Title: LifeCycle Performance R
1Life-Cycle PerformanceRD and Standardization
- Wolfram Trinius, PhD
- Christer Sjöström, Prof.
- Building Materials Technology
- Centre for Built Environment
- Gävle University, Sweden
2W. Trinius Background
- Standardization
- Chairing WGs
- CEN TC350 WG2Description of the Building Life
Cycle - ISO TC59/SC17/WGSustainability in Building
Construction - General Principles and Terminology - ISO TC59/SC14/WG6Service Life Planning -
Procedure for considering environmental impacts
ISO 15686-6
- PhD on LCA
- Mistra Sustainable Building
- IEA Annex 31
- Environmental assessment
- Brite EuRam BE7840
- Towards EPD
- SETAC EuropeLCA in Building Construction
- PeBBu
- Life Performance
- LCC model
- German Fed. Department of Construction
- Stand-Inn
- Smart-Eco
3Life-Cycle Performance - a key aspect in
- requirement setting
- performance-based building
- service life planning
- life cycle management systems
- construction products directive
- energy performance of buildings directive
- Commissions FP priorities
- sustainable building policies
4International Standardization...
- is a consensus-building process
- is a participatory process
- relates to other standards (ISO) and directives
or policies (CEN) - harmonizes existing approaches
- is performance based rather than prescriptive
- gives companies a reliable business environment
- ISO SC14, SC17 and CEN TC350 standards aim to
enable the exchange of service life and
sustainability information related to
internationally traded products and services
5Pre- and Co-normative RD
- advance the subject field while international
harmonization is ongoing - embedded in standardization activities
- feed into standardization process
- apply - develop - re-supply
6Recent and Current Projects
- CEN TG Durability
- CEN TC350
- ISO TC59 SC14
- ISO TC59 SC17
- IAI (IFC model)
- WoodAssess
- PeBBu
7Common basis in standards
- describe - quantify - assess
- interpretation of impacts in relation to
identified performance requirements - life cycle perspective
- service life as temporal reference frame
- modular structure to allow methodology as well as
information integration (IFC)
8key-concern definitions
- life cycle consecutive and interlinked stages of
the object of consideration - period of analysis length of time over which an
object is analyzed - service life period of time after installation
during which a building or its parts meet or
exceed the performance requirements - performance expression relating to the magnitude
of a particular aspect of the object of
consideration relative to specified requirements,
objectives, targets or a combination thereof.
9ISO 15686-6
Clients Brief
Initial Design Process
Detailed Design Process
Design Construction Documents
Analysis of Constraints and Potentials
Technical Assessment
Performance require-ments
Economic Assessment
Environmental Assessment
10Performance-based building
Demand of Performance (requirements)
Supply of Performance (functionality)
Service Life Planning
Initial Performance
Performance over time
Declaration and Assessment
11CEN TC350
integrated building performance
environmental performance
social performance
economic performance
technical performance
description of the building life cycle
assessment of environmental performance
assessment of health comfort performance
assessment of life cycle costs
- PCR for EPDs,
- use of EPDs,
- communication of EPDs
generic data
12besides durability life-performance RD needs
- requirement setting
- requirement model - development over time
- balancing of requirements and objectives from
different origins
- translation of requirements from building level
to object level - link between requirements and functional
equivalence / functional unit
- Prof. Christer Sjöströmchrister.sjostrom_at_hig.se
- Dr. Wolfram Triniuswolfram.trinius_at_hig.se