Title: System Design
1System Design
Expert system development requires disciplined
approach, as with all professional software
projects Ideas from conventional software
engineering need to be modified for KB
software however main difference KB (central
component of system) is inherently dynamic and
changing - new rules, facts are continually
being added and refined during development -
knowledge representation often needs to be
changed as a result - this in turn can affect
inference engine and other utilities --gt There
is a continual loop between design fomulation /
testing / debugging this loop is not as
pervasive in conventional software, in which the
system requirements stay fairly concrete
throughout development
2Design cycle
expert knowledge acquisition
test, debug
shell technology (KB, inf. eng.)
3System Design
Project Inception
Feasibility Study
System Design
Form Devt. Team
Develop System Requirements
4System Design
Final system devt/maintenance cycle
System Refinement Cycle
Prototype development
Production environment
Maintenance, enhancement
Final System
Testing Evaluation
Knowledge Acquisition (expert)
51. Project inception
 a document giving system overview, but with
sketchy technical references This is an
organisational preparation some tasks a)
identify project objectives - area of
expertise to be considered, as well as its limits
in domain - types and sources of
knowledge - function of expert system
configuration, diagnoses, control, ... -
who are the users? - application
interfaces - system interfaces
(databases, robots, 747's, ...) b) how will
system be tested? c) outline of project
"milestones" (time line)
62. Project team
Management - "project champion" ,
usually a corporate manager up in the pecking
order - has access to the purse
strings - project leader/coordinator
responsible for delivery of the system
Experts not really part of development team per
sae, but are a crucial component of
development and testing Knowledge engineers
- extract knowledge from experts -
design knowledge base - apply inference
techniques System programmers -
responsible for shell utilities
These jobs often merged
73. Feasibility study
after project inception, feasibility study
needed to examine the viability of the whole
proposed idea a) technical issues -
suitability of problem is a conventional
software solution better? - sources and
suitability of the expertise - type of
expertise - some expertise (common
sense reasoning, creativity, learning,...)
cannot be automated (yet?) -
development time for the domain (scope too large,
eg. medical science) b) economic -
benefits gain gt expenditure ? -
overall cost manpower, hardware software
tools, experts - risks monetary, legal,
unforseen developments, ...
84. System requirements
done at 2 stages (3) feasibility study
(rough), and (5) project design (rigorous) Â
document requirements, objectives, goals, and
their relative importance  get input from
- Management cost benefits, corporate
strategy - Experts KB details,
correctness of KB (quality control) -
Users personal impact of proposed system
- Developers mediators, develop realistic
goals Issues to be addressed in requirements
list - development resources H/W, S/W,
K.E. labour, expert labour, time, cost -
expert availability - functional overview of
system - operational environment users,
locations, operating costs, ... - user
interface text, graphics, ... - information
sources user input, databases, sensors -
system output to terminal, database, device
control, ... - maintenance estimated costs
95. System design
this phase interacts with prototyping
focussing in on a specific expert system
design carefully thought out design
reduce project overhead too much design
inflexibility ( leave doors open, don't burn
bridges ) Â 3 main tasks a) selecting
representation of knowledge (next slide) b)
Selecting development tools - H/W
(mainframe, micro) - S/W -
commercial development packages -
"generic" languages like Prolog, Lisp
- utilities (interface,...) c) Delivery
considerations - target platform
105. System Design
a) Selecting representation of knowledge
Knowledge Representation structures
inference scheme
- forward chaining - backward chaining -
uncertainty - inductive inference (ID3) - NNs -
- form of rules - frames - other AI
structures - data, databases - decision tables
application interfaces - to user, devices,
... - explanation - dialog procedures - security
116. Crafting a prototype
4 stages i) toy prototype for initial
feasibility study (hacked together)
ii) initial - first serious
prototype created from design requirements
iii) prototype repeatedly refined into real
system v) final prototype --
will become the real system prototypes should
always be broad enough for later expansion
end-user input is valuable can avoid huge design
errors based on mistaken assumptions
should make use of "milestones" eg. week 2
get initial set of rules from expert
week 6 finish encoding rules into shell
126. Prototyping (cont)
3 strategies a) Build an initial prototype for
the whole application, test it, refine it -
best for smaller applications - focus is on
KB implementation and inference scheme b) Build
an overall skeleton, but fill in one or more
modules. Subsequent refinements fill in empty
modules. - best for larger systems -
caution design should consider needs of empty
modules, else a redesign might be required
later iii) have different teams build and test
separate modules coalesce together
later. - good when application has distinct
components - faster development - separate
modules may use different KB conventions
137. Prototype evaluation
A. Testing completeness anything missing?
consistency proper interfaces, fluid behaviour
robustness do missing or erroneous data cause
crashes? sequence independence is KB
declarative? (ie. run twice with rules in
different order same output?) Testing
techniques i)Â case data from expert, with
solutions - test integrity of KB -
includes standard cases, exceptions, impossible
ones, ... ii) use explanation facilities to
check reasoning iii) consistency-checking
functions - special rules, frame demons,
etc, to do testing and data checking iv) rule
order shuffling - very important with
Prolog-based shells v) regression testing
standard set of tests performed whenever KB
147. Prototype eval (cont)
B. Debugging  explanation  standard tools
(prolog trace,...) Â debugging rules, demons C.
Validation  scope are full range of problems
handled? productivity efficiency and
throughput effectiveness quality of output
skill level of users training teach users?
compatability is system usable to typical user?
158. Knowledge acquisition
 research area of AI and psychology  a major
human relations problem! primary tool
interviews - good approach 2-on-1, where 2
knowledge engineers (K.E.'s) interview in
tandem. Strengthens quality of understanding,
focus of questioning. typical kinds of
generic questions - What do you do next?
- What does that mean? - Why do you do
that? - Is this always the case? when
multiple experts are to be used, best to
interview separately, and then compare their
expertise later - otherwise, a consensus
opinions occur, which are often weaker
168. Knowledge acquisition (cont)
Problems with experts
incorrect information from expert (often
intentionally) Â misunderstood information,
terminology  KE's question may bias the
knowledge base, introducing irrelevant info
expert's explanation may wander KE must focus
the expert  personality clashes
interruptions (during the interview, during the
project) Main goal close the semantic gap
between experts thinking and knowledge base
179. Real system creation
The final prototype (which contains most of
the guts of the final system) is given final
refinements so that it can be put directly in the
field environment. can simply involve
transporting code to target H/W and S/W
platform, installing database and device
hooks, etc
1810, 11. Final testing validation
Following concerns i) effectiveness of user
interface - clarity, understanding,
intuition - usage patterns frequency,
functionality - efficiency - error
handling - training ii)
productivity iii) solution quality,
adequacy iv) degree to which benefits are
obtained v) user support training time?
documentation needs? vi) user attitudes love
it or despise it (why?)
19Final validation (cont)
 can be useful to have hooks in system which
collect statistics - user interaction -
KB use - errors 11. System maintenance,
enhancement maintenance is initially expected,
but hopefully system becomes solid in time
enhancements can mean minor additions to KB, or
major rewrites of system design (usually
because clients were happy with the first