Title: Financial Diagnostics
1Financial Diagnostics Strategy
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2Unrestricted Net Assets to Liabilities 1997- 2000
3Revenue Net of Gains/Losses to Expenses 1997 -
4Foundation of Financial Strategy
- Know Your Financial Condition
- Understand What Drives Financial Performance
- Establish Goals and Benchmarks
- Constantly Monitor Your Financial Condition
5First Step Simple Measure of Risk
- Compute the difference between net student
revenue and operational expenses - Net student revenue net tuition auxiliaries
- Operational expenses expenses auxiliaries
- The balance represents
- The risk inherent in enrollment flows
- The risk inherent in the other sources of revenue
6Second Step Risk Measure Composite Financial
- Purpose Measures financial viability
- Developed by KPMG and the Department of Education
- Based on earlier work by John Minter Assoc. and
Moodys Investors Services - Compute CFI for several years to identify the
trends - Uses Four Ratios to Measure Viability
- Primary Ratio relates expendable resources to
expenses - Net Income Ratio income to revenue
- Return on Net Assets relates change in net
assets to total assets - Viability Ratio relates expendable resources to
7CFI Component Ratio Primary Reserve
- Purpose resources relative to expenses. Positive
growth for - resources relative expenses
8CFI Component Ratio Net Income
- Purpose Identify surpluses or deficits
9CFI Component Ratio Return on Net Assets
- Purpose Shows increase in reserves or wealth
10CFI Component Ratio Viability Ratio
- Purpose Shows ability of expendable net assets
to cover debt
11CFI Weights Strengths
12CFI Scoring Scale
13Work Session Computing CFI
- Source of data Financials
- Step 1 Insert data each ratio
- Step 2 Compute each ratio
- Step 3 Insert ratios in Weights Strength
Table - Step 4 Compute weights strengths
- Step 4 Sum last column to produce CFI
14How To Use CFI
- Identify which ratio has the greatest impact on
the CFI score. - Decompose the ratio into its component parts to
determine what has to change. - Test to see what changes have a positive impact
on the ratio.
15Do You Use Ratios or Trends?
- Which ratios do you use - Why?
- Were you surprised by any of the ratios or by the
index score Why? - Could you use these ratios with the leadership at
your school? - Should ABOPS compile these or other ratios?
16Strategic Implications of CFI
- Financial performance is what happens after other
decisions have been made - Budgets
- Programs
- Services
- Marketing
17Best Practices Financial Strategy Part One
- Balance revenue and expense growth rates
- Build a coherent net pricing strategy
- Trade gifts for debt
- Add employees discriminately
- Contain expense growth
- Estimate revenue conservatively and prior to the
budgeting of expenses
18Best Practices Financial Strategy Part Two
- Build a contingency fund
- Install budget controls
- Track variances
- What do you do with variances?
- Limit new employees during the fiscal year
- Cash gt 8 of expenses
- Bill and Collect Billings Monthly
19Best Practices Questions
- Do you track best practices if so tell us about
best practices at other schools or your schools - How do you get information about best practices?
- What best practices do you plan to use in the
next twelve months.
20Financial Strategy Turnarounds
- Find financial resources to fund the turnaround
- Diagnose your current financial condition
decompose ratios - Eliminate non-productive activities
- Set financial goal using CFI ratios
- Install rigorous budget and financial systems
21Sources of Data
- Sources of Data IPEDS Data
- http//nces.ed.gov/ipeds
- http//www.jma-inc.net
- Source for IRS Form 990
- http//www.guidestar.org
- Ronald E. Salluzzo and Philip Tahey, Frederic J.
Prager, and Christopher J. Cowen. (1999). Ratio
Analysis in Higher Education. 4th edition. KPMG
and Prager, McCarthy Sealy, LLC. - Moodys Investors Service. Moody's Rating
Approach for Private Colleges and Universities.
New York. - Moody's Investor Service. Private Colleges and
Universities Outlook and Medians. New York. - Townsley, Michael K. (2002) The Small College
Guide to Financial Health Beating the Odds.
Washington, DC, NACUBO. -