Title: Project Merlion
1Work Ready Project Ethics in Management Gen
eric learning activity designed by Skye Nettleton
based on the work of Bartol et al (2006)
Management Foundations A Pacific Rim Focus,
McGraw Hill Australia
Source Chris Bennett
Source Clipart
2Ethical Guidelines for Managers
- Obey the law
- Tell the truth
- Show respect for people
- Stick to the Golden Rule
- Above all, do no harm
- Participation, not paternalism
- Responsibility requires action
3Ethical Career Issues
- Assessing values and protecting yourself
- Seek advice and support from trusted sources.
- Take action to change what you see as not being
ethical. - Take actions to protect yourself.
- Anticipating ethical conflicts
- Pre-employment checks Is this an ethical
company? - Is the industry marked by patterns of unethical
behaviour? - Avoid ethical compromises.
4Managing an Ethical Organisation
Situational factors influencing ethical
behaviour External factors Competitiveness
high/low opportunities for success dependency on
other organisations Internal factors Push for
high performance labour unrest delegation
quests for innovation
5Mechanisms for Ethical Management
- Increasing awareness of diversity
- Top management commitment
- Codes of ethics
- Ethics committees
- Ethics audits
- Ethics hotlines
- Ethics training