Title: The school experience
1The school experience Phil Coughlan International
Coordinator, Highcliffe School, Dorset
- Reasons
- Benefits
- Hints/Tips
- Examples
- School Leaders
- International Coordinators
- Considering Application
- Engaged in the process
4Aims at Inception
- Specialist School ethos
- re-imagining the school
- transforming an insular community
- creating the sense that anything is possible
- tool to raise standards.
5Why the ISA?
- External
- fit with Language College ethos
- exposure to external cultures
- outward looking opportunity to build networks
- Internal
- cuts across traditional power structures
- potential to Glue subject areas
- a target on which to focus change with safety
6Portfolio - strategy
- clarity of purpose (3 sentences)
- communication (external/internal)
- use the Audit for other school purposes (tie-in
with SDP) - timing of activities (calendar)
- plan all evidence in advance collect all
evidence quickly - supplementary activities hijacking.
7Value of the ISA - school
- improvements in curricula
- citizenship
- outward-thinking students
- inter-faculty cooperation
- greater stakeholder involvement
- links with external organisations
- school environment
- international school links
- CPD.
8Value of the ISA - school
- Second-level effects
- student involvement
- school confidence
- proactivity of staff
- other awards
- profile within the community
- profile at national level
- moving beyond charity.
9Long-Term Aims
- each Faculty/Subject Area to have at least one
unit of work (preferably for a whole year group)
delivered via international dimension/links - active school link on each continent
- all links/trips to be curricular-based
- demonstrable effects on student attitudes/outlook
10Material ThingsbyCatherine White(Year 9)
In life we only ever see That which we really
want to see Sometimes it takes a big event To
show we have more than God meant Sharing is all
well and good, But politicians dont do what they
should. Every day many sit and die, But we tell
ourselves its just a lie. For we could not face
ourselves, If we counted all the times we
delve, Into the fund meant for all mankind, And
come up with our pockets lined. Although we have
more material things And we have the love that
family brings, There are many people who would
appreciate, What we have, but they dont give us
hate. We often make a big mistake, And argue
over the largest slice of cake, When all we
should really do, Is sit and think of all those
who, Do not have what we have or make, And we
should give for once, instead of take.
11Portfolio - strategy
- clarity of purpose (3 sentences)
- communication (external/internal)
- use the Audit for other school purposes (tie-in
with SDP) - timing of activities (calendar)
- plan all evidence in advance collect all
evidence quickly - supplementary activities hijacking.
- have a rack of replacement activities ready
- build in a way to evaluate effect on students
12Portfolio - tactics
- remember you are relying on others
- spread the credit
- publicity school newsletter, staff briefings,
meetings - get a dedicated digital camera
- keep re-reading the criteria
- contact the team whenever in doubt
- talk with relevant staff in advance and agree on
evidence to be collected
13(No Transcript)
14and more to come.Internationalism is a
process not a destination.
15If nothing corrupts more than absolute power
with no responsibility, then nothing is more
morally ennobling than absolute responsibility
with no power.
and a final thought for the lowly Portfolio