Title: Staying Alive: Succeeding in a difficult climate
1Staying AliveSucceeding in a difficult climate
- Charles Watson MIPR
- Chief Executive
- Financial Dynamics
2The Consultancy in 2003Threats Challenges Opp
3Boom-Bust The late 80s
4History repeats itself..
5Worldwide Revenues of top 50 firms (m)
Source Council of Public Relations Firms
6What are the clients saying?
7Corporate Affairs Director Research Study 2003
- Communications departments subject to severe
cost pressures - 73 of respondents flat or reduced budgets
- 63 headcount freezes
- No improvement next year
Source Watson Helsby
8Corporate Affairs Director Research Study 2003
- The consultancy is probably one of the biggest
sources of reduction in the budget. - I have kept the financial PR agency, but halved
the fee. I have let go the public affairs
consultancy. - The days of retaining a large agency for a
blanket task have long gone you just dont get
the quality.
Source Watson Helsby
9Corporate Affairs Director Research Study
- Clients have become increasingly more
sophisticated, resourceful and confident in their
in-house capabilities - Their external requirements are increasingly for
specialist services rather than for blanket
advice - Value-for-money and ROI paramount
Source Watson Helsby
10What are the consultants saying?
11Ability to cost PR activities
12Ability to deliver on time and to budget
13So what happens next?
14Five Basic Principles for the 00s
- Value
- Evaluation
- Risk/Reward
- Expertise
- Talent
15Talent The winning commodity
- Recruitment, development, retention of talent
No 1 task for consultancy management - Incentivisation a key tool for service delivery
- Clients should scrutinise consultancy staff
16The Consultancy in 2003Threats Challenges Opp