Title: Research in the Computational Sciences
1Research in the Computational Sciences
Defined as whatever I find interesting
- Goal to understand
- the meaning of genomic information
- how that information is expressed
- Less prosaically, to understand the Book of
Life - In order to develop
- More effective treatments for disease
- New drug delivery systems
- GMOs
3Bioinformatics at USC
- Microarrays
- Temporal and spatial gene expression
- Provides information on gene involvement in a
pathway or process
4Bioinformatics at USC
- Phylogenetics
- Essentially genealogical trees
- Goal identify and understand relationships
between the many different kinds of life
5Bioinformatics at USC
- Phylogenetic Tree constructed from similarity
6Philosophical Agents Long-term Mission Robustness
- Supports missions of greater complexity
- Reduces cost via autonomy
- Reduces impact of communication time lag
- Significantly enhances mission robustness
Philosophical Principles for Agents
- Do not harm the mission
- Do not harm mission participants
- Do not harm yourself
- Make rational decisions
- Follow established conventions
- Make rational progress towards goals
- Operate efficiently
- New software engineering paradigm
- Fault tolerance
- Provides graceful degradation
- Trustworthy systems
7PeroBase The Peromyscus Database at the
University of South Carolina
A Web-oriented Information System
8Envisioned Scope of PeroBase
Taxonomy, Systematics, Evolution
Metabolism, Physiology, Biochemistry
Data and Bibliography
Reproduction, Development, Aging
Vector Biology
Population Biology