Title: The Wolverton Centre for Sexual Health
1The Wolverton Centre for Sexual Health
computerised Call Centre Check Go
Clinics Presented by Rachel Sands Written by
Lucy Knowles Sarah Quinnen
2The Wolverton Centre for Sexual Health
- Only 1 line available for department direct
line - Reoccurring fault on line due to excessive
demand - Every call had to be redirected by reception
team - Inability to provide useful out of hours
information - Complaints received from patients and GPs
- Audit conducted in March 2006 demonstrated that
during a one week - period only 52 of calls were answered and
only 18 needed a receptionist
3The Wolverton Centre for Sexual Health
- Medfash Review July 2006 and the DoHs 48 hour
access target put pressure - on the Trust to improve telephone access
funding was agreed - The Clinic Managers embarked on a project to
install a computerised Call - Centre to increase access and to improve
information available to patients - The Trusts Outpatient Department had already
purchased a - computerised Call Centre system
- We were able to upgrade their software to
enable us to add - our Department system plan, keeping costs to
a minimum - The software is now shared, with individual
Department plans, and - is managed by Sexual Health Main
4The Wolverton Centre for Sexual Health
The System
- A digital, PC based system - Siemens HiPath
ProCentre Enterprise, Vers7 - The Clinic Managers
- Wrote designed a complex
- 24 hour system plan
- Worked closely with Siemens
- Engineers to program and
- install system
- Increased volume of external
- telephone lines from 1 to 5
- Wrote recorded the messages
- using software on PC
5The Wolverton Centre for Sexual Health
- The Wolverton Staff
- Received training on the new system
- Were provided with digital handsets
(those answering calls only) - Adjusted to a new way of working
now having to log onto their telephone with a PIN
number - In May 2007 the system went live!
6The Wolverton Centre for Sexual Health
Benefit to callers
- Callers now have the ability to select from a
menu of 5 options - Listen to recorded information (24 hours a day)
to include- - Clinic timetable
- Emergency contraception information
- Tests available, confidentiality what to expect
at the clinic - Frequently asked questions
- Address, directions, bus/train routes, parking
info - Immediate access to the appropriate member of
staff (receptionist/nurse/office) - Ability to queue, rather than get an engaged
tone if the lines are busy - If queuing, receive periodic comfort messages
7The Wolverton Centre for Sexual Health
Benefit to Wolverton Centre
- The Clinic Managers manage the system
- daily to-
- Ensure appropriate staff are logged in
- Monitor volume of calls, logging in
- additional staff as required
- Identify any queues in the system
- Ability to produce activity data reports
- Control of information on the system
- with the ability to make immediate changes
8The Wolverton Centre for Sexual Health
The result
- We have increased access and improved the
- information available to our patients
- Reports show that the Department
- is now able to answer on average
- 92 of calls per month
- (52 per week prior to installation)
9Check Go
- Background
- All patients, regardless of symptoms, were
examined by a Doctor or a Nurse Specialist, and
then waited for their microscopy results. In
booked clinics this could take up to 1.5 hours
and up to 3 hours in walk-in clinics. -
- MedFASH review in July 2006 recommended
nurse-led screening clinics for asymtomatic
patients to improve patient access
10Check Go
- Development
- A rapid nurse-led Check and Go service
introduced Feb 2007 - Development of a clinic protocol, a screening
pathway, patient selection and exclusion criteria
and guidance for reception staff - Asymptomatic patients streamlined to check and
go nurse-led service during GU walk-in clinic - 2 booked clinics a week for asymptomatic
patients, offering - - Blood tests for HIV and Syphilis
- - Testing for Gonorrhoea and Chlamydia
- - TV
- Results provided by text result in 5 working days
11Check Go
- The Result
- Improved flow during walk-in clinics
- Increased patient access (additional 16
appointments available per week) - Plan for additional 4 booked clinics (early
mornings and late afternoon) - Lessons Learnt
- Clinics not at most appropriate times
(lunchtimes) - Increased understanding required by patients and
non-clinical staff for booking into session