Title: Fourier Series
1Lecture 9
2Lecture 9 Objectives
- Find the Fourier Series Expansion for a function
that is periodic with period 2? (or for a
function defined on the interval (??,?)). - Revise the material on infinite series in a
Question-Answer competition.
3Periodic Functions
- A function f(x) is called periodic (see picture)
iff - f(x) is defined for all real x, and
- for some p gt 0, f(x p) f(x) for all x.
Graphically, the graph of f matches its left (or
right) shift by p. - p above is called a period of f(x).
- p is called the fundamental period of f(x) iff p
is the smallest period of f(x).
- sin x and cos x are periodic with fundamental
period 2?, since e.g. sin( x 2?) sin x - sin nx and cos nx are periodic with fundamental
period 2?/n. - f(x) 1 is periodic with no fundamental period.
- a0 a1cos x b1sin x a2cos 2x b2sin 2x is
periodic with period 2?.
5Graphs of sin x and cos x
Note The graphs of sin(nx) and cos(nx) are just
horizontally compressed by a factor of n.
6Trigonometric Series
- These are infinite series of the form
Note If this series converges for all x between
?? and ?, then it converges for all real x, and
must be periodic of period 2?.
Question Can any periodic function of period 2?
be represented by a trigonometric series?
7Fourier Expansion Theorem for Periodic Functions
- Any continuous periodic function f(x) of period
2? can be represented by the trigonometric series
This is also true for any piecewise continuous
periodic function f(x) of period 2?, such that at
any discontinuity c, f(c) f(c) f(c?)/2,
where f(c) and f(c?) are the right- and
left-hand limits of f at c.
8Finding the Fourier Expansion
- If a function f(x) can be represented by the
trigonometric series
We can find all an and bn by multiplying both
sides by cos(mx) and sin(mx) and integrating
between 0 and 2?. We then get
9Finding the Fourier Coefficients
the coefficients can be calculated from
Note The limits 0 to 2? can be replaced by ?? to
10Example Find the Fourier series for
13Graphs of Partial Sums
14Example Find the Fourier series for the function
f(x) x , for ?? ? x ? ?.
15A nice Application
- The previous Fourier series represents the
function x for ?? ? x ? ?, i.e.
Substituting x 0, we get
Thus, we get the formula
16Fourier Series and Music
17Lecture 9 Objectives (revisited)
- Find the Fourier Series Expansion for a function
that is periodic with period 2? (or for a
function defined on the interval (??,?)). - Revise the material on infinite series in a
Question-Answer competition.
18- Thank you for listening.
- Wafik