determines next action
- Effector
- receives directions from the control center
- produces a response that changes the controlled
9Eg. Homeostasis of Blood Pressure
- Pressure receptors in walls of certain arteries
detect an increase in BP - blood Pressure force of blood on walls of
vessels - Brain receives input and signals heart and blood
vessels - Heart rate slows and arterioles dilate (increase
in diameter) - BP returns to normal
10Eg.Positive Feedback during Childbirth
- Stretch receptors in walls of uterus send signals
to the brain - Brain releases hormone (oxytocin) into
bloodstream - Uterine smooth muscle contracts more forcefully
- More stretch, more hormone, more contraction etc.
- Cycle ends with birth of the baby decrease in