Title: SMEs in turbulent times: a central bank perspective
1SMEs in turbulent times a central bank
OECD Turin Round Table 26-27th March 2009 Diego
Rodriguez Palenzuela
2(No Transcript)
3Chart 1 Tightening of credit standards for loans
to enterprises- SMEs and large enterprises ( net
Source ECB
4Chart 2 Factors contributing to the tightening
of credit standards for loans to enterprises
SMEs and large enterprises.
Source ECB
5Chart 3 Bank spreads on small and large loans to
non-financial corporations (monthly data, August
2007-January 2009, basis points)
Source ECB
6Chart 4 Gross Operating Surplus and stock market
based earnings growth ( quarterly data, 1996Q1 to
2008Q4, annual growth rates)
Source ECB