Title: Duniway Middle School
1Duniway Middle School
- Long Range Facility Planning
2Long Range Facility Task Force
- Current condition of school facilities
- Enrollment projections and demographic
information - High school Futures Report
- Key issues
- Input from parents, community members, staff and
- September - November 2004
- Architect report facility tour
- Enrollment report
- School informational meetings
- December 2004
- Preliminary report to school board
- February 14, 2005
- Final recommendations to school board
4McMinnville Capacity Facilities Study
Dull Olson Weekes Architects, Inc.
- Facility Assessment
- Site visits and documentation
- Review and input by district staff
- Prioritize recommended upgrades
- Capacity Assumptions
- Kindergarten 20 students/classroom
- Grades 1 5 25 students/classroom
- Middle School/High School 28 students/classroom
- Physical Education 40 students/classroom
6Duniway Middle School
- Capacity Summary
- Date of Original Construction 1993
- Enrollment (2003-2004) 603
- Capacity 809
- Items for Consideration
- None
7Duniway Middle School
8Duniway Middle School
- Facility Summary
- Grounds
- Minor irrigation and paving issues
- Materials Finishes
- EPDM roof should be replaced
- Roof repair needed at Covered Play
- New paint needed at concrete walls
- Wainscot at stairwells needs replacement
- Food Service
- Traffic pattern at serving line could be improved
- Code/Life Safety
- Interior signage does not meet ADA
- Building Systems
- HVAC system should be rebalanced
- Electric service has additional capacity
- Energy Lighting
- Occupancy sensors should be added to Classrooms
9Duniway Middle School
10McMinnville High School
- Capacity Summary
- Date of Original Construction 1957
- Enrollment (2003-2004) 1,713
- Capacity 1,226
- Items for Consideration
- Enlarge All Core Facilities
- Total or Partial Replacement of Facility
11McMinnville High School 210,520 square feet
12McMinnville High School
13Adams Campus
- Capacity Summary
- Date of Original Construction 1915
- Enrollment (2003-2004) Included with H.S.
- Capacity 358
- Items for Consideration
- Enlarge Cafeteria
14Adams Campus
15District Wide Summary
- Capacity Assessment
- Sufficient for current enrollment
- High School Limited Core and Elective
Facilities - Adams/Evans Potential for Special Programs
- Middle Schools Adequate Growth Capacity
16District Wide Summary
- Facility Assessment
- Well cared for
- Wide range in facility ages
- Deferred maintenance at all facilities
- Life safety, energy, code issues at older
facilities - High School Campus in greatest need of attention
17McMinnvilleEnrollment Projections
Judith A. Barmack, Ph.D.
18District Enrollment Summary
- Over the next five years, McMinnville School
District is forecast to add 481 students. - Enrollment expected to increase by 8.4 over
current year
19District Enrollment Summary
- Elementary Level
- Elementary will add most students 235
- Memorial and Wascher are expected to be the
districts growth leaders. - Grandhaven, Memorial and Wascher will be crowded.
20District Enrollment Summary
Optimum capacity based on architects data
21Duniway Enrollment Projections
22District Enrollment Summary
- High School Level
- The fastest growth will occur at this level.
- McMinnville HS enrollment will increase by
approximately 10 as larger classes arrive.
23District Enrollment Summary
Optimum capacity based on architects data
includes Adams and Evans campuses
24Questions and Answers