Title: Aucun titre de diapositive
1 2Safety Regulation Commission
- Brussels, 24/25 February, 2004
3Agenda Item 1 - Chairmans Welcome and
4 Agenda Item 2 - Approval of Agenda
5Agenda Item 3 - Report of SRC18
6Agenda Item 4 - SSAP
7Agenda Item 4 - SSAP
4.1 - Programme Update Launch Event
8Agenda Item 4 - SSAP
4.2 - Runway Incursion Action Plan
9Actions (1)
- RFC 0346 - European Action Plan for Prevention of
Runway Incursions, Implementation Actions by
National Aviation Safety Authorities - Deadline 22 September 2003
- Joint effort between SRC and Agency
- Replies received 18 out of 41 ECAC States
- plus REMINDER issued 10.10.2003
- additional 8 replies more (26/41)
10Actions (2)
- RFC 0363 Monitoring the implementation of the
European Action Plan for Prevention of Runway
Incursions, Follow-up - QUESTIONNAIRE - Deadline 17 February 2004
- Joint effort between SRC and Agency
- Telephone calls for direct contact by the Agency
- Replies received until 17.02.2004 14/41
11Monitoring Tools
- Questionnaire
- ECIP/LCIP mechanism
- ESIMS ESARR Implementation Monitoring and
Support Programme
12ECIP/LCIP mechanism
- Already addresses both regulators and service
provider - Reliable and tested mechanism over years
- Monitoring Periodicity each year
- Clear SLoA (Stakeholder Line of Actions) can be
inserted to cover European Action Plan for
Prevention of Runway Incursions - Can meet the SSAP monitoring requirements for
coverage- frequency TBD
13ESIMS Programme
- SCOPE Monitor ESARR Implementation at national
level - Identifies areas for support at national level
- Direct contact with safety regulatory bodies at
national level not service providers - In depth audit based approach
- Periodicity 3/4/5 years
- Alignment with ICAO Safety oversight Audit
Programme - TBD - One cycle of visits will be closed this year (mid
14Monitoring mechanisms
- ECIP/LCIP mechanism complemented by
Questionnaire/Survey to complete and update the
results obtained via ECIP/LCIP exercise - ESIMS Programme is not feasible in its current
status. - Would need new mandate from Provisional Council.
- Logistically difficult
- Other methods to be investigated.
- The SRC is invited to-
- note the status report
- note that ESIMS Programme is not an easy
mechanism to use for an issue which is outside
the scope of the Programme - note the way forward proposed ECIP/LCIP and the
survey - contribute any other inputs regarding possible
mechanisms to be used to monitor the
implementation of the Action Plan.
16Agenda Item 5 - PC18 Outcome
17Agenda Item 5 - PC18 Outcome
5.1 - ESARR 2 - letter to States
18PC 18 action
- SRC to report to PC States not having -
- nominated an AST Focal Point
- incorporated ESARR 2 into their national safety
regulatory framework - SPG list of objective criteria
- EUROCONTROL Letter dated 14/1/04
19Assessment Criteria
- Nomination by 31/3/04 of an AST Focal Point
- Completion provision to SRU by 31/3/04 of an
AST - according to ESARR 2 Ed 2.0 requirement 5.2 and
the associated template (EAM2/COD1Ed 3.0) - Submission to SRU by 31/3/04 of national safety
regulatory material enforcing ESARR 2,
requirement 5.1
20Assessment Document
- Assessment of national regulatory material
provided against ESARR 2 (with language and
translation support) - Compliant/Not Compliant comments (level of
compliance, implementation plans..) - Assessment of AST returns
- Received on time/late/not received comments
(quality of contents) - Assessment of Focal Point nomination
- Received on time/late/not received
21ESARR 2- Letter to States
- The SRC is invited to -
- note the criteria to be used by SRU when
assessing whether or not States have incorporated
ESARR 2 into their national safety regulatory
framework - note that the outcome of the SRU assessment will
be incorporated into the 2004 Safety Annual
Report to be submitted to PC in November 2004.
22Agenda Item 6 - Interfaces
23Agenda Item 6 - Interfaces
6.1 - EC a) Briefing on SES Updates
24Agenda Item 6 - Interfaces
6.1 - EC b) Transposition of ESARRs
25 Agenda Item 6 - Interfaces - EC
6.1 b) Transposition of ESARRs
26ANS Regulation Article 4
- The Commission shall, in accordance with the
procedures referred to in Article 5 (3) of the
framework regulation, identified and adopted the
EUROCONTROL Safety Regulatory Requirements
(ESARRs) and subsequent amendments to those
requirements within the scope of this regulation
that shall be made mandatory under Community law.
Publication should take the formal references to
such ESARRs in the Official Journal of the
European Union.
27PC Tasking on SRC
- in cooperation with the DG, within the context
of the foreseen Memorandum of Cooperation between
the EUROCONTROL Organisation and the European
Commission, to establish practical arrangements
with the European Commission to ensure
consistency of Safety Regulatory Material and to
report progress to the Provisional Council in
April 2004.
28ESARRs in the SES
- Full implementation of Article 4 means full
transposition, and should respect - Consistency and contents
- Overall logic of safety regulatory function
- Common Requirements (Basis for certification)
should include ESARR provisions
29ESARR Transposition
- Mapping versus two EC Directives.
- Coverage differences exist
- Further discussion with EC
- Mapping versus Draft EC Directives.
- Some coverage differences exist
- Further discussion with EC
30ESARR Transposition
- ESARR 3,4,6
- EC Study to assess overall transposition
- ESARR 3 as a test case
- Will produce an overall methodology applicable to
- ESARRs 4 and 6
- Any remaining parts of ESARRs 2 and 5
- Any further ESARRs
31Additional Factors
- ESARRs define minimum safety levels.
- States committed to implementation
- In transposition, requirements cannot be left
out - Respect structure no fragmentation.
- 7 Mandates so far
- Flexible Use of Airspace
- Functional Airspace Blocks
- Airspace Design
- Charging Scheme
- 3 on Interoperability
- Coordination and Transfer
- Flight Data Exchange
- Initial Flight Plan
33Safety Issues
- Any regulatory material produced by
EUROCONTROL must - - Ensure ESARRs are met
- Give adequate demonstration of safety
- But what action should SRC take?
- SRC Role?
34SRC Role
- Review mandates from a safety regulatory
viewpoint - Make proposals of where safety issues should be
taken into account - Proposed inclusions in the developed material to
ensure safety consistency - Mandates for safety
- The Provisional Council is invited to -
- note the contents of this paper
- support the continuation of work with the
European Commission on the transposition of ESARR
requirements into European Community law, in
accordance with the approach at Sections 4, 5 and
6 above - agree the SRCs role in relation to the EC
Mandates in accordance with the proposals in
Section 7 above.
36Agenda Item 6 - Interfaces
6.1 - EC c) Mapping of ESARR 2 vs. EC legislation
37Correlation ESARR 2 vs. 42/2003 and 56/1994
38Correlation ESARR 2 vs. 42/2003 and 56/1994
- Draft report presented at SRC18
- Reviewed and validated in between
- SRC18 and SRC19
- Main conclusions remain those presented at SRC18
(section F7 of the report) - EC Joint Practical guide for persons involved in
drafting of legislation within the Community
institutions scrutinised for both ESARR 2 and
39Joint Practical Guide JPG assessment
- Community legislative acts shall be drafted
clearly, simply and precisely. - The drafting of a legislative act must be
- clear, easy to understand and unambiguous,
- simple, concise, containing no unnecessary
elements, - precise, leaving no uncertainty in the mind of
the reader.
40JPG assessment contd
- The drafting style should take account of the
type of act - Regulations have direct application
- Directives (with some exceptions) are addressed
to the member States they should be draft in a
less detailed manner in order to leave Member
States sufficient discretion in their
41JPG assessment contd
- The recitals is to set out concise reasons for
the chief provisions of the enacting terms,
without reproducing or paraphrasing them. They
SHALL NOT contain normative provisions or
political exhortations
42JPG assessment contd
- The manner in which an act is drafted should also
take account of whether or not the act is
binding. - The choice of verb and tense varies between
different types of act and the different
languages, and also between the recitals and the
enacting terms - In the enacting terms of binding acts, French
uses the present tense, whilst English generally
uses the auxiliary "shall". In both languages,
the use of the future tense should be avoided
wherever possible. - By contrast, in non-binding acts (such as
recommendations and resolutions), imperative
forms must not be used, nor structures or
presentation too close to those of binding acts.
43JPG assessment contd
- Overall 22 Guidelines in the Joint Practical
Guidelines, not all applicable but found
extremely useful to scrutinise ESARR 2 and the
Directive - ESARR 2 complies to the extent possible to the
guidelines specially when translated into the new
format adopted for ESARR 6
44EC Directives and ESARR2
- All ESARR 2 Requirements are using the
construction shall ensure - EC 42/2003 introduces terms such as
- Competent authorities May use
- Member States may publish
- States may designate
45Where we should aim
- Full transposition for the missing parts of ESARR
2 is required and EC/SRC should investigate the
best approach - Temporary solutions could be developed to
mitigate the present gap (alignment of taxonomy,
usage of a single AST, requirement to report
using the same AST at the same deadline to both
EUROCONTROL and EC) - Harmonisation of the tools
- Support to AST-FPs
46Agenda Item 6 - Interfaces
6.1 - EC d) Mapping of ESARR 5 vs. EC legislation
- SRC action to assess ESARR 5 transposition into
Community legislation - Main purpose to identify any potential
discrepancies and issues that lead to
misunderstanding, confusion and duplication of
work by the Safety regulators and other
interested parties
48General Conclusions (1)
- A certain amount of overlap between both
documents has been identified - Draft EC Proposal goes beyond the objectives of
ESARR 5 including provisions - Certification of training providers
- Mutual recognition of licenses to ensure the
freedom of movement to avoid shortages of
controllers - Penalties
49General Conclusions (2)
- The Draft EC Proposal addresses Member States and
not Designated Authorities, Service Providers and
Individuals as per ESARR 5 - The Draft EC Proposal is limited to only Air
Traffic Controllers - The Draft EC Proposal has no applicability for
military authorities as per ESARR 5 - Geographical coverage of ESARR 5 is wider than of
the Draft EC Proposal
50General Conclusions (3)
- Focusing on the safety regulatory requirements
for ATCOs - Shortlist of discrepancies have been drawn up
- Shortlist is now with EC for their analyse
- This will be discussed further within the
co-ordination meetings between EC and EUROCONTROL
- Detailed assessment has been carried out within
the SRU report document,
- The SRU report has been distributed to SRC and EC
- EC organises a consultation session with
EUROCONTROL and other stakeholders on 25.02.2004 - The SRU is represented in this consultation by
Head of Unit and ESARR 5 Focal Point - Representation from EUROCONTROL is ensured from
- The SRC is invited to-
- note the activity report
- note that SRC has received the SRU Report
Correlation between ESARR 5 and the Draft EC
Proposal for a European air traffic controller
licence - note that EC has received a copy of this Report
- note that SRU will be represented by Head of Unit
and ESARR 5 Focal Point in the consultation
meeting on 25.02.2004 regarding ESARR 5
transposition into Community legislation - note that SRC will be kept informed about the
progress achieved within this activity
53Agenda Item 6 - Interfaces
6.1 - EC e) Conformity Assessment Task Force
54Conformity AssessmentBackground
- Presentation given at SRC 18 (WP18.02)
- SRC Agreed
- with the advice of SPG and the position of the RC
on the establishment of the proposed Task Force
Conformity Assessment of ATM/CNS Systems. - to support the creation of a joint RU/SRU Task
Force to refine the conformity assessment of
CNS/ATM systems and to propose appropriate
measures for the harmonised implementation of the
conformity assessment activities - to nominate a maximum of five representatives
from the ATM safety regulatory community. - SRC Commissioners agreed to delegate to SPG the
agreement on any further changes to the Draft TORs
55Conformity AssessmentTask Force Representatives
- Mr. F. Giraud, France
- Ms. R. Cecchi, Italy
- Mr. T. Tvedt, Norway
- Mr. J-A Calvo, Spain
- Mr. H. Daly, UK
56Conformity Assessment Task Force activities since
SRC 18
- The activities of the TF were delayed due to
discussions with the EC regarding priorities. - After further discussions following the
Interoperability Requirements Workshop held by
the EC, it has been agreed with the EC that the
TF should be established. - The Draft Terms of Reference of the TF have been
agreed between the Head of SRU and the Head of
RU. - A first meeting of the TF has been agreed for
30th March at EUROCONTROL HQ Brussels. Specific
letters inviting attendance from the nominated
representatives will be forthcoming giving
further details of the meeting
57Conformity Assessment Task Force Recommendations
- SRC is invited to note the contents of this
58Agenda Item 6 - Interfaces
6.1 - EC f) Mandates
59Agenda Item 6 - Interfaces
6.2 - ICAO a) Runway Incursions definition
- Runway Safety Initiative European Action Plan
for Prevention of Runway Incursions have spotted
the lack of consistency for Runway Incursion
definitions - ICAO have identified that no ICAO DOC contains a
definition for Runway Incursions - EUROCONTROL (SRU, SAF, AFN, SMI) have carried out
an extensive exercise to identify all definitions
used for Runway Incursions - NAV CANADA TRANSPORT CANADA
- Runway Safety on the agenda of ANC/11
- ICAO ANC proposed the following definition
- RUNWAY INCURSION Any occurrence at an aerodrome
involving the inadvertent presence of an
aircraft, vehicle or person on the protected area
of a surface designated for the landing and
take-off of aircraft - Inadvertent?
- Objects/animals?
62Amended definition
- Amended definition for Runway Incursions from
ICAO - Runway incursion. Any occurrence at an aerodrome
involving the incorrect presence of an aircraft,
vehicle or person on the protected area of a
surface designated for the landing and take-off
of aircraft - The Definition has been circulated in the ICAO
State letter introducing the amendments for
PANS-ATM (25 November 2004)
63General Conclusions and way forward
- EUROCONTROL, FAA, NAV CANADA have agreed with
this input - FAA and EUROCONTROL within their agreement for
co-operation will develop and validate a common
severity assessment scheme and a risk model for
Runway Incursions
- The SRC is invited to-
- note the contents of this paper and of the
proposed definition for Runway Incursion which
has been circulated by ICAO in a State Letter
introducing amendments to PANS ATM (November
2004) - agree with the ICAO proposed definition for
Runway Incursions - note that there is synergy between ICAO and
EUROCONTROL within the runway safety initiative - note that both FAA and EUROCONTROL will develop
and validate a common severity assessment scheme
and a risk model for Runway Incursions
65Agenda Item 6 - Interfaces
6.2 - ICAO b) IUSOAP
66IUSOAP (1)
- Assembly Resolution A33-8
- USOAP to be continued and expanded
- Preparatory work by ICAO Secretariat to include
Annexes 11,13 14 with a view to start related
audits in May 2004 (DOC 9735) - Training to safety oversight auditors (ISO
certification) - Development of technical guidance related to
safety oversight (Doc 9734 parts A B) - Safety oversight management system seminars and
67IUSOAP (2)
- Council approval- a System Approach- (New
Assembly Resolution in 2004) - Phase 1
- State Aviation Activity Questionnaire (2003)
- Compliance Check List (May 2004)-AFDD
- Review of national documents
- Phase 2- ICAO Audit team
- Validation of information provided
- On site audit of safety oversight capability,
tailored to level and complexity of aviation
activities (refer to phase 1)
68IUSOAP (3)
- System Approach Focus on States safety
oversight capabilities - Phase 2 (Continue..)
- Focus on safety critical areas, eight critical
elements (ICAO Doc 9735) interfaces - Audit at least once in any six year period
- Follow up visits on a need basis (flexibility)
- First audits mid 2005
- More transparency
- First audits in Europe around June 2005
- Identified need to visit/audit EASA and EC SES
- The SRC is invited to -
- note that the System Approach being adopted in
IUSOAP will focus on the safety oversight
capabilities of States - note that the initial audits in Europe wont take
place before May or June 2005.
70Agenda Item 6 - Interfaces
6.2 - ICAO c) ADREP / HEIDI alignment
71Overall Mapping Statistics before the alignment
The graph shows the results of the SHIELD task of
developing an automatic mapping from HEIDI to
ADREP2000 for a combination of all terms in the
HEIDI taxonomy. 1 - Identical Terms 2 - Similar
compatible terms 3 - Similar incompatible
terms. 4 - No equivalent term found
72Background Mapping Statistics
The graph shows the results of the SHIELD task of
developing an automatic mapping from HEIDI to
ADREP2000 for the Background chapter of the HEIDI
taxonomy before the alignment exercise Chapter
COMPLETELY ALIGNED after January meeting
73Event Types Mapping Statistics
The graph shows the results of the SHIELD task of
developing an automatic mapping from HEIDI to
ADREP2000 for the Event Types chapter of the
HEIDI taxonomy before alignment
exercise. Chapter COMPLETELY ALIGNED after
January meeting
74Descriptive Factor Mapping Statistics
The graph shows the results of the SHIELD task of
developing an automatic mapping from HEIDI to
ADREP2000 for the Descriptive Factor chapter of
the HEIDI taxonomy before the alignment
exercise The 8 of similar but incompatible
occurrences were mainly due to the extensive use
of a HEIDI Other attribute which is implemented
as a free text attribute. Chapter COMPLETELY
ALIGNED after January meeting
75Explanatory Factor Mapping Statistics
The graph shows the results of the SHIELD task of
developing an automatic mapping from HEIDI to
ADREP2000 for the Explanatory Factor chapter of
the HEIDI taxonomy. HEIDI uses the HERA modal to
describe human error in explanatory and a loss of
data quality will occur when automatically
converting data to the ADREP SHELL
76Classification Scheme Mapping Statistics
The graph shows the results of the SHIELD task of
developing an automatic mapping from HEIDI to
ADREP2000 for the Classification Scheme chapter
of the HEIDI taxonomy before alignment
exercise The classification scheme chapter is a
small section and the high percentage of unmapped
terms was due to occurrence frequency
attributes. Chapter ALIGNED (some fields will
be added later by ICAO after the JSSI work will
be finished)
77Safety Recommendations Mapping Statistics
The graph shows the results of the SHIELD task of
developing an automatic mapping from HEIDI to
ADREP2000 for the Safety Recommendations chapter
of the HEIDI taxonomy before the alignment
exercise Safety recommendations are handled is a
different way in ADREP than in HEIDI and data
transfer would be a manual exercise Chapter
Safety Recommendations through an outside
78Where we are
- Human factors (explanatory factors) chapter to be
aligned March/April 2004 - Validation exercise with ICAO and JRC in Late
April or May - Update of HEIDI after JUNE
- Second iteration mapping from ADREP to HEIDI
from June onwards
79Agenda Item 6 - Interfaces
6.2 - ICAO d) 11th ANC - Follow-up actions
80Agenda Item 6 - Interfaces
6.3 - GASR
81ATM-Aerodrome regulations
- Considering
- Gate to gate concept
- Common issues
- Total aviation system approach
- SPG identified the need for
- Closer co-operation SRC and GASR
- Investigating common areas
- A proposed way forward to a harmonised SRC/GASR
roadmap of activities
82Recommendations (1)
- )The SRC is invited to-
- a)recognise and note common operational issues
and the sense of common purpose that exists
between ATM and Aerodrome safety regulation, and
between SRC and GASR - b)approve observer status for GASR at the Safety
Regulation Commission
83Recommendations (2)
- )The SRC is invited to-
- c)approve the development of working links
between SPG and GASR on the concept and
principles of the work of the two organisations
including the formulation of a matrix of areas of
common ground and interest - d)authorise close SPG/GASR co-operation in order
to develop detailed steps and timescales for
inclusion in a harmonised SRC/GASR roadmap of
activities - e)require the SPG to report progress made in
respect of c) and d) to SRC 21.
84Agenda Item 6 - Interfaces
6.4 - JAA a) JSSI / FAST
85Agenda Item 6 - Interfaces
6.4 - JAA b) UAVs
86Agenda Item 6 - Interfaces
6.5 - CMIC
87Agenda Item 7 - EUROCONTROL Programmes
88Agenda Item 7 - EUROCONTROL Programmes
7.1 EATM Status Report
- Status Report of the SRC Interface with EATM
Programmes (Update from SRC 18) - EATM Programmes to be included in the SRC Work
- Last deliverable Post Implementation Safety Case
- POSC sent out to SRC for comments
- SRVG re-activated meeting 23.05.03
- CRD v 0.1 with Programme Feedback circulated to
SRC (RFC 354, closed 01.12.2003) - CRD v 0.2 Proposed Issue will be presented under
agenda item 7.3
918.33 HEP
- The 8.33 Horizontal Expansion Programme has been
implemented end October 2002 - The RAD-8.33 formally released on 18.02.03
- The POSC v 0.2 was circulated to SRC (RFC 350,
closed end October 2003). No comments received,
the safety activities related to HEP being now
closed. - Safety activities related to the 8.33 Vertical
Expansion Programme are expected in the future.
- The Safety Policy and Safety Plan were released
at the end of 2001 - The GBAS Cat I FHA received by SRU beginning of
- Last deliverables reviewed by SRC Operational
Hazard Assessment and Safety Analysis - The PSSA planned to be sent to SRC in the first
quarter 2004 (initially planned in 2003)
94EATM Programmes in the SRC WP
- The list of EATM Programmes to be included in the
reviewed SRC WP (Edition 5.3) has been reviewed,
to reflect - Programmes which, in the view of SRC (as per RFC
344), merit consideration from a safety
regulatory viewpoint - Programmes currently under development, in
accordance with EATM preliminary plans and
priorities for implementation. - These Programmes are listed in the SRC WP 19.06
- The SRC is invited to-
- note the content of the WP SRC 19.06
- request SRU for any update of the fact sheets
containing the status of the SRC work related to
the EATM Programmes with which SRC has a formally
established interface - to approve the proposed undated list presented
for incorporation into the SRC Work Programme
96Agenda Item 7 - EUROCONTROL Programmes
- Community Assistance for Reconstruction
Development and Stabilisation - Programme undertaken by EuropeAid Co-operation
- Office
- Project for Aviation Safety and ATC
- Involving Albania, Bosnia Herzegoivina,
Croatia, FYROM and Serbia Montenegro -
98ASATC Objectives
- In those 5 countries
- Establishing highly professional CAAs
- Developing regulations and procedures for
aviation safety - Helping ANS to meet international standards
(notably SMS) - Preparing human resources
99ASATC Project
- EUROCONTROL JAA were the recommended partners
for carrying out the tasks - EUROCONTROL involvement was discussed and agreed
at PC level. As a result EUROCONTROL has become a
leading party within the Project - Arrangements between EUROCONTROL and JAA to
develop the Project
100ASATC Project
- Phase I already completed
- Assessment of situation and definition of 8
working packages - Phase II (mid 2004 by end 2005)
- Implementation of 8 working packages
- WP1 ATM Safety Regulation
- WP2 Legal Assistance
- WP3 Technical Support on JAA matters
- WP4 ATM safety management
- WP5 Legal Assistance on Separation
- WP6 Human Resources Development
- WP7 Establishment of basic AIS/EAD
- WP8 Strategic Planning (for 5 CAAs and 3 ANSPs)
101WP 1 ATM Safety Regulation
- To enable the 5 countries to perform their ATM
safety regulatory function - SRU has been proposed to manage WP1
- Work has already been done to define the actions
that will of WP1
102WP 1 ATM Safety Regulation
- Identify and plan specific actions for each
country - Provide direct technical support
- Delivering specific training
- Sizing the resources for ATM safety regulation
- Assisting in the development and implementation
of safety regulatory procedures
103Relation of ASATC to SRC Goals
- Support to States has been discussed at previous
SRC meetings - ASATC presents a first opportunity to address, at
regional level and in relation to 5 countries,
direct support - ESIMS could be complemented with specific support
programmes developed at regional level, following
the CARDS pattern - Resources and priorities woul need to be
considered if SRC decided to generalise this
- SRC is invited to
- Note the ATM safety regulatory activities
developed in the CARDS ASATC framework - Approve the inclusion of ASATC WP 1
Implementation in the SRC WP
105Agenda Item 7 - EUROCONTROL Programmes
106POSC Edition 0.2 PI
- Integrates comments from SRC consultation RFC
0354 - Appendix D summary of Recommendations
- Recommendations are split in two Assessment
against ESARR 4 carried out for lesson to be
learned - Executive summary contains the SRC position
vis-à-vis POSC
- The SRC is invited to
- a) agree the content of SRC conclusions on POSC
presented in the executive summary of the POSC
CRD Ed 0.2 - b) agree the Release of the POSC CRD Proposed
Issue 0.2 - c) discuss the opportunity to present at an
appropriate juncture the SRC Position to the
Provisional Council.
108Agenda Item 7 - EUROCONTROL Programmes
7.4 Programme-related data collection
109Agenda Item 7 - EUROCONTROL Programmes
7.5 PLOC
110Agenda Item 8 - ESARR Issues
111Agenda Item 8 - ESARR Issues
8.1 ESARR 1 - Update
112Agenda Item 8 - ESARR Issues
8.2 ESARR 2 - Report
113AST-FP 5th Meeting
- Bruxelles 18-20 February 2004
- 27 attendees from 17 States and EURCONTROL SRU
and Agency (ASR) (15 EUROCONTROL States, 1
multinational provider and 1 ECAC) - Focus on meeting the annual deadline for ESARR2
on 31st of March and progress of EAM2s
- 4. ATM Programmes Safety Data Collection Wake
Vortex Activities
- 5. AST Collection for 2002 and 2003
- 6. ESARR 2 training activities
- 7. ESARR 2 and EC Directives
- 8. Progression of the EAMs
115- Progression of the EAM2s
- EAM2 GUI4 Explanatory Material on ESARR 2
Requirements - EAM2 GUI5 Guidance Material for Harmonisation
of Safety Occurrence Severity and Risk
Assessment - EAM2 GUI6 Establishment of JUST CULTURE
Principles in ATM Safety Data Reporting and
Investigation - EAM2 GUI7 ESARR 2 and related Safety Oversight
116 AST-FP 5 AGENDA contd
- 9. Severity and Risk Mark sheets practical
- 10. Key Risk Areas
- Communication Issues
- Unauthorised penetration of airspace
- Round Table discussion
- Still countries without nominated AST-FP
- All AST-FPs present at the meeting are committed
to meet the deadline but asked to report to SRC
the lack of resources and support Guidelines
from SRC to level of resources - This year Phase 3 will be an issue for some
States as the data for this phase comes from
ANSPS and not all the interface protocols are
clear and established - EXTRANET forum extremely well received
- SRU/SRC and EC/JRC to work so as to have only one
ATM European Summary Template from 2005 - Practical session on severity and risk assessment
improved the developed mark sheets national
validation to be undertaken by AST-Fps
118Issues contd
- Collection of safety data in EUROCONTROL should
be centralised for EATM programmes - Although potentially additional workload will be
induced to AST-FPs they will be in favor of one
maximum two channels - The reporting should be dynamic not static and
technology should pave the way for that
(feasibility for automatic exchange tools and
protocol for data usage, confidentiality etc.) - All regulatory work required by SSAP in the area
of ESARR 2 adds extra burden on limited resources
of AST-FPs
119Issues contd
- Lessons not learned very well received and
asked to be continued - Multimedia dis-identified to be dispatched on CDs
to be attached to EAM2-GUI5 - In addition both above activities to be available
to the extent possible on the EXTRANET for
training and national usage - Unauthorised penetration of controlled airspace
by General Aviation confirmed as a key issue
initial material and suggestions built up at the
meeting can be fed into a wider Safety
- To introduce two annual awards
- The first AST to arrive in EUROCONTROL
- The best in quality AST
121Agenda Item 8 - ESARR Issues
8.3 ESARR 5 - Medical Requirements
- Requirements for European Class 3 Medical
Certification of Air Traffic Controllers
(version 1.0) as means to comply with ESARR 5. - Compliance Assessment Panel for ESARR 5 was
re-activated to consider this new proposal (14
March 2003 at EUROCONTROL HQ )
- The results of the Assessment Panel are
summarised within the following documents - Minutes of the meeting
- Assessment of EATMP European Class 3 Medical
Certification of Air Traffic Controllers as a
means of compliance with ESARR 5, Edition2.0
SRC DOC 28 - Acceptable Means of Compliance with ESARR 5 EAM
5/ AMC, Edition 1.1 - According to SRC DOC 9
124Current situation
- RFC 0340 SRC Consultation for the results of
the Assessment Panel - One State raised concerns over safety issues
within the PMC (see Attachment to the Working
Paper 19.08) - Action by SRU
- Letter to SRC (ref 1098lt - RFC 0359) to have
their views on the issues - Not a conclusive outcome
- Felt the need for discussions to clarify the way
forward - Close the AMC process and raise additional safety
- The SRC is invited to-
- note the contents of this paper and attachment
- define their position regarding the issues listed
within the Attachment to the Working Paper - define their position regarding the acceptability
of the European Class 3 Medical Certification of
Air Traffic Controllers as a means to comply with
126Agenda Item 8 - ESARR Issues
8.4 ESARR 6 - Implementation Plan
127ESARR 6 Implementation Plan
- At SRC 18, the Commissioners agreed the
submission of ESARR 6 for adoption and approval
at the forthcoming 18th Session of the
Provisional Council / Permanent Commission. - At PC 18, the Permanent Commission endorsed ESARR
6 by Decision 100 of 6/11/2003. - For each previous ESARR an implementation
Programme was constructed and this paper
therefore details a provisional Implementation
Programme for ESARR 6. - Note This Programme is based on that contained
in SRC DOC 3 which remains the master planning
128(No Transcript)
129(No Transcript)
130ESARR 6 Implementation Plan Recommendations
- The SRC is invited to
- note ongoing activities in this area
- consider and approve the proposed modifications
in the Programme, as presented in the attachment
to this working paper - note the mechanisms proposed for developing the
ESARR 6 material and propose attendees - note that, following approval, the ESARR 6
implementation actions will be progressed through
the requisite actions in the SRC Work Programme - in next SRC meetings, to review and update the
content of the ESARR 6 related parts of the SRC
Work Programme in the light of new requests and
developments as well as availability of
131Agenda Item 8 - ESARR Issues
8.5 ESARR Implementation Monitoring Programme
1322002 2003 ESIMS Resources
- 28 Visits over 1,5 year
- 3 Man year total
- incl. 160 days/8 months for training
- estimated workload correct except
- management of contracts and missions for
secondments - quality control of the ESIMS reports
- 91 651 Euros - i.e, 96,58 of planned
133ESIMS status
- Follow up from 2002 2003
- SRU letter
- SRC Closed sessions
- ESIMS audits from 2005 onwards
- 2004 visits till June 2004
- New EUROCONTROL member States
- ECAC States
- Re-design of ESIMS for 2005
- Co-ordination with ICAO EC
- MOU EUROCONTROL-ICAO (Autumn 2004) - ECAC States
- Full visibility exchange of information
- Schedule and Audit reports
- Alternating audits - Audits follow up in ATM
- Safety Oversight capability (ESARR 1-Doc 9734)
- Areas of overlap SARPs/ESARRs
- EUROCONTROL SRU experts in ICAO audits to cover
ESIMS follow up activities at ICAO expenses (if
ESIMS findings accepted)
- Proposal to co-ordinate EUROCONTROL or ECAC
States responses to ICAO request of national
ATM experts to participate to ICAO IUSOAP audits - Benefits
- Respective audit objectives addressed
- Consistency and complementarity of findings
- Optimisation of resources (increased visibility
of national issues, optimum follow up strategy)
136Next Steps
- Agreement on contents (SOA and SRU)
- Involvement of Legal Experts
- Signature at Assembly 35th Session
- Initiation of discussions with EC DG TREN
- Draft PC 20 Action Paper to SRC 20
- New version of SRC DOC 21
- With SPG inputs
137ESIMS Findings
138(No Transcript)
139ESARR Implementation Monitoring and Support
- Main findings (till end Dec 2003)
- Most of the States have a legislative framework
or a constitutional framework allowing to
establish ATM safety regulation independently
from service provision (at least functionally) - Often clarifications needed under way
- Majority of States have embarked upon setting up
of ATM safety regulation however, - Lack of political commitment to implement a sound
safety regulatory function - Huge resources issues (financial, human),
specifically in safety oversight/surveillance - Dependence upon the regulated parties
141Legislative Arrangements ATM Safety Regulatory
142ATM Safety Regulatory Competency
143- ATM Safety Regulatory Organisation
- In fifteen States, there is an organisational
separation between ATM safety regulation and
service provision - In five States the separation is only at
functional level. - In seven States there is yet no credible
separation of functions
144- ATM Rule Making
- Rule making appears to be a well know function,
with a defined process being operated for the
development of safety rules, - The Rule making process is not always documented,
making it more difficult to audit against and to
ensure transparency of the rule making activities
145 ATM Safety Oversight Implementation of Safety
Oversight in ATM is still limited and suffers
from a lack of competent human resources
146 ESARRs Enforcement
147- Accident and Incident Prevention Investigation
- (ESARR 2)
- Various and complex institutional arrangements
for investigation of ATM incidents (CAA, ANSP,
Accident Investigation Bureau) - Work to be done to meet requirements on reporting
and assessment in ATM underestimated
148Safety Management Safety Assessment of changes
in ATM (ESARR 3 4)
149ATCO Competency (ESARR 5)
In most of the States, elements of ATC licensing
or certificate of competence exist, compliant
with ICAO Annex 1.
- The SRC is invited to-
- a) note the information included in paper SRC
19.10 related to ESIMS 2002 2003 - b) note the on going activity with regard to
ESIMS 2004 - c) note the on going discussions with ICAO with
regard to the overall co-ordination of IUSOAP
and ESIMS 2005 onward - d) request SPG to support SRU in re-designing
151Agenda Item 8 - ESARR Issues
8.6 CMIC / SRC Workshop
152Agenda Item 8 - ESARR Issues
8.7 Acceptable Means of Compliance
- A number of Proposed Means of Compliance (PMC) to
ESARR are in the process of being submitted by
national administrations. As these are generally
specific national implementations they may fall
outside the original intentions of the AMC
process. If a number of these PMC are offered,
they will add a considerable and potentially
unsustainable workload to the SRU. - The issue has been addressed at SPG and draft
criteria proposed for inclusion in SRC Document 9
Process for establishing acceptable means of
compliance with ESARRS have been produced.
- Discussion at SPG 6
- The specific case of ESARR 4 has highlighted the
need for SPG to look generally at SRC work on
assessment of PMC. In considering the issues
relating generically to the SRC assessment of
PMCs, SPG has concluded that - SRC and SRU have limited resources and needed to
prioritise - SRC should not take over national safety
regulatory responsibilities - There is a need for at least one AMC to be made
available to ANSPs (specifically small ones) for
each ESARR - Not all ESARRs may generate the same number of
- At SPG 6, the above issues were discussed and it
was agreed to propose to SRC to modify SRC DOC 9
as follows- - PMCs will be considered only if-
- there is a documented mapping and evidence
available showing how the PMC meets ESARRs - there is a form of formal recognition/approval by
the national regulator that the PMC will be
accepted for use in the national environment - there is a documented demonstration that there is
a European benefit in SRC assessment - A high priority in the SRC WPG will be allocated
to the assessment of a PMC meeting the above
criteria if there is no AMC yet available which
meet all of an ESARR further, a PMC expected to
meet the entirety of a given ESARR will be given
a higher priority than another one addressing
only parts of an ESARR. - If there is already an AMC recognised by SRC as
meeting the totality of an ESARRs, even if all
criteria above are met, only a priority 3 will be
allocated to that assessment task in the SRC WPG.
- SRC is invited to-
- note and discuss the contents of this paper
- confirm the policy agreed by SPG at end of
paragraph 2.4 of this paper. - to agree that SRC Document 9 be updated
157Agenda Item 9 - SRC Safety Regulatory Training
158Strategy Document
- Co-ordination with Agency
- Meeting IANS/SAF in January
- Competing Needs
- Strategy
- Training approach and principles
- Master plan and priorities
- Set of courses with priorities
159Master Plan Priorities (1)
- 2004/2005
- Course 1-Beginner
- (ESARRs awareness and International context)
- Course 2- Safety regulatory concepts how to set
up safety regulatory function - Course 5- ESARR 2
- 2005/2006
- Course 7-ESARR 4
- Course 4- Safety Oversight
- 2006/2007
- Course 8- ESARR 5
- Course 6- ESARR 3
- Update Course 2
160Master Plan Priorities (2)
- 2007/2008
- Course 3- Rule Making
- Course 9- ESARR 6
- Updates as necessary
- Main Issues
- Human resources (qualification and number)
- Financial Resources
- (IANS /or SRU)
161Next steps
- On going- ESARR 2 related training in
co-ordination with EATM SAF and IANS
(requirements, skills, ASTs and tools) - Meeting with IANS SAF mid March
- IANS decisions on 2005 courses end March
- Feed back to SPG and SRC
- SRC is invited to-
- discuss and agree the contents of paper SRC19.11,
in particular the respective priorities allocated
to the courses - agree that SRU proceeds further discussions with
the Agency on that basis and report related
outcome to SRC20 - note and discuss ways around the lack of human
and financial resources to address those training
163Agenda Item 10 - SRC Work Programme
164 Agenda Item 11 - Staffing Budget
165Agenda Item 12 - RD Updates
166Agenda Item 12 - RD Updates
167SRC DOC 27
- Safety RD projects
- ARDEP Review
- SRC Work Programme
- Conclusions and recommendations
- Annual Updates
- External assistance
- Reliance of ARDEP data collection process
- The SRC is invited to note that SRUs intent is
to update yearly SRC DOC 34. - SRC Commissioners are invited-
- to review from an ATM safety regulatory
perspective, the completeness and correctness of
the list of RD projects attached to paper SRC
19.14 and - if some RD projects of potential relevance to
the SRC Work Programme are missing, to transmit
as soon as possible through the national ARDEP
focal points all the data concerning those
169Agenda Item 13 - Safety Nets
Comments arising on Policy Document 2
170Safety Nets Policy Document 2Background
- Under RFC 0321 Policy Document 2 Use of Safety
Nets in Risk Assessment and Mitigation in ATM
was approved by SRC. - The SRU has received a comment from outside the
SRC that questions the policy agreed. This
comment is enclosed at Attachment 1. - This Working Paper discusses the mechanism that
should be used to address this comment.
171Safety Nets-Policy Document 2Discussion
- Under RFC 0321 Policy Document 2 Use of Safety
Nets in Risk Assessment and Mitigation in ATM
was approved by SRC. - SRC working procedures are intended to embody the
principles of the ENPRM (EUROCONTROL Notification
of Proposed Rule Making) procedure. As such, - all comments on any SRC formal publications, from
any source (not just SRC members) should be
considered. - The forum for the consideration of such comments
would normally be the respective working group of
the SRC. - Comments can arise at any point in the document
lifecycle, even after SRC approval of a formal
publication. - The SRU has received a comment on Policy Document
2 - which is enclosed as Attachment 1. - This comment has been received from a source
outside the SRC. - Further discussions have taken place with the
comment author in conjunction with the respective
member state. As a result of this the member
state has confirmed that the existing Policy
Document 2 still agrees with the policy
intentions of that State. However, there was
sufficient discussion on the subject that the
issues arising could have implications for the
policy or future activities in the same area. - The SRU therefore feel that the comment should be
addressed by the relevant working group of the
SRC to consider a recommendation as appropriate
to the SRC. - It is proposed that this comment should be
addressed by RTF.
172Safety Nets-Policy Document 2Recommendations
- SRC is invited to
- note the comments on Policy Document 2 at
Attachment 1 - agree that RTF should consider the comments
received and propose, as necessary, any changes
to the policy for consideration by the SRC..
173Agenda Item 14 - Any Other Business
174Agenda Item 14 - Any Other Business
14.1 - PRR7
175Agenda Item 14 - Any Other Business
14.2 - 2004 Meetings
176Next SRC Meetings
- SRC20 Tuesday, 25 May
- Wednesday, 26 May 2004
- SRC21 Tuesday, 21 September
- Wednesday, 22 September 2004