Title: Current Trends in Retail Service Quality
1Current Trends in Retail Service Quality
2NSTARs Mission
- We are in the Business of Serving our Customers
3Success will be achieved by providing
- Dependable Service
- Urgency in Restoration Response
- Prompt and Accurate Information about System
Conditions - Accurate Metering and Billing
4For NSTARs Employees It starts with Us
- Working Productively and Safely
- Teamwork and Customer Focus
- Mutual Trust and Respect
- Diversity
- Two-way Communication
- Ownership and Accountability
- Restructuring of Operations to Better Support and
Respond to the Needs of Our Customers
5Our Strategy is to
- Improve Customer Service
- Create a Performance Driven Culture
- Achieve Maximum Efficiency in Operations
6Were on the Path to Success
- Performance Measures
- Operate and Exceed the standards of performance
- Track performance against standards. Metrics,
Metrics, Metrics - Drive Leadership Behaviors
- Support the organization with programs that
facilitate learning and development and reinforce
our commitment to diversity - Communications All Around
- Communicate to constituencies
7What Does It Mean to Serve our Electric Customers
8What Does It Mean to Service our Electric
Customers Well?
- Dependable Service
- Urgency in Response
- Prompt and Accurate Information on System
Conditions - Timely Response to Customer Inquiry
9Dependable Service the lights dont go out
- Achieve Top Quartile Performance for System
Reliability - Approximately 90 projects, in 35 communities
targeted for June 1, 2002 completion - Reliability Improvement Projects, including
- Conversion of 4kV open loop system
- Replacement of wire, cable, and switchgear
- Upgrading of system control and protection
equipment - Capacity Enhancement Projects
- Vegetation Management
10- Back To The Basics
- OM Means Operate and Maintain
- Capital Work Plan
- Plan Schedule Execute
- Basic Premise Good Service
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13Urgency in Restoration Responseif the lights go
out, the entire organization is charged with
rapid restoral
- Achieve Top Quartile Performance in Customer
Restoration Restoration - Summer Preparedness and Contingency Planning
- Improve Dispatch and First Response
- Improvements in Restoration Process
- Enhanced deployment of distribution automation
and the role of technology in service restoral
First Response Is Restoration
14Prompt and Accurate Information About System
- Establish linkage between the operation of the
system and the customer - Keep the customer informed
- Why are the lights out?
- When will service be restored?
15The Role of Technology
- GIS initiatives in Gas Electric
- State-of-the-Art Outage Management System
- Establishment of standards for outage restoral
- Distribution Automation
- Rollout of mobile data terminals technology in
the field - Call Handling
- Billing
- Outage response customer communication
16Outage Call Process
17Prompt and Accurate Information to Customers
- Increasing Call Answer Rate
- Providing Prompt Information to Customer
Inquiries - Prompt Area-specific Messages to be posted for
our Customers - DTE Outage Reporting Protocol
- Notification to Regulators Municipal Officials
- Enhanced focus on performance quality of
service - Utilize SQI as the framework for a performance
based culture - Role of technology
- Call handling
- Billing
- Outage response customer communication
- Incorporate Safety in all our performance
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