Title: Story Board : Page Template
1Story Board Page Template
Project Title Stellar Evolution
Last update Feb 10 2003
Name of Designer Rowland Gallop
Page No. 1
Description of Copy text
Include a narrative introduction to the project
giving an overview of its objectives
User Interactions
Navigation Bar down the left side with buttons
for going to the second page, third page, last
page.. Also, there will be a button at the top
that returns the user to the main home page.
Hyper Links
birth.html evolution.html death.html home.html
Audio inclusion and controls
I have none but you could include any sound file
you want to use. With a button to switch it on
and off
Graphics or video inclusion and controls
I have included an example of a graphic which
illustrates the subject matter
Color specs.
Pale gray background. Text in navy. Navigation
bar in light blue.
2Story Board Layout Sketch
A Galactic Tour
These web pages will take you through a
sequence of information about the formation of
stars their subsequent evolution and their final
Stellar Birth
Main SequenceEvolution
Last updated on 10th February 2003 by Rowland