Title: Rapid Assessment Process for PostConflict Iraq
1Rapid Assessment Processfor Post-Conflict Iraq
2What is a Rapid Assessment?
- Overview of situation
- Broad but shallow
- Intended to flag humanitarian issues
3 Features of the tool
- Common snapshot
- Minimum number of questions to establish need
- Common page identifier if teams break out
- Basic administrative and population page
- Sector segments produced by Sector Coordinators
4RAP Questionnaire
- Content of the Questionnaire provided by
- UN Agencies
- Sector Coordinators
- NGOs
5RAP Methodology
- This questionnaire is intended to be used by a
wide variety of humanitarian actors. - It does not have to be administered by sector
experts - It relies on key informant interviews with
local/community leaders
6Using the RAP
7Rural or Urban?
8Rural AssessmentLocation Data why do we need
9Identifying data by location allows the data to
be mapped.
10Urban Assessment
11Urban Location
12Urban Administration
13Infrastructure DamageA common understanding of
14General Comments what else would you like to
add?Your observations may capture information
that the form does not.
15Rapid Assessment Form Section 2Didnt we
already do this?
16Population DataEverybody needs it!
17Water and Sanitation
20RAP Section 3Location data again!
21Local Social Infrastructure
22Major Social Infrastructure
24Safety and Security -UXO and Mine Contamination
25Current Assistance
26RAP Logistics How does it work?
- Teams composed of UN Agencies NGOs plan
their itinerary- Teams print out forms and
assemble needed equipment
27- - Completed RAP forms are returned to the HIC
Field Coordinator in Kuwait or Amman - - Data processing is managed by the HIC
- Data analysis by Sector Specialists
- Data products will be produced by the HIC
28Thank you for your participation in this
training and in the Rapid Assessment Process
for Post-Conflict Iraq.