Title: European Interprofessional Education Network
1European Interprofessional Education Network
Learning together to work together
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Lära tillsammans för att arbeta tillsammans
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2Why a European IPE network?
- EIPEN is based on the UK Academy network model
and the Academy Triple Project - Colleagues identified interest in other EU
countries - 16 partners from universities and non-academic
institutions joined in from 6 EU countries - The aim is to develop a translational network of
universities and employers in order to promote
good practice in IPE in health and social care
3Who are we?
Higher Education Academy Subject Centres
led by Health Sciences and Practice based at
Kings College Social Policy and Social Work
(SWAP) Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary
Medicine (MEDEV) Centre for the Advancement of
Interprofessional Education (CAIPE) Creating an
Interprofessional Workforce Programme
(CIPW)(Dept. of Health) Steve Crane Consulting
SWEDEN Karolinska Institute,
Stockholm Centre for General Medicine, Karolinska
Institute. The Primary Health Care Board,
Stockholm County Council
HUNGARY Szechenyi Istvan University, Gyor United
Institute of Health and Social Care, Gyor
FINLAND The University of Oulu Department of
Mental Health Services, Oulu The Friends of the
Young Association, Oulu
POLAND Dept of Hygiene and Ecology,
Jagiellonian University, Krakow Occupational
Medicine Centre of the Malopolska Region
GREECE National and
Kapodistrian University of Athens The Greek
Health Informatics Association, Athens
4What have we done so far?
- EIPEN was launched in London last Autumn
- All partners have signed contracts and the first
payments have been received from the Leonardo da
Vinci fund - We have started circulating regular e-bulletins
- Swedish partners have created a central web
portal linked to partner sites which will be
launched 1st October 2006) - EIPEN has been promoted in conferences, workshops
and other events in all the partner countries - There are already new developments, including a
new interprofessional course in nutrition at
Jagiellonian University, Poland, and
interprofessional workshops in Gyor in Hungary. - We had our second successful Steering group
meeting in Athens May 26-27
5Obstacles and challenges
- Language
- Diversity of cultures
- Different practices and structures in health and
social care services across EU - Apparent differences in understanding of IPE
within the partnership - How can we learn from each other?
6Questions from the last Steering Group meeting
we would like to consult you about
- How can we develop a shared understanding about
what counts as innovatory in IPE? - How can we more meaningfully involve
non-academic partners?