Title: Wind energy And comparison with other Renewable energy resources
1Wind energy And comparison with other
Renewable energy resources
- Renewable Energy Course
- Supervisor Prof. Göran Wall
Setareh Janbakhsh Oct. 2006
2Table of contents
- 1- Leader renewable energy resources
- 2- Main characteristics of different technologies
- 3- Policies, Economics, Social Considerations and
Environment - 4- Global leaders in renewable energy resources
- 5- Resource availability
- 6- Installed capacity capital cost
- 7- Operation and maintenance cost (OM)
- 8- Specific daily delivered electricity/specific
capital cost - 9-Life-Cycle Cost of Energy
- 10- Environment consideration
31- Leaders renewable energy resources
- 1-1 Wind Energy
- 1-2 Biomass Energy
- 1-3 Geothermal Energy
- 1-4 Hydro Energy
- 1-5 Solar Energy
41-1 Wind Energy
- Wind energy is today the most rapidly developing
renewable energy in the world - 1- offshore technology
- reduced turbulence at sea
- Low visual disturbance and noise
- Maintenance and repair of the turbines is more
difficult and expensive than on-shore - 2- onshore technology
- 1-2 Biomass
- Biomass can be divided into four subcategories
- wood
- animal dung
- solid industrial waste
- landfill biogas
- Heat from biomass
- Electricity from biomass
- Heat and Power installations (CHP) Within the
range of about 50-80 MWe , electrical
efficiencies of 30-40 - gasification/combined cycle systems (BIG/CC)
high electrical efficiency conversion
efficiencies up to 40 are possible on a scale of
about 30 MWe - gasifiers coupled to diesel/gas engines
51-3 Geothermal Energy
- Creating pockets of higher temperature resources
at easily accessible depths
- Geothermal power generation technologies
- Dry Steam Plants
- Produce energy for vapour-dominated (typical unit
capacity of 35 120 MWe ) - Flashed Steam Plants
- Produce energy from liquid-dominate (Typical
units have a capacity of 10 55 MWe) - Binary-Cycle Plants
- For low-enthalpy resources
- Combined Cycle Plants
- The plants independent of climate and seasons.
and can be operated 24 hours a day.
1-4 Hydro Energy -The main civil works of a
hydro development are the dam. -Many rivers and
streams are well suited to small hydro-power
installations (lt10 MWe capacity) -New small
hydro developments are usually run-of-river
61-5 Solar Energy
- Solar heat
- Low-temperature thermal solar
- Consists of a solar collector, a thermal storage
and the necessary distribution systems. - Solar heat pumps
- are used to convert the energy available in
solar-heated ambient air into useful low
temperature heat. - Solar architecture
- Designing the houses to reduce energy consumption
for space heating, lighting - Solar electricity
- Photovoltaic (PV)
- Solar energy is the direct conversion of sunlight
into electricity ,The solar modules used are a
number of solar cells connected in series - The typical flat-plate modules achieve
efficiencies between 10 15. - Solar thermal-electric
- Thermal Parabolic Dish (can achieve an electric
efficiency of 10 )
72-Main Characteristics of Different
Category Conversion System Scale Range, MWe Efficiency, Availability
Biomass Combustion/stand alone 20.0 100.0 2040 (elect.) climate dependent
Biomass Combustion/CHP 0.1 10.0 60100 (HP) climate dependent
Biomass Co-Combustion 5.0 20.0 3040 (elect.) climate dependent
Biomass Gasification/Diesel Turbine 0.1 1.0 1525 (elect.) climate dependent
Biomass Gasification/Gas Turbine 1.0 10.0 2530 (elect.) climate dependent
Biomass Gasification/BIG/CC 30.0 100.0 4055 (elect.) climate dependent
Biomass Digestion/Wet Biomass Up to several 1015 (elect.) climate dependent
Wind Modern wind turbines 5.0 Highly variable, weather dependent ( load factor 23)
Geothermal Dry Steam Plants 35.00 120.0 1025 (elect.) Constant (capacity factor over 90)
Geothermal Flashed Steam Plants 10.00 - 55.0 1025 (elect.) Constant (capacity factor over 90)
Geothermal Binary Cycle Plants 0.25 130.0 1025 (elect.) Constant (capacity factor over 90)
Geothermal Combined Cycle Plants 10.00 130.0 1025 (elect.) Constant (capacity factor over 90)
Hydro Run-of-River 0.1 - 14,000.0 80-93 (elect) Hydrology dependent (capacity factor 40-90)
Hydro Reservoir storage 1.0 - 18,000.0 80-93 (elect) 20-90 utilisation factor (peaking and baseload)
Solar Photovoltaic (PV) 0.05 1.00 kWp 1015 (elect.) Daily, , weather dependent
Solar 0.50 5.00 kWp
Solar 10 kWpseveral MWp
Solar Thermal SPPP Parabolic trough Dish - Stirling lt5 ???100.0 5.0
83- Policies, Economics, social considerations and
- Technology Specific Barriers and Success
Success Factors Success Factors Barriers Barriers
-Sites with sufficient wind-potential -Political will to introduce subsidies -Sites with sufficient wind-potential -Political will to introduce subsidies Lack of good wind conditions Lack of good wind conditions
Developing Countries Developed Countries Developing Countries Developed Countries
Hybrid solutions suitable for rural electrification - Limited sites onshore
Heavy dependence on imported energy resources
Available offshore sites
Lack of financial resources to subsidise wind
Success Factors Success Factors Barriers Barriers
-Clean, distributed power solutions -Thermal electric technologies success for larger solar stations -Vast roof area available Energy security -Clean, distributed power solutions -Thermal electric technologies success for larger solar stations -Vast roof area available Energy security -Low energy density -Costs of solar PV electricity considerably higher than other renewable sources, high capital costs, long payback periods for Solar Heating -Low energy density -Costs of solar PV electricity considerably higher than other renewable sources, high capital costs, long payback periods for Solar Heating
Developing Countries Developed Countries Developing Countries Developed Countries
For solar heating high growth rates in combination with shortage -Low maintenance requirements -High reliability systems For Solar Heating -High costs, low availability of PV electricity For Solar Heating -Lack of financial capability to subsidise renewable energy projects Not cost effective for grid electrical power for Solar Heating
9Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro Hydro
Success Factors Success Factors Barriers Barriers Barriers
Renewable energy source No GHG emissions during operation Widely distributed around the word Renewable energy source No GHG emissions during operation Widely distributed around the word High upfront investment High upfront investment High upfront investment
Renewable energy source No GHG emissions during operation Widely distributed around the word Renewable energy source No GHG emissions during operation Widely distributed around the word Developing Countries Developed Countries Developed Countries
Renewable energy source No GHG emissions during operation Widely distributed around the word Renewable energy source No GHG emissions during operation Widely distributed around the word lack of water resource Best sites have already been developed Best sites have already been developed
Success Factors Success Factors Barriers Barriers Barriers
Quantities of potential geothermal resource. Quantities of potential geothermal resource. - Early development and production difficulties - Drilling technology difficulties - Early development and production difficulties - Drilling technology difficulties - Early development and production difficulties - Drilling technology difficulties
Developing Countries Developed Countries Developing Countries Developing Countries Developed Countries
Over 620 million people in 39 developing countries could be 100 supplied by geothermal power zero pollution energy resource Financing constraints due to high up-front costs Financing constraints due to high up-front costs Small resources with minor influence of nations energy
Biomass Biomass Biomass Biomass
Success Factors Success Factors Barriers Barriers
-Distributed energy production -Private sector involvement in deploying bio energy -Distributed energy production -Private sector involvement in deploying bio energy -Bio energy is very land-intensive -variety of technological solutions -Bio energy is very land-intensive -variety of technological solutions
Developing Countries Developed Countries Developing Countries Developed Countries
Service to rural households Distributed energy resource Not modern enough Small-scale resources, difficulty in creating economies of scale
104- Global leaders in renewable energy resources
Main Countries with Renewable Energy
Hydro Solar Geothermal Wind Biomass
Canada Australia US EU Scandinavia New Zealand US Japan Australia Germany Italy US Japan Italy Austria Germany Australia Canada France Coastal and mountainous locations practically in all countries US Japan Germany Scandinavia Australia and practically in every country Developed Countries
Russia China Europe India(solar irradiation widely distributed) China India Mexico Russia Coastal and mountainous locations practically in all countries Brazil Russia and practically in each country Developing Countries and Economies in Transition
115-Resource availability
Renewable in Energy Markets1
Biomass Wind Geothermal Solar Hydro
Developed Countries off-grid distant communities X X X X X
Developed Countries off-grid in-house electricity X X X
Developed Countries off-grid stand-alone power X
Developed Countries grid base load X X
Developed Countries grid intermediate load X
Developed Countries grid hybrid systems X X X X X
Developing countries off-grid cooking and heating X X X
Developing countries off-grid small base load X X X
Developing countries grid base load X X X
- In developed countries (grid ) geothermal, hydro
are capable of contributing continuous energy
input to the baseload, while biomass will feed
the Intermediate load and solar and wind the peak
load - In developed countries (off grid )all renewable
resources can be deployed . - In developing countries (off grid ) geothermal,
modern biomass , hydro can generate the base
load,. Solar and wind sources are suitable as
basic off-grid power resources - In developing countries (grid ) today powered
mostly by fossil-fuelled power plants or by large
hydropower. The base load can also be provided
by geothermal energy and modern biomass.
126- Installed Capacity Capital Cost
Summary of Installed Capacity Costs for
Category Category Installed Capital Cost (US/kW installed)
Biomass Energy crops 2,900
Wind Landfill 900 1,000
Wind Onshore 900 1,200
Wind Offshore 1,600
Geothermal Geothermal 2,000 2,500
Solar Solar thermal power 2,900
Solar PV 22,000 35,000
Hydro Hydro 1,500 3,500
It includes all planning, design, equipment
purchase, and construction and installation costs
for a turnkey plant, ready to operate.
Cost of Delivered Power1
Category Cost of Delivered Power US /kWh
Biomass 3.0 - 8.5
Wind 4.5 6.5
Geothermal 3.0 8.0
Solar 17.0
Hydro 2.0 8.0
The wind energy industry has made progress in
decreasing costs to become economically viable
. Geothermal energy is already economically
viable and can compete in the electricity markets
as is hydro and some types of biomass . Solar
energy can be acceptable where other
alternatives are for some reason unattractive or
not feasible
138-Specific daily delivered electricity/specific
capital cost
Specific Daily Delivered Electricity/Specific
Capital Cost 5
The specific power curve and how it is combined
with daily energy production produces comparative
data indicating the specific daily delivered
electricity per kW installed. The specific
capital cost is the cost to procure, install and
make ready generating capacity that will generate
a kWh per year.
147-Operation and Maintenance OM
- The OM cost element includes other routine
costs - property and other taxes
- land-use payments
- insurance
- transmission access and other fees
Typical OM Ratio 6
OM Ratio Category Category
1.0 - 3.0 Biomass
2.5 - 4.5 Onshore Wind
3.5 - 5.5 Offshore Wind
2.0 - 3.0 Geothermal
1.0 - 2.5 solar thermal power Solar
1.5 - 2.5 PV Solar
1.5 - 3.0 Hydro
159-Life-Cycle Cost of Energy
Life-cycle cost of energy incorporates all
elements Installed capital cost Cost of
capital Cost of OM over the life of the
installation Cost of major overhauls and
subsystem replacement Fuel costs
- Typical Payback Time on Investments in Renewable
Energy Projects2 - (Based on 5 for 20 years)
Years Category Category
5 - 10 Onshore Wind
10 - 15 Offshore Wind
4 - 10 Geothermal Geothermal
12 - 15 Solar thermal Solar thermal
10 - 30 Hydro Hydro
1610-Environment Consideration
CO2 Emissions from Different Power Generating
CO2 emissions at various energy production stages (tonnes per GWh) CO2 emissions at various energy production stages (tonnes per GWh) CO2 emissions at various energy production stages (tonnes per GWh) CO2 emissions at various energy production stages (tonnes per GWh) CO2 emissions at various energy production stages (tonnes per GWh)
Technologies Fuel Extraction Construction Operation Total
Conventional coal-fired plant 1 1 962 964
Fluidized Bed Combustion plant 1 1 961 963
Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle plant 1 1 748 751
Oil-fired plant - - 726 726
Gas-fired plant - - 484 484
Ocean thermal energy conversion N/a 4 300 304
Geothermal steam plant lt1 1 56 57
Small hydropower N/a 10 N/a 10
Boiling water reactor (Nuclear power plant) -2 1 5 8
Wind energy N/a 7 N/a 7
Photovoltaic N/a 5 N/a 5
Solar thermal N/a 3 N/a 3
Wood (sustainable harvest) 1509 3 1346 160
Missing or inadequate data for analysis,
estimated to contribute 1 Not applicable
-Renewable energy is perceived to be
environmentally with very low or no greenhouse
gas emission -Renewable energy projects as
considered to be more environmentally than their
fossil fuelled competition.
- 1 WEC Committee on Renewable
- 2 www.worldenergy.org
- 3 Survey of Energy Resources, WEC 2004
- 4
- 1. Landfill Gas, the Case for Renewable Energy,
CDC, 1998 - 2. Wind Energy Costs, National Wind Coordinating
Committee - 3. ORMAT Data
- 4. BP Projects in the Philippines, 2002
- 5. New Renewable Energy, Kan Energy AS, Norwegian
Developments, 1998 - 5 The Case for Renewable Energy in Emerging
Markets, W-J van Wijk, CDC, ORMAT - 6 Based on EU data Scientific and
Technological References, Energy Technology
Indicators, 2002
18Thank you