Title: Organizational%20Structures%20of%20Toll-Expressway%20Management%20in%20Europe
1Organizational Structures ofToll-Expressway
Management in Europe
Planning, Policy and Management of Transport and
Urban Infrastructure
- Group 2 GUAN Fang
- Hiroki Fujiwara
- LIU Yinghao
- Overview of expressway development and management
system in Japan - Overview of expressway development and management
system in some European countries - Comparison of Japan and European countries
- Discussion points
3- 1. Overview of expressway development and
management system in Japan
- General
- The Law, Law Concerning Special Measures for
Highway Construction in 1952, made it possible
to develop toll toads by using Treasury
Investments and Loans and by redeeming the loans
with toll revenues. - From 1956 to 1970, 4 public corporations was
established to undertake national toll road
development. - In 1972, the Japanese Government adopted a toll
revenue pooling system for the entire national
expressway system.
- Pooling System
- The pooling system is a form of
cross-subsidization, under which toll rates are
uniform for all of the routes and segments within
the network, regardless of the cost or traffic
level. - Toll Setting Principles
- Redemption principle
- Fairness and reasonability principle
6- 2. Overview of expressway development and
management system in some European countries
7Fundamental Data of major countries
items items Japan France Italy U.K. Germany
total length of expressways (03) total length of expressways (03) 7,187km 10,322km 6,487km 3,477km 12,037km
toll expressways in the total (03) 7,187km 7,720km 5,593km (43km) -
Rate of toll expressways Rate of toll expressways 100 74.8 86.2 (1.2) -
Name of expressways Name of expressways ??????? Autoroutes Autostrada Trunk Motorways Bundesautobahnen
Division of roles Division of roles
Planning Government Government Government Government Government
Construction Public corporations Concessionaires Concessionaires Government Provinces
Asset holdings Public corporations Concessionaires Concessionaires Government Provinces
Management Public corporations Concessionaires Concessionaires Government Provinces
- General
- Public administration about roads
- DFTR (the Ministry of Facilities, Transport
and Housing) - From 1955, toll road policy was started.
- Toll(03 JAN) 0.0686 euro/km (about 8.9 yen/km)
- (1/3 times as much as in Japan)
- The toll expressways are categorized into 2
types, Autoroutes and LACRA. - The toll expressways are operated by 10 entities
including both public corporations and companies.
Classification of Expressways
Classification of Expressways Toll or Free Operating body Percentage of the total length
LACRA (expressways inside a city) Free the Ministry of Facilities, Traffic and Housing 25.2
Autoroutes (intercity expressways) Free the Ministry of Facilities, Traffic and Housing 25.2
Autoroutes (intercity expressways) Toll Special public corporations (SEM) 74.8
Autoroutes (intercity expressways) Toll Private companies 74.8
11Financial Structure during 1960s
Subsidy 30-40
Toll 70-60
Financial Structure of Expressway in France(Data
Source World Bank, 1999)
- Toll Setting Principles
- Redemption principle
- Cost burden principle
- Reasonable traffic assignment (routes, time)
- The cross-subsidies system was within
corporations in the 1970s and among corporations
in the 1980s. - The strategy resulted in continuous expressway
network expansion and toll harmonization.
- 6 public corporations compose 3 pairs of
corporations. - SAPN-SANEF
- The toll revenue is pooled between the
corporations of the same pair.
- Examples 1
- Reasonable traffic assignment (time)
- At A1, which SANEF owns, time fluctuation system
about the toll is adopted.
Time Ratio to usual toll
1430 0
14301630 -25
16302030 25
20302330 -25
2330 0
Purpose To moderate the congestion by the
traffic from Belgium or Lille to Paris on Sunday
The tolls changed in time at A1 (Sunday)
- Examples 2
- Reasonable traffic assignment (routes)
- From 1995 1997, SAPRR did the toll adjustment
measure to moderate congestion.
A6 A5 A31
279km 360km
Usual tolls 82 franc 115 franc
Adjusted tolls 98 franc 48 franc
The adjusted tolls between Paris and Beaune (95)
A6 A5 A31
Homeward route With 84 16
Homeward route Without 96 4
Outward route With 81 19
Outward route Without 95 5
Ratio of traffic allocation (comparison between
with case and without case 95)
- General
- Public administration about roads
- ANAS (the Ministry of Infrastructure and
Transport) - In 1955, toll policy for expressway development
was implemented. - There were 25 toll motorway concessionaires.
- The large public company, Autostrade S.p.A.,
operates 56 of the toll expressways(World Bank,
1999). - Except Autostrade S.p.A., operators of toll
expressways are almost all in the operation form
of one-road-one-company.
- Entity Form of Expressways
- In north area,25 semi-corporations operate the
expressways. - In middle area, Expressways are operated by the
large corporation, Autostrade S.p.A. - In south area, Expressways are operated by ANAS
and free to attract local users.
Expressway Network
- Financial Structure in 1961
Subsidy 55
Toll 45
Financial Structure of Expressway in Italy(Data
Source World Bank, 1999)
- Toll Setting Principles
- User pay / Benefit principle
- Redemption principle
- Distance proportional
- Cross-subsidy
- Tolls for motorways operated by Autostrade S.p.A
are uniform. The expressways in mountain area
have higher toll rate than those in flat area. - A higher level cross-subsidy among different
corporations and companies. A special toll is
collected from the users of expressways by
Autostrade S.p.A. and used to provide assistance
to unprofitable semi-corporations. -
- Toll Rate of Autostrade S.p.A (lira/vehicle-km)
Vehicle Type Flat Area Flat Area Flat Area Flat Area Mountain Area Mountain Area Mountain Area Mountain Area
Vehicle Type Basic Toll Special Toll Additional Toll Total Basic Toll Special Toll Additional Toll Total
A 63.0 3.0 12.5 78.6 75.8 3.0 15.0 93.7
B 64.7 3.0 12.9 80.5 77.7 3.0 15.3 96.0
C 74.4 9.0 15.8 99.2 89.4 9.0 18.7 17.1
D 122.8 9.0 25.0 156.9 147.7 9.0 29.8 186.4
E 148.7 9.0 30.0 187.7 178.7 9.0 35.7 223.4
1 lira ? 0.0555 yen about 1/51/4 times as much
as in Japan
- Telepass Contactless Toll Collection
- Telepass system, which was innovated by
Autostrade S.p.A, is the first system in the
world for collection that does not require
drivers to stop. - The single lane teletoll system has been operated
since 1990. - This system are used throughout the network
managed by Autostrade itself and on 50 of the
Italian network managed by other concessionaires. -
22United Kingdom
- General
- Public administration about roads
- DFT (the Ministry of Transport), HA
(Highway Agency) - From 1937, general tax became the only source for
road construction and operation in UK. - In 1996, there was 3200km motorways in UK with
only 8km are tolled. Direct tolls have been
charged for very short road links, such as
bridges and tunnels. - In 2003, opening of the nations first toll
expressway(M6 toll) built by a private company.
23United Kingdom
Expressway Network
M6 (the road name in the West Midland)
24United Kingdom
- M6 toll is Britains first toll motorway.
- It was built to ease
- traffic and congestion
- through the West Midlands.
- General
- Public administration about roads
- BMVBW (the Ministry of Transport)
- From 1955, the large-scale expressway
construction was started, and the fuel tax was
the source for construction. - All expressways were free of charge.
- However, with the increase of heavy trucks of
other countries passing through Germany, from
1995 a special charge on these trucks has been
implemented. - In 2002, they decided the construction
- of the first toll expressway in the
- source of private fund.
Expressway Network Germanys position makes it
the hub of international truck traffic. ? heavy
investments in maintenance and expansion.
- OBU System (On Board Units)
- The governments decided to induce a
distance-based truck toll for all heavy vehicles
12 tons above. - OBU system is the satellite-supported free-flow
system, and used for positioning, monitoring and
billing. - OBU system calculates and collects tolls based on
the exact number of kilometers traveled on German
motorways. - OBU system does not require speed restrictions,
stopping, or use of a prescribed traffic lane.
28- 3. Comparison of Japan and European countries
29Comparison of Japan and Europe
Comparison about the Times when Expressways
2,976km (46)
The share of expressways built by1969
7,405km (64)
5,920km (90)
The share of expressways built from 1970 to 1999
3,502km (54)
4,110km (36)
639km (10)
30Comparison of Japan and Europe
items items Japan France Italy U.K. Germany
total length of expressways (03) total length of expressways (03) 7,187km 10,322km 6,487km 3,477km 12,037km
toll expressways in the total (03) 7,187km 7,720km 5,593km (43km) -
Rate of toll expressways Rate of toll expressways 100 74.8 86.2 (1.2) -
Toll (98 standard sized car) Toll (98 standard sized car) 27.8 yen/km 10.37 yen/km 8.48 yen/km - -
- Public Support
- Italy At the beginning about 2030, recently
about 30 of construction cost has been
subsidized by the government. - France At the beginning about 1060 of
construction cost was subsidized by the
governments. Recently, there was a case of a new
road construction that about 40 was supported. - Japan In 2000, about 10 of total construction
cost was subsidized by the government.
31Comparison of Japan and Europe
Recent Financial Structure of Japan, Italy
and France
Toll 90
Subsidy 10
Toll 60-70
Toll 70
Subsidy 30-40
Subsidy 30
- In contrast to Japan, some European countries
adopted diverse expressway-toll methods. For
example, damage to the road, ease of congestion,
the rationality of toll, etc are taken into
consideration. - Maybe the reasons of different organizational
structures of Toll-Expressway management among
European countries and Japan are the different
history, development of expressway, also
different financial structures, different
economical condition of different parts.