Title: The photochemistry of NO2
1The photochemistry of NO2
- Iain Wilkinson Benjamin J Whitaker
2Why study NO2?
- Photodissociation of NO2 has been studied
extensively as a model for unimolecular
decomposition and non-adiabatic coupling - Most previous studies have focused on single
photon dissociation via the first dissociation
limit (3.11 eV)
- By understanding the high energy dissociation
dynamics of NO2 we then hope to employ phase
shaping techniques to control the branching
ratios of the product channels
- We have studied the dissociation dynamics via
single photon excitation in the UV and also using
multiphoton visible-UV excitation
3Velocity map imaging
4Velocity map imaging
5Velocity map imaging
Eppink Parker, Rev. Sci. Inst. 68 (1997) 3477
To Pump
To Pump
6DC slice imaging
Townsend, Minitti Suits, Rev. Sci. Inst. 74
(2003) 2530
Velocity map imaging
To Pump
To Pump
7Single photon energetics
- 2 competing dissociation pathways below 244 nm
- At 226 nm, O(3PJ) can be produced in coincidence
with NO in v 0-11 - At 226 nm, O(1D2) can be produced in coincidence
with NO in v 0 or 1
8School of something FACULTY OF OTHER
O(3PJ) fragment slice imaging
- O(3PJ) distributions peak in coincidence with
vibrationally cold, rotationally excited NO
- Anisotropies suggest 2 competing dissociation
9- REMPI spectra have been recorded for NO fragments
in v 0-3 here both dissociation channels are
O(1D2) slice imaging
- Orbital angular momentum alignment studies yield
information regarding the symmetry of
dissociative states
- REMPI probe schemes provide sensitivity to such
alignment effects
- By probing the O(1D2) distribution with various
polarisation combinations, the dissociative state
of this channel can be identified
10- REMPI spectra have been recorded for NO fragments
in v 0-3 here both dissociation channels are
O(1D2) energy distribution
- At 226 nm, O(1D2) is produced in coincidence with
a vibrationally inverted NO distribution
- Vibrationally excited NO fragments are formed
with a bimodal rotational distribution
- Rotationally and vibrationally excited NO
fragments are produced with strongly aligned
O(1D2) fragments
11- REMPI spectra have been recorded for NO fragments
in v 0-3 here both dissociation channels are
O(1D2) alignment
- ß values indicate dissociation via different
geometries and/or on different timescales
- ml populations implicate dissociation via the
(1)2A2 surface
12- REMPI spectra have been recorded for NO fragments
in v 0-3 here both dissociation channels are
Visible excitation of NO2
- Excitation below the 1st dissociation threshold
primarily occurs to the (1)2B2 state which is
strongly coupled to the (1)2A1 ground state
- Within 500 fs, the excited state population has
crossed to perturbed vibrationally excited levels
of the ground electronic state non-adiabatically
13- REMPI spectra have been recorded for NO fragments
in v 0-3 here both dissociation channels are
Multiphoton excitation of NO2
- A number of dissociative, multiphoton excitation
pathways have been observed on excitation to the
(1)2B2 manifold
- Time-resolved experiments (400 nm pump 266 nm
probe) implicate an initial (31) dissociative
ionisation process via the (1)2B2 state and a
bent valence state of the cation (b3A2)
- At delays greater than 200 fs, a (12)
dissociative ionisation process occurs via
vibrationally excited levels of the (1)2A1 state
and the 3pp2?u Rydberg state of the neutral
14- REMPI spectra have been recorded for NO fragments
in v 0-3 here both dissociation channels are
Multiphoton excitation of NO2
- Nanosecond experiments have suggested the
production of neutral NO, O(3PJ) and O(1D2) via
multiphoton excitation at visible wavelengths
well below the first dissociation limit (Grant
and co-workers, Shibuya et al. and Crowley and
co-workers ?pump 420-532 nm)
- Experiments in our laboratory have ruled out the
production of neutral O(1D2) via such pathways in
the weak field regime
- Neutral O(3PJ) has been observed with low kinetic
energies at excitation energies between 430 and
460 nm although the dissociation pathway of these
fragments is as yet unconfirmed
15- REMPI spectra have been recorded for NO fragments
in v 0-3 here both dissociation channels are
- Single photon dissociation dynamics occur via a
number of non-adiabatic surface crossings
resulting in a number of different dissociation
- Multiphoton dissociation dynamics primarily occur
via Rydberg states at pump energies close to the
first dissociation limit
- At lower excitation energies multiphoton visible
excitation produces low kinetic energy, neutral
- The highly coupled nature of the electronic
manifolds of NO2 results in a range of distinct
product channels making the system amenable to
time-domain pulse shaping experiments
16- REMPI spectra have been recorded for NO fragments
in v 0-3 here both dissociation channels are
Future work acknowledgements
- Time-resolved imaging of the atomic fragments
following UV or visible pumping - Pulse-shaping experiments with fs and ns probe
fields - Thanks,
- Professor Benjamin J Whitaker
- Nick Form, Panagiotis Kapetanopoulos and Dr Ivan
Anton Garcia - Dr Valerie Blanchet, Professor Godfrey Beddard,
Dr Marcelo Miranda, Dr Andrew Goddard and
Dr Mark Blitz - EPSRC for funding
This work has been sponsored by the