1Framework of Standardsfor Voice and
Influence within Barnsley for Children and Young
People 0-19, Parents and Carers
2Definition of Voice and InfluenceThe
'Voice' in Voice and Influence encompasses the
inclusion of service users in the planning,
delivery and review of all aspects of the
service. The 'Influence' in Voice and Influence
acknowledges the importance of the views and
opinions of service users leadingto
change.Louise BerryVoice and Influence
WorkerBarnsley Childrens Fund 2006
3What are the Standards?
- There are 6 Standards
- Attitudes, Access, Information, resources,
leadership, skills. - Self Assessment tool
- They enable collaboration
- Incorporate Assessment, Evidence, Action Planning
and What has changed for children and young
people, parents and carers. - There are 4 levels to each Standard in the
Assessment section
4Why do we need to have Standards?
- Political research benefits of involvement,
services can be improved, children and young
people, parents and carers gain new skills - Social research children and young people,
parents and carers are members of our society - Legal research United Nations Convention
- on the Rights of the Child
- Human Rights
- Children Act 2004
5What are the benefits?
- Ensures service providers and service users work
together - Gives the opportunity to evaluate and improve
services - Children and young people, parents and carers
will begin to realise that they must be listened
to and valued as a member or user of their
service - Services will become more user-centred
6What are the benefits - continued
- Services will be able to fit the standards
around their service - Children and young people, parents and carers
will start to gain ownership over their services - Adopting the Framework in an effective
way will ensure you are a part of the
commissioning process - Use of the Framework of Standards will be
evaluated in future J.A.R Inspections for
Voice and Influence Work
7What are the risks?
- Lip Service
- Watering Down
- Training
- Tokenistic Approach
- Change
8How do they work?
- Services will work through the Standards
themselves (Self assessment tool) with support
from the Voice and Influence Task Group - Standards pack a toolkit
- The Journey
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114 levels
Involvement of Young People
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13Involvement of Children and Young People
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15Involvement of Children and Young People
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17Evaluation making sure that the service has
done what it said it would
Not the end of the process
18How can they fit into your service?
- Flexible
- Many tools to choose from
- Can be an addition to existing standards
- Not just more forms
- Chance to be creative and use initiative