Title: Statistics
meeting with the Commissions services
6 February 2008
2The WTO/TBT Agreement
(definitions, principles, etc)
3The TBT Agreement
- Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT
Agreement) - one of the 13 Multilateral Agreements on Trade in
Goods listed in Annex 1A to the WTO Agreement of
1994 - all WTO Members (currently 151) are parties to
the TBT Agreement
4The TBT Agreement
- Principles regarding the preparation
application of product-related requirements
(i.e. technical regulations, conformity
assessment procedures) - Transparency requirements and procedures
5The TBT Agreement
- Transparency requirements and procedures
- central notification authority and enquiry
point(s) (EC DG ENTR) - notification of proposed technical regulations
(TR) conformity assessment procedures (CAP) - information regarding TR CAP
6The TBT Agreement
- Main principles
- Non-discrimination
- Avoidance of unnecessary obstacles to trade
- Harmonization
7The TBT Agreement
- Non-discrimination
- Members shall ensure that in respect of
technical regulations, products imported from the
territory of any Member shall be accorded
treatment no less favourable than that accorded
to like products of national origin and to like
products originating in any other country. - (Art. 2.1 TBT Agreement)
- conformity assessment procedures are prepared,
adopted and applied so as to grant access for
suppliers of like products originating in the
territories of other Members under conditions no
less favourable than those accorded to suppliers
of like products of national origin or
originating in any other country - (Art. 5.1.1 TBT Agreement)
8The TBT Agreement
- Avoidance of unnecessary obstacles to trade
- Members shall ensure that technical regulations
are not prepared, adopted or applied with a view
to or with the effect of creating unnecessary
obstacles to international trade. For this
purpose, technical regulations shall not be more
trade-restrictive than necessary to fulfil a
legitimate objective - (Art. 2.2 TBT Agreement)
- conformity assessment procedures are not
prepared, adopted or applied with a view to or
with the effect of creating unnecessary obstacles
to international trade. This means, inter alia,
that conformity assessment procedures shall not
be more strict or be applied more strictly than
is necessary to give the importing Member
adequate confidence that products conform with
the applicable technical regulations or standards
- (Art. 5.1.2 TBT Agreement)
9The TBT Agreement
- Harmonization
- Where technical regulations are required and
relevant international standards exist or their
completion is imminent, Members shall use them,
or the relevant parts of them, as a basis for
their technical regulations except when such
international standards or relevant parts would
be an ineffective or inappropriate means for the
fulfilment of the legitimate objectives pursued - (Art. 2.4 TBT Agreement)
- In cases where a positive assurance is required
that products conform with technical regulations
or standards, and relevant guides or
recommendations issued by international
standardizing bodies exist or their completion is
imminent, Members shall use them, or the
relevant parts of them, as a basis for their
conformity assessment procedures, except where,
such guides or recommendations or relevant
parts are inappropriate for the Members concerned
- (Art. 5.4 TBT Agreement)
10Notification of draft Community
11Notification procedure
Whenever a relevant international standard /
guide or recommendation does not exist or the
technical content of a proposed technical
regulation / conformity assessment procedure is
not in accordance with the technical content of
relevant international standards / guides or
recommendations, and if the technical regulation
/ conformity assessment procedure may have a
significant effect on trade of other Members,
Members shall notify other Members through
the Secretariat of the products to be covered by
the proposed technical regulation / conformity
assessment procedure, together with a brief
indication of its objective and rationale.
(Art. 2.9.2 / Art. 5.6.2 TBT Agreement)
12What needs to be notified ?
- Technical regulations
- and
- Conformity assessment procedures
- if
- a relevant intl standard /guide does not exist
- or
- draft measure not in accordance with intl
standard / guide -
- significant effect on trade
13What needs to be notified ?
- Technical regulation
- Document which lays down product characteristics
or their related processes and production
methods, including the applicable administrative
provisions, with which compliance is mandatory.
It may also include or deal exclusively with
terminology, symbols, packaging, marking or
labelling requirements as they apply to a
product, process or production method. (TBT
Agreement, Annex 1, para 1) -
14What needs to be notified ?
- Technical regulation
- document which lays downproduct
characteristicsor their related processes and
production methodswith which compliance is
mandatory -
15What needs to be notified ?
- Conformity assessment procedure
- Any procedure used, directly or indirectly, to
determine that relevant requirements in technical
regulations or standards are fulfilled.(TBT
Agreement, Annex 1, para 3) -
16What needs to be notified ?
- Examples TR
- ban/restriction on the use of certain substances
- labelling or packaging requirements (e.g.
foodstuffs, cosmetics) - safety requirements for specific goods (cars,
toys, commodities etc.) - Examples CAP
- certification (e.g. type approval prior to the
placing on the market) - requirement for specific testing methods
17What needs to be notified ?
- not to be notified (voluntary) standards
- Document approved by a recognized body, that
provides, for common and repeated use, rules,
guidelines or characteristics for products or
related processes and production methods, with
which compliance is not mandatory. (TBT
Agreement, Annex 1, para 2) - NB if regulatory act renders the specifications
of a standard mandatory ? technical
regulation -
18What needs to be notified ?
- significant impact on trade
- import-enhancing or import-reducing effects
- value / importance of import in respect of
importing or exporting country - potential growth of imports
- difficulties for producers in other countries to
comply with requirements -
19What needs to be notified ?
- Community measures
- regulations / directives / decisions of the
Council and European Parliament - implementing measures of the Commission
(regulations, directives, decisions), e.g. ATPs,
emergency measures under the GPSD etc.
20What needs to be notified ?
Community measures
21What needs to be notified ?
22At what moment ?
- notifications shall take place at an early
appropriate stage, when amendments can still be
introduced and comments taken into account - (Art. 2.9.2 / Art. 5.6.2 TBT Agreement)
- texts still at a draft stage
- period for comments min. 60 days, if possible
90 days - (Recommendation of the WTO/TBT Committee)
23At what moment ?
1. Proposals for a regulation / directive /
decision of the Council and European
Parliament ? after adoption by the Commission,
e.g. COM(2008)49 final 2. Implementing measures
of the Commission ? after agreement of services
on a draft text (and communication to the Member
24At what moment ?
- Consequence for planning of operational units
- CIS (interservice-consultation) regarding
notification - separate (additional 2-3 weeks) or
- combined with CIS on draft measure (no
additional time) -
25Combined CIS on draft measure and TBT notification
- Simplifying and speeding up the procedure
- CIS for the text of the draft measure should
mention in the cover note the subsequent TBT
notification, e.g. - I would also like to inform you that the draft
measure is subject to the WTO-TBT Agreement and
thus subject to a notification to the WTO." - Cc DG ENTR/C3
- (if not separate CIS for TBT notification)
26Combined CIS on draft measure and TBT notification
Operational unit
Final stage of preparation of a draft legal act
containing technical regulations or conformity
assessment procedures
Examination if draft measure is subject to
notification under TBT Agreement
CIS for 1) draft measure 2) TBT notification (DG
ENTR and DG Trade always to be consulted)
Copy of CIS note to be sent to ENTR/C-3
After termination of CIS
If no comments
Information of ENTR/C-3
Examination of comments regarding TBT
if comments on TBT notification
If comments on draft measure and amendment of
its text
Communication of revised text to ENTR/C-3
Completion of notification form Operational unit
and ENTR/C3
Notification to WTO
27How to notify ?
- Notification format
- Information about
- responsible authority
- products covered
- description of content and rationale of proposed
measure - proposed date of adoption / entry into force
- final date for comments
28How to notify ?
29Risks of failure to notify
No sanctions under TBT Agreement (but general WTO
DSU) trading partners may raise concerns
(bilaterally or within TBT Committee) trade
dispute exporters not aware of new requirements
30Reaction to notifications of third
31Reaction to notifications of third countries
- Importance of analysis
- - prevent barriers to trade
- - facilitate EC exports
- Role of DG ENTR, unit C3
- - EC Notification and Enquiry point of EC
- - receives third country notifications via data
base - - informs Commission services concerned
- - stakeholders are alerted through the TBT data
base - - prepares in cooperation with services
concerned comments on 3rd country notifications
32Reaction to notifications of third countries
33Reaction to notifications of third countries
34Reaction to notifications of third countries
35Reaction to notifications of third countries
- Assessment of notifications from 3rd countries
- compatibility with TBT Agreement
- - National treatment (non-discrimination), Art.
2.1 - - Avoidance of unnecessary obstacles to
international trade (reasonableness,
proportionality with regard to legitimate
objective pursued), Art. 2.2 and 2.3 - - Respect of international standards, Art. 2.4
- - Equivalence, Art. 2.7
- impact on European exports
- input from Commission/Member States/stakeholders
(expert services, delegations, ministries of
trade/industry, European trade
federations/associations etc.)
36Reaction to notifications of third countries
- Written comments on behalf of the EC
- Drafting comments (DG ENTR/C.3 and services
concerned) - ISC (LS, SG, DG Trade and other services
concerned) - Sending comments to the notifying Enquiry Point
- Dialogue
- Further discussion at TBT Committee meetings
37Reaction to notifications of third countries
38Reaction to notifications of third countries
- Some success stories
- G/TBT/N/TPKM/3334 labelling requirements for
textiles - G/TBT/N/QAT/11 marking of tyres
- G/TBT/N/CHE/3967 particle emissions from
diesel engines - G/TBT/N/PHL/60,6377 standard for ceramic
tiles - G/TBT/N/COL/58 requirements for tyres
- G/TBT/N/IND/28 quality control of pressed
ceramic tiles
39TBT contact points in other DGs
40The EC-TBT electronic tools
41The EC-TBT electronic tools WHY ?
Number of notifications / EC comments
42The EC-TBT electronic tools a brief history
43The EC-TBT electronic tools overview
44The EC-TBT electronic tools website statistics
Number of searches (average 620/month)
45The EC-TBT electronic tools mailing list
263 subscribers (05/02/2008)
46The EC-TBT management application
- accessible to the services of the Commission
upon request by e-mail ec-tbt_at_ec.europa.eu - access to the state of play/history of the file
and to useful documents which are not visible on
the Internet site. -
47The EC-TBT website
- public access
- shares the same database as the management
application(access to certain documents is
however restricted) - alert system for economic operators and other
interested parties - monthly review of the activity of the EC-TBT
notification and enquiry point - privileged access for Member States and for
services (useful for missions)
- EC-TBT management application
http//tbtgestion.app.entr.cec.eu.int - request a login/password at ec-tbt_at_ec.europa.eu
- EC-TBT website http//ec.europa.eu/enterprise/t
DG Trade website http//ec.europa.eu/trade/issu
es/sectoral/tbt/index_en.htm WTO
website http//www.wto.org/english/tratop_e/tbt_e/
49Link with the notification
procedure established by Directive 98/34/EC
50The TBT Agreement and Directive 98/34/EC - Links
- Same philosophy
- Prevention of barriers to trade
- Transparency
- Dialogue
- but different concepts
- Technical regulations
- Conformity assessment proc.
- Significant impact on trade
51The TBT Agreement and Directive 98/34/EC - Links
- Procedure formal link
- Mention in 98/34 notif. message
- Reasons to be stated by MS
- Remind MS of their obligations
- Practical issues
- Particular situation EU/EFTA/Turkey
- Examples of double notifications
- Translations at your disposal
Point 16