Title: Mt' View School Property
1Help Mt. View Colquitz Community Get a Bigger
Better Park
Prepared by the Mount View-Colquitz Community
2Complete communities needAll amenities! No
- Overall
- We support Institutional uses (eldercare
facilities, supportive housing/hard to house
facility) - We do not support Rezoning public land for
private use, particularly mixed commercial/
residential/office space - We are requesting The expansion of the park
component of the proposal
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78 Single family homes
29 units building 8 dwellings
35 units building 3 dwellings
70 units
244 care bed building 36 units building 14
dwellings Up to 8 storey office building
Developments within or in the vicinity of our
656 units building
27 units building
296 condominiums
46 units building
and possible multi-family development areas
12 dwellings
44 units building 12 dwellings
8- Lost opportunities for Mount View
- Over 1 Million dollars proceeds from sale of
field used for park elsewhere - The rationalization of schools favoured park
expansion outside the neighbourhood, resulting in
loss of another 1.2 acres. - Uptown variances in excess of 24,000,000 were
not applied to local area -
9Saanich 2008 Official Community Plan
4.2.6 existing public school sites for
non-institutional uses where 50 of the site is
set aside for publicly-accessible open space. new multiple family residential
commercial, institutional and civic development
should focus in Major centres.
4.2.4. 2. Evaluate zoning applications for
multiple family developments on the basis of
neighbourhood context, site size, scale, density,
parking capacity and availability, underground
service capacity, adequacy of parkland and visual
and traffic impacts.
4.2.4. 4. Support institutional land uses that
fit with the character of residential
101999 Carey Local Area Plan
Institutions can have significant negative ...
impacts on a neighbourhood, and these impacts
should be considered if new institutional uses
are proposed. Acceptability should be based on
the merits of a particular proposal with respect
to traffic, access, site design, scale, available
amenities and the impact on surrounding land uses.
Policy 4.2 Encourages design compatibility when
rezoning, subdivision and development permits in
the vicinity of heritage structures
Policy 14.2 requires that site design, building
scale, and landscaping for new institutional uses
respect the character and scale of the
surrounding neighbourhood.
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16Mount View School Property Remaining space
17- 7.5 storeys, even stepped back is out of scale
with the neighbourhood of one and two storey
- This building will create major shading of
heritage homes across Carey.
- The density of this building ( FSR 2.8) raises
the overall density of the proposal to higher
than is usual in Saanich. even higher than the
proposed complex at Tillicum mall.
- This building requires more that 250 parking
space. Thats 250 more cars on an already
congested roadway
- The building takes away needed park space from
the community
18The Planning Departments Report Notes
- The proposed office use would be inconsistent
with the surrounding uses and would be better
located within a Major Centre than a residential
area and campus of care. From a site design
point of view, it would be preferable if the
market building was not required for this overall
project. - A larger park would be preferable, especially
given the location close to the Uptown major
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21- Approve Bylaws 9011. 9012 and 9013
- Adjourn 9014, 9015 and 9016 pending a redesign of
this proposal in which the community is
collaboratively involved.
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23Thank you for your timewww.mvcca.ca