Title: Vision and Road Map
1Vision and Road Map Proposed by the Host
Country INDIA Progress on Achieving the
2Vision and Road Map
- Proposed by INDIA
- Progress
- on
- Achieving the milestones
- A Road Map that sets out the actions that a
nation intends to implement with the
establishment of achievable benchmarks to be
pursued by all concerned government entities, and
other stakeholders. - template to be adapted by national authorities
and used to enable the nation to be as ready as
possible (by the end of 2008) both to control
HPAI and to contain and mitigate an influenza
pandemic. - Short Term Objectives
- Milestones Achieved/ In process
5Building commitments
- Highest Political commitment
- Regular Review by Agriculture Minister
- Regular Review By HFM
- Being integrated into national disaster
management structures - NCMC (Periodic Review)
- National Influenza Pandemic committee/ Inter
Ministerial Task force - Joint Monitoring Group
- Task Force in Ministry of Information and
Broadcasting for Communications - State Committees
6...Assessments knowing where we stand
- Identified short, medium and long-term needs in
the animal and human health sectors - Resource gaps identified in key sectors
- Surveillance (Human and Animal)
- Bio Security
- to address Cross border issues
- Managing human clusters
- IHR (2005),
- Clinical Management
- Logistics
- Communications
- Training
7...Assessments knowing where we stand
- Current legal instruments assessed and being
modified for enabling legislation and procedures
for implementation of national plans for
maintaining animal health, safeguarding human
health sector and undertaking disease
containment - Draft Public Health Act ( Replacement to Epidemic
Act) - Act under consideration for ensuring bio
security in farms.
8Surveillance and response watching, detecting,
confirming and responding
- Animal Disease Surveillance taken up as a part of
Integrated Disease Surveillance Project (IDSP)
under World Bank Project. - IDSP being strengthened for influenza
surveillance. - Active surveillance and response system for
detection of early human cases of influenza-like
illness ensured. - Compensation enhanced for culled poultries
- Rehabilitation package for the farmers
9Preparing the key to an effective response
- Operational plans for (i) immediate response to
and control of AI in poultry including reducing
risk of human exposure Being revised - Operational plan for rapid containment of early
human clusters being drafted - Pandemic Preparedness Plan being revised and
10Preparing the key to an effective
- State plans Being tested trough Table Top
Exercises. - Refresher Training for RRTs to cover the entire
country on regional basis. - Training for Clinicians initiated.
- Mock drills for Human cluster containment being
planned - Sensitization workshops for media persons Planned
11Biosecurity practices for the safe and healthy
rearing of livestock
- Policy for bio-security in poultry farms and
enabling legal provisions under consideration of
Dept of Animal husbandry. - Direct Contact Program for live Poultry Markets,
Backyard Poultry Farmers and other community
being implemented by MOHFW
12Public health ensuring human health security
- In all outbreak areas, isolation and critical
care facility ensured to manage human cases of
avian influenza - Stockpile of One million doses of Antivirals
ensured with understanding with Pharma companies
for further ensured supply. - Serum Institute of India- One of the laboratories
identified for vaccine manufacture. - 100 ventilators given to the states to strengthen
local critical care facility. A stockpile of
additional 100 ventilators and PPE being ensured.
13Public health ensuring human health security
- NIV, Pune earmarked as WHO Regional Reference
Laboratory - Capability of molecular characterization and
vaccine research ensured and for participating
in global monitoring of the character of
influenza viruses in the region and support the
global initiatives by UN and partners - Testing Facilities also ensured at NICD, Delhi
and NICED, Kolkata. - Three additional BSL-3 Labs being procured/
installed. - IDSP laboratory network being strengthened.
14Communication central defence against Avian and
Pandemic Influenza
- Knowledge, Attitude, Practice (KAP) Study
conducted in communities including live poultry
markets to know the social and cultural ethos. - Media strategy and contingency plan developed by
IB Ministry. - Communication campaign launched with UNICEF for
creating awareness through both print and visual
media. - Munna Murga Campaign one among the best rated
advertisement campaigns. - Material translated to 10 languages and being
sent to states for replication.
15Coordination the whole is better than the sum
of the parts
- Coordination between animal and public health and
other related sectors ensured through a process
of periodic regular meetings of the Joint
Monitoring Group. - Coordinating on regular basis with International
partners, UN Coordinator, WHO, UNICEF, FAO and