Title: Oregon State University RESEARCH COUNCIL
1Oregon State University RESEARCH COUNCIL New
Member Orientation Academic Year 2002-03
Presented by Jack F. Higginbotham Research Office
Faculty Liaison October 21, 2002
2General Overview
- Research Funding at OSU
- Its relativity to other university missions
- Research by college (including indirect cost
recovery, ICR) - How ICR is spent at OSU
- Award Process for Research Office
- Incentive Programs
- Faculty application
- Research Council review- rank ordering of
proposals - Funding decision by Vice Provost for Research
- Deadlines for various programs
3Fiscal Year 1999 to 2000 Total 138,739,468
4Annual Report 2001 Research Funding
Federal Agency Awards Fiscal Year 1999 to 2000
Total 89,710,215 Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
5Sponsored Program AwardsFY 2000 - 2001
Total 112,486,721
6Distribution of Indirect Costs
7Faculty Senate Research Council
Our Purpose
To review proposals for Incentive Programs and to
provide the Research Office a ranked order of
funding recommendations.
8Incentive Programs
9Proposal Deadline and Award Dates
General Research Fund (GRF) Deadline Monday,
October 21, 2002 Award November 25, 2002
(estimated) Research Equipment Reserves Fund
(RERF) Deadline November 11, 2002 Award
January 27, 2003 (estimated) Kelley Family
Fund Deadline Guidelines and application
currently under review. Notice will be sent when
the RFP is ready.
10Evaluation Process
- Research Office
- Check for complete submission
- Council Member Review Teams
- 3-4 evaluators per proposal
- Avoid conflicts of interest if possible
- Evaluation Criteria
- A-F grading system (A, A-, B, B, etc. Submit
only 1 grade) - Evaluate relative to other submissions
- Grade using individual criterion
- Provide OVERALL rating
- Recommend funding
11Evaluation Process
- Research Office
- Summarize individual evaluations for review
meeting - Research Council Meets
- Discuss and assign ranking of proposals and
funding recommendations - Vice Provost for Research finalizes the decision
and award and denial letters are sent