Title: Forward and Futures Contracts
1Forward and Futures Contracts
- Future Contracts call for the delivery of a
given quantity of currency at a given date in the
future, at a predetermined exchange rate. - Forward Contracts call for the delivery of a
given quantity of currency at a given date in the
future, at a predetermined exchange rate.
3A comparison
- Daily settlement of the margin account
- You need Swiss francs in one week, but are afraid
the franc will appreciate against the dollar. - On Friday, you buy one futures contract on the
Swiss franc (SFR 125,000) at US 0.75, maturing
next Thursday. - You hold the contract until maturity, and take
6Marking to market taking delivery
- Your margin account
- 625-1,500-1,6252,625750 875
- You paid 94,625 for the SFRs on the spot
- You received a net 875 on margin
- The SFRs cost only (94,625-875) 93,750,
which amounts to 0.75/SFR, the rate you locked
in at the beginning.
8Do you really need to take delivery?
- What if you took the offsetting position at
9(No Transcript)
- Due to marking-to-market, it makes no difference
from a cash flow point of view whether you take
delivery or take the offsetting position
11Profit from a futures/forward contract
- Long position Spot price - Settlement price
- Short position Settlement price - Spot price
12Forward/futures prices and expected spot prices
- Forward/futures prices are quoted by financial
institutions - Expected future spot prices cannot be directly
13Forward/futures prices and expected spot prices
- If, on average, hedgers go short and speculators
go long - f lt E(S)
- If, on average, hedgers go long and speculators
go short - f gt E(S)
14Relationship between spot and forward prices for
foreign exchange
- Assume two-year rates in the US and Canada are 7
and 5 respectively. The spot rate is USD 0.62.
The two-year forward rate USD 0.63.
15Arbitrage portfolio for an asset providing a
known yield/return
Arbitrage profit USD 16.6
Eventually, investors would drive down the
forward price and bid up the spot price of the
17Relationship between spot and forward/futures
prices for an investment asset providing a known
- F0 S0e(r-q)T
- Where q is the known yield/return provided by the
investment asset - q is the interest rate on the foreign currency.
- Forwards and futures are very similar
- Futures are standardized for trading on organized
exchanges - Futures are subject to marking-to-market.