Surrey Community Health Services
Surrey Community Health Services
2Overview of the session
- Defining clinical supervision
- Functions of supervision
- Models of supervision
- Contracting for supervision
- Clinical Governance
- Roles and responsibilities
3Defining Clinical Supervision
- An exchange between practising professionals
about a specific patient incident or intervention
(CSP 2000) - A reflective exchange between professionals to
develop practice (Faugier Butterworth 1994) - An interactive process between providers of
health care which enables the development of
professional knowledge and skills (Faugier
Butterworth 1992)
- A formal process of professional support and
learning which enables individual practitioners
to develop knowledge and competence, assume
responsibility for their own practice and enhance
consumer protection
Surrey Community Health Services
4Defining Clinical Supervision
- Clinical supervision is regular protected time
for facilitated in depth reflection on clinical
practice. It aims to enable the supervisee to
achieve, sustain and creatively develop a high
quality of practice through a means of focused
support and development. The supervisee reflects
on the part he/she plays as an individual in the
complexities of the events and quality of his/her
practice. This reflection is facilitated by one
or more experienced colleagues who have expertise
in facilitation, and the frequent ongoing
sessions are led by the supervisees agenda. The
process of clinical supervision should continue
throughout the persons career, whether they
remain in practice or move into management,
research or education. (Bond Holland 1998)
Surrey Community Health Services
5Clinical Supervision
- . the name clinical supervision is a stupid
name.its caused so many problems. I cannot
begin to tell you. Because people dont want to
be thought of as supervised, they feel you are
looking, spying on them, you are checking up on
them, youre trying to see where they are going
wrong.. - (Butterworth et al 1997)
6What is it not?
- Managerial
- Performance review
- Hierarchical
- It is not a whingeing session
Surrey Community Health Services
- Formative the educative process of developing
skills - Restorative supportive help for professionals
working constantly with distress and stress - Normative the quality control aspects of
professional practice (Proctor 1992)
8Challenge and Support
- To support
- To inform
- To act as a catalyst
- To challenge
- Bond Holland 1994
Surrey Community Health Services
9Clinical Governance where does clinical
supervision fit?
- Clinical effectiveness
- Risk management
- Communication
- Patient/client experience
- Resources
- Strategic effectiveness
- Learning effectiveness
10Clinical supervision and personal development
- Identify gaps in knowledge through reflection
- Identify education and training requirements
- Explore career pathways
- Look at the wider picture, practice needs,
organisational objectives and government strategy
Surrey Community Health Services
11Models of supervision
- STRUCTURAL MODELS one-to-one supervision. This
- can either be from your own discipline or with
a supervisor - from another discipline
- GROUP SUPERVISION More than three people
involved. - The ideal maximum is six people
- TRIADIC/CONSULTATIVE Supervision with an extra
- practitioner present to add another dimension
to the - discussion, (usually a practice development
facilitator or - clinical specialist)
Surrey Community Health Services
12CLINICAL SUPERVISION topics for discussion
- The contract ground rules
- Issues to bring to supervision
- The model of reflection to use
- Characteristics of a good supervisor
- Roles and responsibilities
- Legal and ethical considerations
- Documentation
- The research into its effectiveness
Surrey Community Health Services
13The End
Surrey Community Health Services
14Further reading
- Bond and Holland(1998) Skills of Clinical
Supervision - Bishop V (ed) (2007) Clinical Supervision in
Practice some questions, answers and guidelines
for professionals in health and social care. - Department of Health (2002) Public Health and
Clinical Quality Clinical Governance. London DH - Driscoll.J (2000) practising Clinical Supervision
- Jasper. M, Jumaa. M (eds). (2005) Effective
Healthcare Leadership. 1st edition. Blackwell