Title: Dr. Yuri Izrael, Russian
1Dr. Yuri Izrael, Russian vice chair of the IPCC
I think the panic over global warming is totally
unjustified. There is no serious threat to the
climate. There is no need to dramatize the
anthropogenic impact. April 14, 2007
2Prof. Richard Lindzen, MIT
Die heutige Unruhe hat ihre Ursachen zum grössten
Teil in mangelnden Kenntnissen darĂ¼ber, was bei
Wetter und Klima normal ist. Juni 2007
Das Problem ist, dass die Medien ein
Riesentheater um Temperaturunterschiede machen,
die im Bereich der Ungewissheit liegen. Juli
3Prof. Hans von Storch, Uni Hamburg
We Have to Take Away People's Fear of Climate
Change March 2007
The practice of scientists exagerating
threatening perspectives of anthropogenic
climate change serves not only the purpose of
supporting a policy perceived as good, but
also personal agendas of career and public
visibility 2005
4Prof. S. Akasofu, International Arctic Research
Natural changes should be correctly identified
and removed from the present on-going changes
in order to find the contribution of the
greenhouse effect March 2007
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6Antarctica ice cover
7RSS global temperatures
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