Title: DLESE as a source of Pedagogical Content Knowledge
1DLESE as a source of Pedagogical Content
- Kim Kastens
- Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia
University - DLESE Annual Meeting
- University of South Florida
- July 10, 2005
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9Pedagogical Content Knowledge
PCK knowledge of how to teach effectively in a
discipline, as opposed to knowledge of the
discipline itself (Shulman, 1986 Shulman, 1987).
10Pedagogical Content Knowledge includes
Common misconceptions/ prior conceptions
Typical difficulties Prerequisite concepts and
skills Strategies to help different kinds of
students What models/ analogies/visualizations
/activities work How to assess
11DLESE as a venue for capturing, creating and
sharing PCK
12DLESE as a venue for capturing, creating and
sharing PCK
- Share Fair accelerates teacher to teacher
exchange of PCK
13DLESE as a venue for capturing, creating and
sharing PCK
On the Cutting Edge workshops and associated
websites build communities of practitioners who
exchange PCK.
- Share Fair accelerates teacher to teacher
exchange of PCK
14DLESE as a venue for capturing, creating and
sharing PCK
The Community Review System aggregates tips and
recommendations about teaching with specific
15DLESE as a venue for capturing, creating and
sharing PCK
The Community Review System aggregrates tips and
recommendations about teaching with specific
Guidance to resource creators on embedding
pedagogical information into their resource.
16DLESE as a source of Pedagogical Content
KnowledgeWhat more could we do?
17DLESE as a source of Pedagogical Content
KnowledgeWhat more could we do?
Idea! An annotation service providing links to
related pedagogical resources!
18DLESE as a source of Pedagogical Content
KnowledgeWhat more could we do?
Idea! An annotation service providing links to
related pedagogical resources!
What is an annotation? In DLESE or NSDL, a
piece of information that pertains to an
educational resource, but is not part of the
educational resource itself.
19DLESE as a source of Pedagogical Content
KnowledgeWhat more could we do?
Idea! An annotation service providing links to
related pedagogical resources!
Annotations which are pointers to related
pedagogical resources misconceptions commonly
encountered while teaching that ES topic skills
needed for completing that ES activity
assessment techniques called for in that ES
Mock-up at http//crs.dlese.org/testbed/pck/
22More ideas about DLESE as a source of
Pedagogical Content Knowledge
23More ideas about DLESE as a source of
Pedagogical Content Knowledge
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