Title: Data Abstraction
1Data Abstraction
CS 201j Engineering Software University of
Virginia Computer Science
Nathanael Paul nate_at_virginia.edu
- Data abstraction
- Specification/Design of Abstract Data Types
(ADTs) - Implementation of ADTs
3The Problem
- Programs are complex.
- Windows XP 45 million lines of code
- Mathematica over 1.5 million
- Abstraction helps
- Many-to-one forget the details
- Must separate what from how
4Information Hiding
- Modularity - Procedural abstraction
- By specification
- Locality
- Modifiability
- By parameterization
- Data Abstraction
- What you can do with the data is separated from
how it is represented
5Software development cycle
- Specifications What do you want to do?
- Design How will you do what you want?
- Implement Code it.
- Test Check if it works.
- Maintain School projects dont usually make it
this far. - Bugs are cheaper earlier in the cycle!
6Database Implementation
- Database on library web-server stores information
on users userID, name, email, etc. - You are responsible for implementing the
interface between the web-server and database - What happens when we ask for the email address
for a specific user?
7Client asks for email address
What is email address of nate?
8Client/Server/Database Interaction
I need Nates email.
The interaction between the server and database
is your part.
9Client/Server/Database Interaction
10Client/Server/Database Interaction
11Example Database System
- Need a new data type
- Abstract Data Types (ADTs)
- Help separate what from how
- Client will use the specifications for
interaction with data - Client of the web database should not know the
guts of the implementation
12Data abstraction in Java
- An ADT is defined by a class
- The ADT in the web/database application will be a
User - A private instance variable hides the class
internals - public String getEmail ()
- What is private in the implementation?
- A class does not provide data abstraction by
Class User // OVERVIEW // mutable object
// where the User // is a library // member.
public String email
/ Client code using a User object, myUser /
String nateEmail myUser.email sendEmail(nateEma
il) / The clients code can only see what is
made public in the User class. The users email
data is public in the User class. This is BAD.
14Program Maintenance
- Suppose storage space is at a premium
- Everyone in the database is userid_at_virginia.edu,
so we can drop the virginia.edu - nate_at_virginia.edu nate
- What kind of problems will occur with the code
just seen?
15Program Maintenance
- Suppose storage space is at a premium
- Everyone in the database is userid_at_virginia.edu,
so we can drop the virginia.edu - nate_at_virginia.edu nate
- What kind of problems could occur had the client
code been able to access the email address
Email was public in User class.
String nateEmail myUser.email sendEmail(nateEma
16Accessibility (fixed)
Class User // OVERVIEW A // mutable
object where // User is a library // member.
private String email public String
getEmail() // EFFECTS returns users
// primary email return email
// Client code using a User object, myUser
String nateEmail myUser.getEmail() sendEmail(na
teEmail) / This code properly uses data
abstraction when returning the full email
address. /
17Accessibility (fixed)
Class User // OVERVIEW A // mutable
object where // User is a library //
member. private String email public
String getEmail() // EFFECTS returns
users // primary email return email
// Client code using a User object, myUser
String nateEmail myUser.getEmail() sendEmail(na
teEmail) / The database dropped the
_at_virginia.edu, and only one line of code needed
changing. /
18Advantages/Disadvantages ofData Abstraction?
- - More code to write and maintain initially
- Overhead of calling a method
- Greater initial time investment
- Client doesnt need to know about
representation - Maintenance is easier.
- Increases locality and modifiability
19Specifying ADTs
20Bad Users at the Library
- The library now wants to crack down on bad Users
with overdue books, so the code will need to work
with a group of Users. - What should be used to represent the group? What
data structures do we know about? How should we
integrate this code with what we have? - What operations should be supported?
- deleteUser(String userID)
- isInGroup(String userID)
21Library keeping track of bad people
- You need to write some code that will manipulate
a group of Users that are on the bad list. - Implementation at right uses an array
Class GroupUsers // OVERVIEW // Operations
provided // to manage a mutable group // of
users private User latePeople public
void toString() // OVERVIEW Print user
// names to standard output
22Array implementation initialization for GroupUsers
- Class GroupUsers
- // OVERVIEW Unbounded, mutable
- // group of Users
- private User latePeople
- public void GroupUsers(String userIDs)
- // OVERVIEW Initialize group
- // from userIDs
- latePeople new UseruserIDs.length 10
- for(int i 0 i lt userIDs.length i)
- latePeoplei new User(userIDsi)
23ADT design
- Mutable/Immutable ADTs
- Mutable objects fields or values change
- Immutable objects fields permanently set at
creation - Is this being modified?
- Tradeoffs
- Immutability simpler and safer
- Immutability is slower (creation/deletion of
24Classification of ADT operations
- Creator (constructor)
- GroupUsers(String userIDs )
- Producer
- addUser(String userID)
- Mutator
- setUserEmail(String email)
- Observer
- isMember (String userID)
25Implementing ADTs
26A bad implementation
- Most common characteristics
- Modifying implementation forces other code to be
changed (violdates modifiability) - Must understand more code than necessary to
reason about code (violates locality) - Maintenance is difficult
27A good implementation
- User class needed a way to store state of a user,
so operations will build around the stored state. - Methods should be (procedure abstraction)
- Easily coded as possible
- Efficient
- Exhibit locality
- Should enable better testing, maintenance
28Changing the group implementation
- The guts of the implementation is subject to
change. - What happens on the GroupUsers deleteUser(String
29deleteUser(String userID)
- The array must shift down an average of n/2 items
when deleting an element
30Linked ListsA new data structure
Each User has its own representation, but we
store the collection in a list. In the following
implementation, each user object is contained in
a Node object.
31List-node implementation
- class Node
- // Mutable nodes that is used for a linked list
- // of users
- private User theUser
- private Node next
next points to the next bad user
32List implementation
- class GroupUsers
- // Mutable, unbounded group of users
- private Node latePeople / head of list /
- private int numUsers
- / Nodes are users with an additional member
field called next. The Node class was added, so
the User class would not need modification. /
33Adding a user into GroupUsers
- / in GroupUsers.java /
- public void addUser(User newUser)
- // MODIFIES this
- // EFFECTS this_pre this_pre U
(Node)newUser - latePeople.add(new Node(newUser))
- numUsers
34Adding a node into a group of nodes (Node.java)
public void add (Node n) // MODIFIES
this // EFFECTS n is inserted just after this
in the list // first user in list? if
(this.next null) this.next n
else n.next this.next this.next
35deleteUser(String userID) cont.
36deleteUser(String userID)Node.java
public void delete (String userID) //
MODIFIES this // EFFECTS this_pre this_pre
node // where node.userID userID Node
currNode Node prevNode if(this.next
null) return prevNode this currNode
this.next // continued on next slide
37deleteUser(String userID)cont.
while(currNode.next ! null) if(userID.equa
ls(currNode.getUserID())) prevNode.next
currNode.next break currNode
currNode.next prevNode prevNode.next
// user at end of list? if (currNode.next
null userID.equals(currNode.getUserID()))
prevNode.next null
38Linked List vs. Array
- Array is better for
- Accessing a randomly desired element
- Linked list is better at
- Inserting
- Deleting
- Dynamic resizing
- Users of your implementation may need to use a
list or an array for efficiency, so you need an
implementation that can be changed easily.