Title: Interaction between Fear and Hatred
1Interaction between Fear and Hatred
- Syed Mansoob Murshed
- Institute of Social Studies (ISS)
- University of Birmingham
- Murshed_at_iss.nl
- The dislike of a visible minority
- Anti-Semitism in Europe
- African Americans in the USA
- Muslims in Europe
- There is a process of the production of fear
(Glaeser, 2005) - Repetitive hate messages in the media
- It is costly to sift through these messages to
establish any degree of veracity
- Racism has become more culturally based rather
than biologically based. - Huntington, Lewis
- Politicians Norman Tebbit, Wilders
4Attitudes towards Muslims in Europe
5By age or education?
6Netherlands and the UK (Quotes from Stewart, 2008)
- according to a poll conducted in 2006, 63 of
Dutch citizens felt that Islam is incompatible
with modern European life.1 - In the UK 63 of the population reporting a
generally favourable view of Muslims in 2006 and
71 of British Muslims having a generally
favourable view of British Christians. Over half
of non-Muslims in Britain thought British Muslims
were devout and honest. - 1 http//www.angus-reid.com/polls/view/12143
7Hatred Two conflicting hypotheses
- Clash of civilizations
- Discrimination
- Horizontal inequalities faced by Muslims
- Economic discrimination
- Practices frowned upon
- Collective sense of historical and present-day
8Quranic Verses celebrating national, racial and
religious diversity
- O mankind! Lo! We have created you male and
female, and have made you nations and tribes that
ye may know one another. Lo! the noblest of you,
in the sight of Allah, is the best in conduct.
(Hujrat-Private Apartments) 049.013 - Say (O Muhammad) We believe in Allah and that
which is revealed unto us and that which was
revealed unto Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac and
Jacob and the tribes, and that which was
vouchsafed unto Moses and Jesus and the prophets
from their Lord. We make no distinction between
any of them, and unto Him we have surrendered.
(Ale Imran- The Family of Imran)003.084 - And of His signs is the creation of the heavens
and the earth, and the difference of your
languages and colours. (Ar Room-The Romans)
030.022 -
9And early Muslims
- O people, Remember that your Lord is One. An Arab
has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab
over an Arab also a black person has no
superiority over a white person, nor a white has
any superiority over black, except by piety and
good action. Indeed the best among you is the one
with the best character. Listen to me. Did I
convey this to you properly? People responded,
Yes. O messenger of God, The Prophet then said,
then each one of you who is there must convey
this to everyone not present. (Excerpt from
Muhammads Last Sermon as in Baihiqi) - "Make thine heart a throne of mercy towards thy
people. Show them perfect love and care. Never
treat them as a ravening beast that tears and
rends their properties and their persons. For
they are in one of two groups. Either they are
thy brothers in the Faith- or they are thy
fellow-human beings of one flesh with thine own."
Ali, the 4th Caliph, also the cousin and
son-in-law of Muhammad to Malik-e-Ashtar his
governor designate to Egypt. (Nahjul Balagha)
10Collective sense of historical and present-day
- Historical
- Muslims were in Medieval Europe, until ethnically
cleansed - Sykes-Picot Middle Eastern disposition
- Present day
- Palestine
- Kashmir
- Bosnia
11Quotes from 2006 Pew World Survey
- European Muslims who think Islamic identity is
growing tend to consider it a good thing. This is
especially so in Great Britain, where 86 say the
perceived intensifying trend is a good thing, and
Spain where 75 agree. - Among those in the French general public who see
Islamic identity on the rise, 87 call it a bad
thing in Germany, 83 say so in Spain (82).
12Muslim attitudes
13Interaction between Fear and hatred
- Two sides
- The state or majority
- Dissident minority (Muslim militants, say)
- State has a security budget, spending of which
entails a trade-off - Between transfers
- And suppression (policing etc.)
- Strategies in peaceful behaviour that entail
costs - Taxation to finance security expenditure
- Loss of face to hawkish constituencies
- Identity directly enters the utility function of
putative terrorists. - Individuals derive utility from actions
conforming to their group - similar actions by other individuals who also
belong to their group - and their own perceived social position in
15Identity (2)
- It is possible to show that individuals derive
disutility from the non-conformity of other group
members, and may correct deviant behaviour - This solves the collective action problem in
forming militant dissident groups. - Individuals may have multiple identities.
16- The individual derives utility from his own
actions (er), and from the actions of other
like-minded individuals belonging to his group
(e-r), and above all his own identity or self
image (Ir), which depends on the actions (er,
e-r) just described, as well as the inverse of
the groups social standing, ?.
17The parameter ? represents the basis for group
- Based on economic discrimination or horizontal
inequality - Cultural factors such as historical and
present-day injustices to the group. - Both the above have been emphasised by Sen (2008)
as salient to identity based conflict.
18Interaction between Fear and Hate
- An increase in state militancy
- Right wing vote bank
- Anti-Muslim parties
- A rise in dissident militancy
- Similar to the above, but also worsening
horizonatal inequalities - Wars in Iraq, Palestinian situation which
19(No Transcript)
- Space needs to be created so that most Muslim
migrants are able to merge their personal
identities within their adopted European
homelands. In other words, policies that make it
difficult to be both European and Muslim are
bound to be self-defeating - Muslim horizontal inequalities in Europe need