Title: Seaborn Lees Finest
1Seaborn Lees Finest!
Cameron Newton, one of Seaborn Lees former
students, is proud to revisit his favorite
elementary school. Cameron, who is now a
quarterback for University of Florida, takes time
out to discuss his life achievements and future
goals with 3rd, 4th and 5th grade boys of SLES.
He goes on to explain what it took for him to get
to this point of such succession.
2Cameron poses with Phillip Hendricks, Brian
Armstrong, and Andrew Tanner before saying his
3His emphasis for students focusing on their
studies and following directions in class drew
many questions as students raised their hands in
excitement. He discussed the importance of a
positive attitude toward school and gladly shared
that he gained so many values from teachers and
staff once he realized the real reason for
E3 Expect Excellence Everyday!
4Students are so intrigued! They can hardly wait
to ask their questions!