Title: Grants 101 Research Budgets
1Grants 101 Research Budgets
- Ron Conaway
- Grants Contracts Specialist
- Office of Sponsored Projects
2Budget Preparation
- A-21 (Section J) Allowability of Costs for
Academic Institutions - PHS 398-(Revised 09/04 All other versions
- (http//grants.nih.gov/grants/funding/phs398/phs39
8.html) - Read any Special Instructions
- Modular Applications
- Fellowship Applications
- Career Awards
- Centers/Program/Training/Resource Awards
- Proposal with direct cost of 500K or more need
written approval from Institute or Center Program
Staff - Calculation of Subcontractor Indirect Costs
3Budget Direct Cost Categories
- Personnel
- Consultants
- Equipment
- Supplies
- Travel (Domestic Foreign)
- Patient Care Costs (Inpatient Outpatient)
- Alternations and Renovations
- Other Expenses
- Subcontracts (Consortium)
4Budget Preparation
- Budget Should Recover all costs to conduct the
specific research project! - Draft Budget- Create during or before the body of
the proposal is written - Applies to both standard 398 and Modular apps.
- First time Investigators--
- Develop a program in line with experience and
research background - JUSTIFY EVERYTHING (standard application)
5First Year BudgetPersonnel
- List Everyone with EFFORT on project by Name
- All must be employees of Institution
- Principal Investigator
- Effort should reflect work required for project
- Consider existing time commitments (Grants
Teaching) - Be aware of Salary Cap Limitations (if
applicable, primarily NIH Currently 180,100)
6First Year BudgetPersonnel
- Co-P.I.s
- No legal standing with NIH
- Need to be necessary, not just Senior
Investigator for name only purposes - Staff Effort (examples)
- Technician
- Research Assistant
- Postdoctoral/Graduate position
- NOTE Administrative and Clerical positions not
normally allowed per OMB Circular A-21
7Future Years BudgetsPersonnel
- Personnel
- Can add/delete personnel in future years if
scientifically necessary - Can increase/decrease effort if scientifically
necessary in future years - Salary inflation should not exceed NIH inflation
increment (3) - Fringe benefits must correspond to approved
institutional fringe rate Currently 20.7
8First Year Budget Consultants
- Cannot be employees of Institution
- Avoid using unless expertise/services are
critical - If consulting costs are substantial (gt10,000) a
subcontract may be required - See OSP FAQs for additional assistance in
determining Consultant vs Subcontract - http//www.uth.tmc.edu/osp/faqs.htmlsub
- Note If awarded, department handles consulting
arrangement and payment through procurement
9First Year BudgetEquipment
- Ask for what you reasonably need, especially if
setting up a new lab. - Itemize each piece with a cost over Institutional
Threshold for Equipment (5,000) - Computers need scientific justification
- Equipment usually easier to justify in the early
research years rather than later years. - Equipment should be required 100 for project.
- If specific equipment is requested, but was
necessary for your preliminary data, explain why
it is not available now (i.e., you cannot get
sufficient usage for the proposed project)
10First Year BudgetSupplies
- Supplies must be essential to the Proposal
- Itemize by category Glassware/Plasticware,
Serum/Radioisotopes, Chemicals, Sequencing Kits - Animal Purchase is usually in supplies.
- In the budget justification you must justify each
category and show how you came to the amount
11First Year BudgetTravel
- Standard request is one domestic trip for PI
- If you know what professional meeting you want to
go to, put on the budget page and in the
justification. (Gordon Conference, Cell Biology
Meeting, FASEB, etc.) - Additional travel can be requested as required by
the individual project - Travel for Co-PIs
- Travel for other research staff
- Travel for meetings with collaborators
- Foreign travel must be necessary and extremely
well justified
12First Year BudgetPatient Care Costs
- Represents payments to hospitals and/or clinics
for either in-patient or outpatient care. - Should use hospital with an approved patient
research rate, negotiated with DHHS. - Patient care cannot include travel, lodging, or
donor/volunteer/incentive fees. These costs
should be in the Other Expenses category.
13First Year BudgetAlterations Renovations
- AR costs are unlikely!- Institution/Dept. will
probably have to pay for major building
renovations to establish laboratory - Equipment installation is not normally considered
renovations. - Alterations and renovations gt25,000 must be
approved by NIH.
14First Year BudgetOther Expenses
- Every Direct Cost not listed somewhere else
- Animal care costs (check with CLAMC) for current
rates - Publication costs/page charges/color plates
- Equipment Maintenance Contracts ( usage)
- Donor/Volunteer Fees - including
travel/lodging/per diem - Fee charges for services (Mass Spec., EM, Flow
Cytometry) - Patient participant incentives/travel
- Long Distance Telephone/Fax (Not Equipment/line
charges unless specifically approved in review) - Delivery Services (FedEx, DHL, UPS)
- Anything else that can be identified as a direct
charge necessary to do the research
15First Year BudgetConsortium/Contractual Costs
- Most subcontracts are to other non-profits, but
in special circumstances we subcontract to
commercial or foreign institutions (Indirect
costs for foreign institutions capped _at_ 8 by
NIH) - Subcontract Direct and Indirect Costs are
included in UTHSC-H Direct costs. However,
Subcontract Indirect costs are not included when
calculating 250K modular, 500K, or RFA/RFP
direct cost caps. - NOTE If awarded, OSP will prepare the actual
subcontract after the grant award is made. It is
not a part of the application.
16First Year BudgetConsortium/Contractual Costs
- Paperwork for Sub-contracts to another
institution must include - First year and all years budget, with a full
budget justification. - Statement/Letter of Intent and a separate Face
Page from the subcontractor institution, signed
by an authorized institutional representative. - Scope of work (detailed description of work to be
performed by subcontractor with specific
milestones or other performance evaluation
measures) - Checklist
- Federally negotiated indirect cost (FA) rate
agreement - Note Forms referenced are PHS 398 Forms
17Entire Proposed Period
- Budget for Entire Proposed Project Period
- Extend first year with the standard inflation
rate (3 unless further justified). - Include any changes in future years
- Additional/less personnel
- Additional Equipment
- New/added Specific Aims in Future Years
- Subcontracts dont need to be for the entire
project period.
18Budget Justification
- General Principle
- Write a justification for EVERYTHING.
- Remember if you don't justify what you want you
are at the mercy of the reviewer and potential
auditor. - If you CAN'T write a good justification for why
you want it you probably don't need it. - Detailed explanation for A-21 items should be
given to show how the expense is project specific
and why it is necessary to charge it as a direct
cost as opposed to an indirect cost
19Budget JustificationPersonnel
- Describe specific functions/ responsibilities of
each individual starting with the P.I. - Highlight specific areas of expertise necessary
for the grant. - Specify necessary training they may have/receive
- Be sure to explain role of each person on the
project - Separate description of future years changes
- Increase/Decrease in Effort
- Future Changes/Additions/Deletions in Personnel
by year
20Budget JustificationConsultants/Equipment
- Consultants
- Describe exactly the services to be performed
- Include the number of days of anticipated
consultation, rate of compensation, travel
per-diem and any other related costs - Equipment
- Describe the specifics of the equipment
(Brand/Model/ accessories) - Specific uses related to the grant.
- Source of Price (quote, previous purchase, sole
source) - Utilize retail prices unless you can get a
committed quote through the award date
21Budget JustificationSupplies
- Justify in detail for each category.
- Animal Costs - should include species, number of
animals and unit purchase cost. (CLAMC) - Tissue Culture - detail of materials/service
costs - Radioisotopes - isotopes needed/costs
- Biological
- Oligos. - estimated , estimate cost per base
- Enzymes
- Sequencing Supplies
- Chemical - chemistry supplies
- Glass/Rubber/Plastic - basic lab materials and
22Budget Justification Travel
- Describe the purpose and destination of each trip
requested. - Trip must be related to the purpose of the grant.
- If other than P.I. Indicate persons for whom
travel funds are requested benefit to research
23Budget Justification Patient Care/Other Expenses
- Patient Care
- Names of hospitals/clinics involved.
- Specific calculations for the amounts requested
for each. Include patient days, estimated cost
per day, and specific or estimated costs of tests
and treatments. - Detail Inpatient and Outpatient costs separately.
- Project patient accrual for the project period
and relate it to the budget for patient costs. - Other Expenses
- See first year budget other expenses for types
of applicable charges and justify project
specific use
24National Institutes of Health Modular Grant
- How It Differs for Submission
25Rationale for Modular Grants
- Allows Peer review team to focus on scientific
merit of applications rather than administrative
aspects (budget, management of funds, etc.) - Reduce certain aspects of proposal preparation
and submission to just in time (JIT)--once
decision to make an award has been made - Attempt to Reduce length of receipt to award
cycle from 9-10 months to 6 months
26Modular Grant Application
- Applies to research grant applications requesting
up to and including 250,000 direct costs/year - Request total direct costs in modules of 25K.
- A typical modular grant application will request
the same number of modules in each year. - Provide budget narrative regarding all Personnel
by position, role, and level of effort. This
includes consultants and any to be appointed
positions. - Include a total cost estimate for any Consortium/
Contractual arrangements - Additional narrative budget justification will be
required in the application only if there is a
variation in the number of modules requested.
27NIH Modular Research Grant Applications
- Face Page
- Items 7a and 7b should be completed, indicating
direct costs in 25K increments up to a maximum
of 250K, plus FA (indirect costs) for the
initial year. This maximum does not include and
indirect costs for subcontractors. - Items 8a and 8b should be completed indicating
the Direct and Total costs for the entire
proposed period of support - Do not complete PHS 398, form page 4 Initial
Budget Period (it will not be accepted w/the
application) - Provide Detailed budget for personnel and all
items excluded from indirect costs (Equipment,
Patient Care, Tuition, etc) - Do not complete the categorical budget table of
PHS 398, form page 5 (it will not be accepted
w/the application)
28Modular Budget Page
- Last page (of the original copy of the
application) has Institutional Certifications and
Indirect Cost (FA) Calculations.
- Budget becoming increasingly important
- A-21 Issues
- Justify, Justify, Justify
- NIH and other federal agencies increasing
scrutiny of budgets and expenses as projects
progress PLAN CAREFULLY - Additional Help and Information
- Department
- Deans Office