Title: Schur Packaging Systems
1Schur Packaging Systems
- European Post Offices
- Capture New Inserting
- Market
2Main Products
- Packaging
- Packaging machines for plastic material
- Packaging machines for cartons
- Equipment for transport packaging
- Palletizing
- Special equipment for specific lines of business
- Marking equipment
- Graphic
- Gripper conveyor
- Stackers
- Packaging equipment
- Bundle distribution systems
- Inserters
- Palletizing systems
3Inserting at Newspapers
- Generally for Pagination
- Normally On-line
- Winders and Unwinders
- Very few FSIs
- 10 or less inserting hoppers on a machine
- Most inserting in Germany and UK
- Most advertising is ROP
4Inserting by Post Offices
- Driven by EUs decision to eliminate the Post
Offices exclusive right to deliver mail - Off Line
- All FSIs
- Up to 40 Insert Hoppers
- Inkjet Addressing
- Multiple Zones
- Either Contracted to a third party or by Postal
5 Processing of Advertising Supplements
The core of the system is a collator, the
mechanical concept of which is very simple and
reliable. The feeder technology used is unique
and has been developed on a basis of experience
gained through many years of work with inserting
systems. The concept consists of different
- Paper Wrap Collator Line
- Inserter Line
- Quarter-folded
6 3 ways of processing the products
7Paper Wrap Collator Line
The advertising material is collated in a paper
8Inserter Line
The advertising material is gathered in a package
and inserted into a selected main product.
9¼ Folding Collator Line
Quarter-Folding Collator Line the advertising
material is collated in a package and is then
10Collating of Advertising Supplements
The advertising supplements are collated on top
of an unfolded sheet of paper. After all of the
supplements are collated, the flat sheet of paper
is folded on top of the collated set.
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14Promotional Print Distribution Concept
Schur Production Planning System
Customer IT-system
Master Controler
Work Station
Line Controller
Pallet Controller
Truck Controller
Bundle Distribution
Paper Wrap Collator type A 883
Pallet Labelling
Programmed Pallets
Pallet Distribution
15New Development
- Combination Paperwrap Collator and Inserter
- Capability of Collating and Inserting on the Same
Machine - Will be introduced at Drupa 2004
17PaperWrap Collating
18Thank you