Title: The HESR
- on behalf of the
- HESR-Consortium
2Artists view of FAIR and GSI
High Energy Storage Ring
- Experimental requirements for the HESR
- System layout
- Beam cooling in the HESR
- Cycle description
- Summary
- Outlook
4Requirements for the layout of the HESR
- HESR is designed to fulfill the requirements of
PANDA - antiprotons in the momentum range
- 1.5 GeV/c lt p lt 15 GeV/c (800 MeV lt T lt 14.2
GeV) - High luminosity
- High momentum resolution
- Long beam life time
5Experimental Requirements
PANDA (Strong Interaction Studies with
Antiprotons) Momentum range 1.5 to 15 GeV/c
(Protons and Antiprotons)
Effective target thickness (pellets) 41015 cm-2 Beam radius at target (rms) 0.3 mm Effective target thickness (pellets) 41015 cm-2 Beam radius at target (rms) 0.3 mm Effective target thickness (pellets) 41015 cm-2 Beam radius at target (rms) 0.3 mm
Momentum range Number of antiprotons Peak luminosity Momentum resolution (rms) Beam cooler High Resolution Mode 1.5 - 8.9 GeV/c 1010 21031 cm-2s-1 ?p/p 410-5 Electron ( 8.9 GeV/c) High Luminosity Mode 1.5 15 GeV/c 1011 21032 cm-2s-1 ?p/p 110-4 Stochastic ( 3.8 GeV/c)
6- The p -beam is injected from RESR at 3.8 GeV/c
- Protons can be injected from
- RESR at reversed field polarities
- SIS 18 at 12.7 Tm with same field polarity, but
opposite direction
7HESR Basic Data
- Circumference 574 m
- Momentum (energy) range
- 1.5 to 15 GeV/c (0.8-14.1 GeV)
- Injection of (anti-)protons from RESR at 3.8
GeV/c - Acceleration rate 0.1 (GeV/c)/s
- Electron cooling up to 8.9 GeV/c (4.5 MeV
electron cooler) - Stochastic cooling above
- 3.8 GeV/c
8Magnet System of HESR
- Ring mainly cold
- 8 warm insertions
- cryogenic bypasses for warm sections
Arcs 4 fold symmetry 32 Dipoles 50 Quadrupole, 3
families 32 Sextupoles, 2 families Straights 42
Quadrupoles, 14 families
Dipoles 48 3.6 T 4.32 m
Quadrupoles 112 60 T/m 0.6 m
Sextupoles 48 460 T/m2 0.6 m
Correctors 56 250 mT 0.3 m
9Beam Cooling in the HESR
- Decrease the momentum spread to the required
value for the high resolution mode - Counteract the emittance growth due to multiple
Coulomb scattering and energy loss straggling
- Users want resolution near what corresponds to
?p/p 10-5. This can not be achieved with
stochastic cooling alone. - Easy cooling of bunched beam
- Cooling rate is independent of antiproton
intensity, no degradation of cooling at higher
intensity - Possibility for absolute calibration of
antiproton energy(by means of H--beam and
7Li(p,n)-reaction Ethreshold 1880.3558 ?
0.0812 kV) - Possibility for cooling below 3 GeV, which is
difficult with stochastic cooling in HESR due to
band overlap.
11HESR Electron Cooler
Parameters for the HESR electron cooler Momentum
range (antiprotons) 1.5 8.9 GeV/c Electron
energy 0.45 4.5 MeV Electron current 0 - 1
A Electron beam radius 5 mm Magnetic Field
(cooling section) 0.2 T Magnetic field
straightness (rms) Br/B lt 10-5 rad Cooling
length Leff 20 to 22 m
High-Voltage Column
Cooling Section
The Svedberg LaboratoryUppsala University
e-beam parameters HESR FNAL
Energy (MeV) 0.45 - 4.5 4.3
Current (Amp) 1 0.5
Solenoid field (T) 0.2 0.01
Straightness (µrad rms) 10 200
- Severe demands of straightness of the magnetic
field. 10-5 rad rms to achieve good cooling - Care must be taken in order to achieve an
electron beam with sufficiently small coherent
cyclotron motion and envelope oscillations. - Precise control of the electron beam energy.
- Collector with high efficiency. 99.999
collection of the recirculating electrons.
14HESR Stochastic Cooler
Parameters for the HESR stochastic cooler
Momentum range (antiprotons) 3.8 - 15 GeV/c
Band width 2 - 4 GHz, high sensitivity Longitudi
nal cooling Time-of-Flight and
Notch-Filter Method Aperture of couplers 89 mm
Octagonal Slot-Coupler
Octagonal Printed-Loop Coupler
15Hardware Developments
- Structure tests in COSY with protons
- Design of test-tank finished including the
slot-coupler, the printed loop coupler and
additional space for GSI structures - Construction started
- Installation in COSY End of 2007
16Cycle Description
HESR Nominal Cycle
Cycle description - Momentum 1.5 15 GeV/c -
Pre-cooling at 3.8 GeV/c 30 60 sec - Ramping
time (25 mT/s) 25 - 110 s - Beam steering and
focussing 20 s - Total beam preparation time
100 300 sec - Beam lifetime (1/e) 1500 7100
sec Cycle average luminosity - Production rate
1107 /s (1.5 15 GeV/c) 0.34 - 1.51032
cm-2s-1 - Production rate 2107 /s (1.5 15
GeV/c) 0.67 - 1.61032 cm-2s-1Equilibrium
momentum spread HR-mode ?p/p 410-5 HL-mode
?p/p 10-4
17The beam life time is determined by
- The hadronic interaction
- Multiple scattering
- Mean energy loss
- Single Coulomb scattering
- Large energy loss probability
18Losses due to hadronic interaction
19Total p -- p-bar cross section
20Total loss probability for given parameters and a
Hydrogen target of 41015 atoms/cm2
Total loss probability
Hadronic interaction
Relative momentum loss Dp/p gt 110-3
Single Coulomb scattering gt1.3 mrad
211/e-beam life time t as function of momentum for
a 41015 cm-2 H-target
22Luminosity as function of time in the cycle
P 9 GeV/c frev. 500 kHz H-target 41015
cm-2 Np-bars 1011
23The Cycle Averaged Luminosity
Averaged luminosity as function of the cycle time
Luminosity as function of time in one cycle
24Average Luminosity strongly depends on thep-bar
production rate
Averaged luminosity, p-bar production rate 2107
Averaged luminosity, p-bar production rate 1107
- The lattice of the HESR fulfills the experimental
requirements - The design with super-conducting magnets is
finalized - The cooling methods are discussed and finalized
- There was a strong recommendation by the last
TAC-meeting to consider also a normal-conducting
- 2005 2008 RD programme
- (partially funded by Design Study EU-FP6)
- Technical Design Report
- End of 2007 Design Review
- 2008 Authorisation (by the board of management)
- 2008 2014 Construction and installation
- Construction 2008 2010
- Series production 2010 2012
- Installation and test 2013 2014
- End of 2014 Commissioning
- 2015 Operation starts
27Steps in View of2nd Generation Experiments
- for production of polarized antiprotons
- APR and
- For PAX in its optimum stage
- asymmetric collider
- Upgrade of the electron cooler to 8 MeV
28The symmetric collider scheme worked out by
Yuri Shatunov