Title: Calibration MINOS and Minerva
1Calibration (MINOS and Minerva)
2MINOS Calibration Requirements
- Studies were done of the calibration necessary to
extract Dm2 and sin22q from nm CC events with
10 precision - Energy calibration ND vs. FD consistent to 2
- Absolute energy 5
En,cc Ehad_shower Em
3Energy reconstruction in MINOS
- ADC ? light
- PMT gain singles data or low-light runs with
light-injection (LI) system - Gain changes LI drift-point calibration
- Linearity of PMTs readout LI system charge
injection (for PIN) - Electronics calibration (pedestals linearity)
- Light ? MIP Units
- Attenuation correction, from production mapping
of scintillator - Strip-to-strip calibration with cosmic muons
- Path-length corrections to establish MIP energy
scale - Near-far differences must be corrected with
cosmic muons - MIP Units ? Hadron energy
- From the calibration detector (1m x 1m
replica of the MINOS detector) -
4MINOS Light Injection System
- The MINOS light injection system has 4 main
purposes - To linearize the response of the PMT /
electronics - To monitor short timescale drifting of the
response - To accurately determine the position of the
single photoelectron peak - Is everything plugged in?
5LI system Basics
Light from ultra-violet LEDs illuminates up to 70
fibers in a pulser box. Light is transported to
the light injection manifold where it is
dispersed uniformly over 8-10 WLS fibers.
Scintillator module
Pulser box (UV LEDs)
Light injection manifold
Calibrates the PMT /electronics chain, but not
the scintillator/ fiber.
Linear PIN diode (stable to 0.5 over several
months. Charge injection system linearizes the
readout electronics for the PIN)
6Linearizing PMT / Electronics
- Linearizing PMT / electronics response
- Light is injected over a range of intensity. PIN
diode monitors the light output and is used to
convert the ADC scale to light. - Full LI runs are taken on the order of once a
72 Drifting in response
- CR rate at the far detector is only 500 / strip /
month. - LEDs are flashed at a constant height every hour.
From CalDet (R. Nichols)
8Minerva Calibration
- In my opinion the important first task is
defining the calibration requirements imposed on
us by our physics mission - Calibrate Electronics, scintillator/fiber
system, timing, B-field, single particle
response. - I am assuming we will require a test beam run in
e/p/p/m beams from several hundred MeV to a few
9Minerva Calibration
- I am assuming we will require a test beam run in
e/p/p/m beams from several hundred MeV to a few
GeV. - Where?
- When?
- What subsystems?
For MINOS, hadron comparisons to GHEISHA,
10Calibration Detector (2 GeV)
11Calibration Detector
12Minerva Calibration
- One clear physics strength
- is particle ID.
- Requires good absolute
- calibration of the strips
- as well as good strip to
- strip calibration.
- Repeat Daves previous studies
- to determine our requirements on
- strip to strip calibration?
13Calibration Discussion
- From a quick calculation the muon rates seen by
Minerva in the near hall are approximately - 400k beam muons / month
- 500k stopping CR muons / month
- 6k CR hits / strip / month
- Muon rates are probably sufficient to monitor
gain drifts. - What will we use muons to calibrate?
- Strip positions (need to know at mm level)
- Strip-to-strip calibration
- Attenuation correction for full strip after fiber
insertion? - What timescale will be necessary.
14MINOS m light output
Large corrections are also related to the
attenuation in the fiber.
15Calibration in Assembly - MINOS
5mCi Cs-137 (662keV g) Determine Light
output Strip position to 1mm
16Module Mapper Results
- Tests EVERY strip
- Both ends
- 8cm steps
- Maps light output, reproducible to 1
- 40 minutes/module
17Module Uniformity
11 Variation (s) with over 90 of Production
179,000 Strip Ends Completed Only 290 show any
damage lt0.2