Title: The National Asthma Program
1The National Asthma Program
- Gregory O. Crawford, MSPH
- Deputy Branch Chief
- Daniel J. Burrows, M.S.
- Asthma Program Team Lead
- Air Pollution and Respiratory Health Branch
- National Center for Environmental Health
- 770-488-3700
2CDC Office of the Director
3APRHB Teams
- Air Pollution Team
- Evaluation and Community Interventions Team
- Asthma Epidemiology and Research Team
- Asthma Surveillance Team
- Asthma Program Team
4The Asthma Program Team
- Assists states in developing the capacity to
implement a public health asthma control program
5Asthma Program Mission
- Reduce the burden of asthma through effective
control of the disease - Reduce deaths, hospitalizations, ED visits,
school or work days missed, activity limitations
- Improving the timeliness and geographic detail of
asthma surveillance data - Developing and supporting the community/population
approach to reducing the burden of asthma - Developing the capacity of State Health
Departments to address asthma
7and by
- Supporting partners involved in reaching
individuals and communities at risk - Contributing to the knowledge base through
epidemiology and research
8- Burden of Asthma in the United States
9Asthma PrevalenceUnited States, 1980-2006
Source National Health Interview Survey
National Center for Health Statistics
10Asthma Mortality Rates and Number of Deaths
United States, 1979-2005
Source Underlying Cause of Death National
Center for Health Statistics Age-adjusted to
2000 U.S. population
11Asthma Hospital Discharges andRates United
States 1980 - 2005
Source National Hospital Discharge
Survey National Center for Health Statistics
First-listed diagnosis Age-adjusted to 2000
U.S. population
12Asthma Emergency Department Visits and Rates
United States, 1992 - 2004
Source National Hospital Ambulatory Care
Survey National Center for Health Statistics
First-listed diagnosis Age-adjusted to 2000
U.S. population
13- National Asthma Control Program Activities
14Supporting Non-Grantee States
- 1998 - Established State Asthma contacts
- Project Officer assigned to each state
- Provide programmatic technical assistance as
requested - Provide information mailings, email and asthma
listserv - Provide a conduit for states and grantees to
share information - Epi support is provided by branch staff
15Funded Health Departments
- 1998 - Surveillance Cooperative Agreements
established with limited number of states to help
define specific approaches to accessing asthma
data - 1999 - established Addressing Asthma from a
Public Health Perspective cooperative agreements
for capacity building/planning with four states
16Funded Health Departments
- Planning
- Develop asthma surveillance capacity
- Develop a statewide asthma partnership
- Develop a State Asthma Plan with asthma partners
17Funded Health Departments
- Implementation
- Expand asthma surveillance beyond mortality and
prevalence - Expand state asthma partnerships
- Implement interventions from the State Asthma
Plan - Evaluate program
18Current Funded Health Departments
- 2008 - 33 states, DC and Puerto Rico funded to
implement their asthma plans - 13.5 mil.
19 State and Territorial Health Departments
Part A Enhanced/Limited Implementation Part
B/Expanded Implementation
20Current Funded Health Departments
- Asthma Program Location in Funded Health
Departments - Chronic Disease
- Environmental Health
- Other
21Current Funded Health Departments
- Cooperative Agreement Components
- Surveillance
- State partnerships
- Science-based interventions
22APRHBs Role in Supporting States
- Project Officer and Epidemiologist assigned to
each grantee state - Provide programmatic technical assistance
- Monitor and assist with grant funding
- Provide a conduit for grantees to share
information - Conduct site visits listen and learn as well as
provide guidance
23Why We Do Asthma Surveillance
- Establish a baseline level against which to
measure trends or change - Focus effort in areas of greatest need
- Contribute to the evaluation of asthma control
24What is needed for asthma surveillance
- Prevalence estimates to define areas with
proportionately greater burden - Asthma control indicators to define areas with
greater need - Asthma management indicators to define areas in
need of specific interventions
25State Data Sets
- Mortality Vital Statistics
- BRFSS prevalence, measures of control,
management indicators - Hospitalization (most)
- ED visits (some)
- Other (Medicaid, YTS, YRBS)
26State Asthma Partnerships
- Why develop state partnerships?
- Complexity of asthma diagnosis, management, and
surveillance - Diverse and inclusive input for the development
of a state asthma plan - Crucial for implementation of the plan
- (CHEST - A Developmental Manual for Asthma
27State Asthma Partnerships
- Benefits of asthma partnerships
- Conservation of resources
- Faster implementation of programs
- Risk reduction
- Access to specialized sources
- Increased flexibility
- (CHEST - A Developmental Manual for Asthma
28State Plans and Interventions
- State asthma plans are developed by the HDs with
state asthma partners - The plans are implemented by the HD and state
asthma partners - Environmental interventions, interventions in
schools, health care provider trainings, case
management, and education for individuals,
families and others.
29Examples of Interventions
- Improving quality of asthma care
- Improving asthma management in school settings
- Policies on emissions controls
30 31National Asthma Education Program (NGOs)
- American Lung Association
- Allergy and Asthma Network Mothers of Asthmatics
- Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America
32Other APRHB Partnerships
- American Lung Association
- Asthma and Allergy Foundation
- Asthma Allergy Network/Mothers of Asthmatics
- The Environmental Protection Agency
- Controlling Asthma in American Cities Projects
- CDC National Center for Chronic Disease
- Division of Adolescent and School Health (DASH)
- Environmental Public Health Tracking
- CDC Steps to a Healthier US
- National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute
33Other APRHB Partnerships
- National Asthma Education and Prevention Program
Coordinating Committee (NAEPP) - Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)
- Health Resources Services Administration (HRSA)
- Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
- Allies Against Asthma
- Other CDC Centers, Institutes, and Offices
- Other state, community, non-governmental,
non-profit organizations
34FOA EH09-901Addressing Asthma from a
Public Health Perspective
35FOA EH09-901
- New Competitive Announcement
- Non-Research Projects
- 5-Year Project Period
- Budget begins September 1, 2009
36FOA 09-901 Eligible Applicants
- State Territorial Departments of Public Health
or their Bona Fide Agents - Federally or state- recognized American Indian /
Alaska Native tribal governments - Bona Fide Agents
37FOA 09-901 Eligibility
- Applicants must have
- State Asthma Plan
- Asthma Surveillance Report
- Established Partnerships
38FOA 09-901 Components
- Core Component
- Expanded Components (optional)
39FOA 09-901 Core
- Surveillance
- Partnerships
- Asthma Plan
- Focus interventions on disparate population
- Program Evaluation
- Sustainability
40FOA 09-901 Expanded
- Surveillance
- Disparities
- Interventions
41FOA 09-901
- PGO will notify grantees soon
- Funding begins on September 1, 2009
- Gregory O. Crawford, MSPH
- Deputy Branch Chief
- Daniel J. Burrows, M.S.
- Asthma Program Team
- Air Pollution and Respiratory Health Branch
- National Center for Environmental Health
- 770-488-3700