Title: Nicholas Breakspear Catholic School
1Nicholas Breakspear Catholic School
- 14-19 Education
- Year 9 Options 2009
2Schedule for this evening
- An introduction and overview - Mr Shapland
- Support for students through this process and
during Years 10 and 11 Miss Speechley - A guide to the options choices and processes Mr
3(No Transcript)
414-19 Curriculum
- Increased choice
- Improved flexibility
- Personalised learning
- Wider range of qualifications
- Why are we here
- To find out what options are available to
students. - To support our students to select courses that
they enjoy, will do well in and are right for
their level of study. - To think about what these courses might lead to
when they finish Year 11
6What decisions do I have to make?
- Which courses should I choose?
- Is it OK to drop some subjects at the end of Year
9? - What things should influence my decision
7Choose Courses or Subjects That
- You can do well in
- That you like
- That reflect your interests and personal
qualities - That help you learn in the best way for you
- That will help keep your options open in the
8Dont Choose Courses or Subjects ...
- Because your best friends are
- Because you like the teacher
- Because there is a good academic trip, remember
you study a course for two years! - Remember we are not in the business of setting
our students up to fail!
9How will I reach that decision-The process
- Year 9 Options Evening
- Options Booklet
- Connexions
- Year 9 Parents Evening Thursday 5th March
- Tutor/HOY/SBT interviews
10How the curriculum is constructed
- Vocational Courses
- Traditional GCSE courses
- Diplomas
- A/S opportunities
- Additional Language opportunities
- Personalised Science curriculum
- Work experiences
11The Key Stage Four Curriculum
12Core Curriculum
- English Language
- English Literature
- Mathematics
- Religious
- PE and Games
- Core Science
13Science a bespoke offer
- Everyone does Core Science
- You will then take one of the four additional
strands - Triple Science (Biology, Physics, Chemistry worth
3 GCSE passes) - Additional Science (Traditional course, and
individual science subjects can be taken at A
level) - Additional Applied Science (Science looking at
the practical application of science in the
world) - Environmental and Land based Science (Land based
vocational science) - Additional, Additional applied and environmental
Science are all worth 2 GCSE passes when combined
with Core Science
14(No Transcript)
15Option Choices
- French
- German
- Double Language (French and German)
- BTEC First Sport
- Certificate of Personal Effectiveness (CoPE)
- Art and Design
- Business Studies
- DT Product Design Food
- DT Product Design Graphics
- DT Product Design Resistant Materials
- DT Product Design Textiles
- Geography
- Dance
- Drama
- History
- Geography
- History
- Music
- Art Design
- PE
- Construction (Oaklands College)
- Childcare (Oaklands College)
- History (AS)
- The diploma courses are a new option this year.
- They are available to our students, though are
taught at different educational institutions. - They will finish beyond our school day so
transportation home will need to be arranged by
the students as the school busses will have gone. - A representative from the SAPG is available in
the library to supply information to you. - If you are interested in one of these courses,
you must register your interest on the separate
form in your booklets by the Feb 26th. This does
not commit you to the course.
20Combinations of subjects you can not do
- Btec first sport (Block A) and GCSE PE (Block C)
- History and A/S History
- In addition, if you select the diplomas option IT
(Level 1 or Level 2) you can not select GCSE ICT.
21GCSEs How will a timetable lookA gifted and
talented option
- English Language
- English Literature
- Mathematics
- Religious Education
- Triple science (Biology, Chemistry, Physics)
- Option A - Double language (French, German)
- Option B ICT (Double Award)
- Option C A/S Histroy
- Achievement is 11 GCSEs at Level 2 and one A/S
at Level 3
22GCSEs How will a timetable lookA vocational
- English Language
- Mathematics
- Religious Education
- Core Science with Environmental and Land based
Science (Double Award) - Btec First sport (Double Award)
- Option B Product Design Resistant materials
- Option C Construction
- Achievement is 9 GCSEs at Level 2 and one at
Level 1
23(No Transcript)
24Year 9 Time line
25Tonight's information
- This presentation and the options booklet can be
found on the school website- - www.nicholasbreakspearschool.co.uk
26Where to find the subject areas Tonight
27Nicholas Breakspear Catholic School
- 14-19 Education
- Year 9 Options 2008