Title: <MET> / run : Moriond vs Post-Moriond
1 D0 Calorimeter Algorithms Task Force
------------------------------------- Members of
the Task Force Gregorio Bernardi(chair), Jonathan
Hays, Serban Protopopescu, Markus Klute, Jan
Stark, Robert Zitoun, Vishnu Zutshi Charge to
the Task Force The task force will optimize in
collaboration with the Physics and ID-groups the
calorimeter algorithms for precision physics. It
will start from the achievements of the
Calorimeter Task Force, continue to improve the
algorithms and propagate them to the physics
objects using as benchmarks the comparison
data/simulation of the W (-gte nu) transverse
mass spectrum and Jet Met resolutions in di-jet
events. The task force is expected to coordinate
the efforts in the different groups related to
the calorimeter.
2- Specifically, the task force should
- 1) Make progress on the understanding of the
calorimeter noise. - 2) Finalize the development of an optimized
0-suppression scheme and study - its consequences for MET, EM, Tau and Jet ID.
- 3) Make progress on the understanding of the EM
response/resolution, using - on-line and off-line tools.
- 4) Make progress on the data/mc agreement of the
calo objects reconstruction - and of the energy flow algorithm.
- 5) Use large statistics of W and di-jets events
to display how the - progress achieved on points 1-4 propagates in
the corresponding - physics distributions.
- The task force will report to the physics and
algorithm coordinators. - A preliminary status report should be made at the
Beaune workshop.
3CAT / CALO meeting
- Calo group has reviewed hardware problems which
have degraded the response, in particular after
the shutdown. - The 2 main problems are now fixed at the hardware
problem - In the previous data, the first of these 2
problem must be searched for by comparing L1 with
precision readout, and flagged events must be
rejected (potential bias must be studied). - The second problem (so-called shared energy
problem (cf next slide)) can be corrected
off-line. CAT is providing help to fix it at the
reco from DST level, such that a p14.03
reprocessing could still be done for summer. - A coherent noise problem is still under
investigation, but it appears at a much lower
rate ( lt 0.2 of the events) -
4EM - id
Cf task list Influence of noise/t42 on
em-id at low energy (j/psi) at
high energy (Z) Going from the current t42.5 to
t42 -gt em-id
5JET - id
- For jet-id (jes is a separate matter), we have a
set of open points - (Let's not forget that all these tasks will have
to be investigated - for 0.5/0.7 cones, (and 2KT))
- 1) Influence of noise / t42 on jet finding.
- 2) Going from the current t42.5 to t42 -gt jets
- 3) ID criteria with new seeding in p14
- 4) Usage/Certification of track jets.
- 5) Usage/Certification of L1 towers
- 6) Uniformity of jets in eta-phi
- 7) Jet multiplicities
- 8) Problems with jets algos a) splitting
merging - b)
the 0.8-1.5 eta window. - c)
Kt algorithm - 9) jet code responsability
6tau id / muon id (in calo)
- Suppressing further noise should be helpful for
taus, - However since signal is tiny (for muon) the
effect of T42 must - be studied carefully, since some signal will be
removed. - Possibility run muon finder in calo before t42
(possibly below 2.5 or 2 sigmas)
7Jet energy scale / Missing ET / E flow
- JES/ jet resolution cf todays talks
- Missing ET to be treated next time
- CNN/Eflow strongly influenced by the noise.