Title: Program Analysis
1Program Analysis
- Mooly Sagiv
- http//www.math.tau.ac.il/sagiv/courses/pa.html
- Tel Aviv University
- 640-6706
- Sunday 18-21 Scrieber 8
- Monday 10-12 Schrieber 317
- Textbook Dataflow AnalysisKill/Gen Problems
- Chapter 2
2Kill/Gen Problems
- A simple class of static analysis problems
- Generalizes the reaching definition problem
- The static information consist of sets of
dataflow facts - Compute information on the history/future of
computations - Generate a system of equations
- Use union/intersection to merge information along
different control flow paths - Find minimal/maximal solutions
3The Reaching Definitions (Revisited)
- RDexit (l) (RDentry (l) - kill) ?gen
- assignments
- kill(x al) (x, l) l ? Lab
- gen (x al) (x, l)
- skip
- kill(skipl) ?
- gen (skipl) ?
- RDentry (l) ?l ?pred(l) RDexit(l)
- ?B?RD (RDentry (l) ) (RDentry (l) - kill(l))
5Front-End Information (Reaching Definitions)
- init(S) - The label that S begins
- final(S) - The labels that S end
- flow(S) - The control flow graph of S
- block(l) - The elementary block associated with l
- FV(S) - The variables used in S
- S- The analyzed program
6Flow Information in While
- initStm?Lab
- init(x al) l
- init(skipl) l
- init(S1 S2) init(S1)
- init(if bl then S1 else S2) l
- init(while bl do S) l
- finalStm?P(Lab)
- final(x al) l
- final(skipl) l
- final(S1 S2) final(S2)
- final(if bl then S1 else S2) final(S1)?
final(S2) - final(while bl do S) l
7Flow Information in While
- flowLab?P(Lab ?Lab)
- flow(x al) ?
- flow(skipl) ?
- flow(S1 S2) flow(S1) ? flow(S2) ?
(l, l) l
l init(S2) - flow(if bl then S1 else S2)
flow(S1) ? flow(S2) ?
(l, l) l init(S1)
? (l, l) l init(S2) - flow(while bl do S)
flow(S) ? (l, l) l init(S) ?
(l, l) l ?final(S)
8Elementary Blocks in While
- x al
- block(l) x al
- skipl
- block(l) skipl
- bl
- block(l) bl
9The System of EquationsReaching Definitions
10The Power Program
z 11 while xgt02 do ( z z x3 x
x - 14 )
11The System of Equations
z 11 while xgt02 do (z z x3 x x
- 14)
12Chaotic Iterations
for l ? Lab do RDentry(l) ? RDexit(l) ?
RDentry(init(S)) (x, ?) x ?FV(S) WL
Lab while WL ! ? do Select and remove an
arbitrary l ? WL if (temp !
RDexit(l)) RDexit(l) temp for l'
such that (l,l') ? flow(S) do
RDentry(l') RDentry(l') ? RDexit(l)
WL WL ? l
13Available Expressions
- The computation of a complex program expression e
at a program point l can be avoided if - e is computed on every path to l and none of its
arguments are changed - e is side effect free
- A simple example
- e can be saved in a temporary variable/register
- For simplicity only consider formal expressions
x ab1 y ab2 while y gtab3 do
( a a 14 x ab5)
14The Largest Conservative Solution
- It is undecidable to compute the exact available
expressions - Compute a conservative approximation
- We are looking for a maximal set of available
expressions - Example x a b1 while true2 do skip3
- Minimal set of missed expressions
- The problem is a must problem
- An expression e is available at l if e must be
computed on all the paths leading to l
15Front-End Information (Available Expressions)
- init(S) - The label that S begins
- final(S) - The labels that S end
- flow(S) - The control flow graph of S
- block(l) - The elementary block associated with l
- AExp(S) - The set of formal expressions in S
- FV(e) - The variables used in the expression e
- S- The analyzed program
16The System of EquationsAvailable Expressions
- ?B?AE (AEentry (l) ) (AEentry (l) - kill(l))
18An Example
x ab1 y ab2 while xgt03 do
( z z x4 x x - 15 )
19Chaotic Iterations
for l ? Lab do AEentry(l) AExp(S) AEexit(l)
AExp(S) AEentry(init(S)) ? WL
Lab while WL ! ? do Select and remove an
arbitrary l ? WL if (temp !
AExit(l)) AEexit(l) temp for l'
such that (l,l') ? flow(S) do
AEentry(l') AEentry(l') ? AEexit(l)
WL WL ? l
20Dual Available Expressions
- It is possible to compute available expressions
representing those expressions that may-not-be
available - An expression e is not-available at l if e
may-not be computed on some of the paths leading
to l - This is may problem
- The smallest set is computed
21The System of EquationsDual Available Expressions
22Backward(Future) Data Flow Problems
- So far we saw two examples of analysis problems
where we collected information about past
computations - Many interesting analysis problems we are
interested to know about the future - Hard for dynamic analysis!
23Liveness Data Flow Problems
- A variable x may be live at l if there may be an
execution path from l in which the value of x is
used prior to assignment - An Examplex 21 y 42 x 13
if ygtx4 then z y5 else z yy6
x z7 - Usage of liveness
- register allocation
- dead code elimination
- more precise garbage collection
- uninitialized variables
24The System of Liveness Equations
- x 21 y 42 x 13 if ygtx4
- then
- z y5
- else
- z yy6
- x z7
26Chaotic Iterations
for l ? Lab do LVentry(l) ? LVexit(l)
? for l ? final(S) do LVexit(l) ? WL
Lab while WL ! ? do Select and remove an
arbitrary l ? WL if (temp !
LVentry(l)) LVentry(l) temp for l'
such that (l,l) ? flow(S) do
LVexit(l') LVeexit(l') ? LVentry(l)
WL WL ? l
27Characterization of Dataflow Problems
- Direction of flow
- forward
- backward
- Initial value
- Control flow merge
- May(union)
- Must (intersection)
- Solution
- Smallest
- Largest
28Backward (Future)Must ProblemVery Busy
- An expression e is very busy at l if its value at
l must be used in all the paths from l - Example programif agtb1 then x b-a2 y
a-b3 else y b-a4 x a-b5 - Usage of Very Busy Expressions
- Reduce code size
- Increase speed
- Find the largest solution
29The System of Very Busy Equations
30Chaotic Iterations
for l ? Lab do VBntry(l) AExp(S) VBexit(l)
AExp(S) for l ? final(S) do VBexit(l)
? WL Lab while WL ! ? do Select and remove
an arbitrary l ? WL if (temp !
VBentry(l)) VBentry(l) temp for l'
such that (l,l) ? flow(S) do
VBexit(l') VBeexit(l') ?VBentry(l)
WL WL ? l
31Bit-Vector Problems
- Kill/Gen problems are also called Bit-Vector
problems - Y (X - Kill) ?Gen
- Yi(Xi ??Killi) ? Geni
- Every component can be computed individually(in
linear time)
32Non Kill/Gen Problems
- truly-live variables
- A variable v may be truly live at l if there may
be an execution path to l in which v is
(transitively) used prior to assignment in a
print statement - May be garbage (uninitialized)
- A variable v may be garbage at l if there may be
an execution path to l in which v is either not
initialized or assigned using an expression with
occurrences of uninitialized variables
33Non Kill/Gen Problems(Cont)
- May-points-to
- A pointer variable p may point to a variable q at
l if there may be an execution path to l in which
p holds the address of q - Sign Analysis
- A variable v must be positive/negative l if on
all execution paths to lv has positive/negative
value - Constant Propagation
- A variable v must be a constant at l if on all
execution paths to lv has a constant value
- Kill/Gen Problems are simple useful subset of
dataflow analysis problems - Easy to implement