Bhagavad-Gita As It Is Chapter 4 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Bhagavad-Gita As It Is Chapter 4


How am I to understand that in the beginning You instructed ... Achyuta never forgets Himself. Lord never changes His body and thus never forgets, but living ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Bhagavad-Gita As It Is Chapter 4

Bhagavad-Gita As It IsChapter 4
  • Text 4-8
  • Mystry of Lords
  • birth and activities

Text 4
  • arjuna uväca
  • aparaà bhavato janma
  • paraà janma vivasvataù
  • katham etad vijänéyäà
  • tvam ädau proktavän iti
  • Arjuna said The sun-god Vivasvän is senior by
    birth to You. How am I to understand that in the
    beginning You instructed this science to him?
  • Krsna and Arjuna were friends of equal age and
    125 years old while on the battlefield of
  • Sun god Vivasvan is very senior by birth.
  • Arjunas question for people in general.
  • Krsnas statements most authoritative.

Text 5
  • çré-bhagavän uväca
  • bahüni me vyatétäni
  • janmäni tava cärjuna
  • täny ahaà veda sarväëi
  • na tvaà vettha parantapa
  • The Personality of Godhead said Many, many
    births both you and I have passed. I can remember
    all of them, but you cannot, O subduer of the

God is one without a second
  • advaitam acyutam anädim ananta-rüpam
  • ädyaà puräëa-puruñaà nava-yauvanaà ca
  • vedeñu durlabham adurlabham ätma-bhaktau
  • govindam ädi-puruñaà tam ahaà bhajämi
  • "I worship the Supreme Personality of Godhead,
    Govinda Kåñëa, who is the original
    personabsolute, infallible, without beginning.
    Although expanded into unlimited forms, He is
    still the same original, the oldest, and the
    person always appearing as a fresh youth. Such
    eternal, blissful, all-knowing forms of the Lord
    are usually not understood by even the best Vedic
    scholars, but they are always manifest to pure,
    unalloyed devotees."

Innumerable incarnations of Krsna
  • rämädi-mürtiñu kalä-niyamena tiñöhan
  • nänävatäram akarod bhuvaneñu kintu
  • kåñëaù svayaà samabhavat paramaù pumän yo
  • govindam ädi-puruñaà tam ahaà bhajämi
  • "I worship the Supreme Personality of Godhead,
    Govinda Kåñëa, who is always situated in
    various incarnations such as Räma, Nåsiàha and
    many subincarnations as well, but who is the
    original Personality of Godhead known as Kåñëa,
    and who incarnates personally also."

Difference between Lord and living being
  • Lord incarnates with His devotees.
  • Lord remembers everything but devotees not,
    however great they may be.
  • Achyuta never forgets Himself.
  • Lord never changes His body and thus never
    forgets, but living entity changes body.
  • Thus Lords position different from living being.

Text 6
  • ajo 'pi sann avyayätmä
  • bhütänäm éçvaro 'pi san
  • prakåtià sväm adhiñöhäya
  • sambhavämy ätma-mäyayä
  • Although I am unborn and My transcendental body
    never deteriorates, and although I am the Lord of
    all living entities, I still appear in every
    millennium in My original transcendental form.

Lords transcendental form
  • Remembering capacity.
  • Krsnas appearance in His own form never changes
    the form.
  • But still Lord of universe.
  • Never grows old in body or intelligence.
  • His appearance like Suns appearance.
  • His appearance is His causeless mercy on living
    beings, so that they can meditate on
    transcendental form of Lord.

Text 7-8
  • yadä yadä hi dharmasya glänir bhavati bhärata
  • abhyutthänam adharmasya tadätmänaà såjämy aham
  • pariträëäya sädhünäà vinäçäya ca duñkåtäm
  • dharma-saàsthäpanärthäya sambhavämi yuge yuge
  • Whenever and wherever there is a decline in
    religious practice, O descendant of Bharata, and
    a predominant rise of irreligionat that time I
    descend Myself. To deliver the pious and to
    annihilate the miscreants, as well as to
    reestablish the principles of religion, I Myself
    appear, millennium after millennium.

Purpose of Lords incarnation
  • såjämi means that the Lord manifests Himself as
    He is.
  • Only the Lord can manufacture a system of
    religion. dharmaà tu säkñäd bhagavat-praëétam
  • each and every avatära, or incarnation of the
    Lord, has a particular mission,
  • Mission - to lead people to God consciousness and
    obedience to the principles of religion.
  • It is not a fact that the Lord appears only on
    Indian soil. He can manifest Himself anywhere and
    everywhere, and whenever He desires to appear.
  • Different religion principles - higher and lower

Purpose definition of Incarnation.
  • Incarnation to destroy miscreants 4 kinds.
  • But mainly to protect devotees, like Prahlad or
    Devaki Vasudev.
  • "The avatära, or incarnation of Godhead, descends
    from the kingdom of God for material
    manifestation. And the particular form of the
    Personality of Godhead who so descends is called
    an incarnation, or avatära. Such incarnations are
    situated in the spiritual world, the kingdom of
    God. When they descend to the material creation,
    they assume the name avatära."

Different type of incarnations incarnation in
Kali Yuga.
  • There are various kinds of avatäras, such as
    puruñävatäras, guëävatäras, lélävatäras,
    çakty-äveça avatäras, manvantara-avatäras and
    yugävatärasall appearing on schedule.
  • Incarnation in Kali-Yuga as well Lord
  • Lord Chaitanya annihilates the evil tendencies
    through sankirtan movement, rather than killing
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