Title: omework
- Study Photographs B and C on the separate
Resource Sheet. They show two areas of a city in
the United Kingdom.
2Describe the type of housing and the housing
layout in Photograph B. (2)
- Semi-detached or detached. Possibly bungalows.
- On curved, wide roads.
- Spaced out.
- Large gardens
- Drives.
3Compare these with Photograph C. (2)
- Terraced
- Housing is in rows
- Cramped/compact/high density
- Blocks
- Narrow straight roads
- No gardens or drives.
42 marks for the next question
- All you need are any two of the following points.
- Believe me there are loads.
- But the question says use evidence so even if you
get the idea right, if you dont quote the figure
you dont get any marks. - And if you quote evidence but no impact (SO) then
you dont get any marks. - Its simple but important.
5Essentially for the muppets in the room
- Together?
6Oh and while we are at it
7If you say talk about earning money and owning
things e.g. cars when asked to talk about Quality
of Life. Quality of life is how good your life
is Standard of living is what you own
So.. There are more professional people so
they have a good wage .is Standard of living.
But.. There are more professional people in area
2 (40) so they have a good wage WHICH means they
have more to spend on leisure and entertainment,
rent and food. .is quality of life!
8Describe the quality of life likely to exist in
Area 1. Use evidence from the table. (2)
65 own their own home SO they have security. 5
rent from the council SO they could get evicted
at any time. 10 rent privately SO they will not
be able to make any improvements to their home
that they may need e.g. decoration to make them
9Describe the quality of life likely to exist in
Area 1. Use evidence from the table. (2)
32 of people are 0-14 SO there is likely to be
more noise and vandalism. Because there are few
older people (15) they may find that the young
people are too noisy and stressful.
10Describe the quality of life likely to exist in
Area 1. Use evidence from the table. (2)
52 of people do not own a car SO they may find
it stressful and time consuming travelling to
work and possibly more difficult to access some
jobs. Because 52 of people do not own a car
they may find it difficult to access services
such as hospitals.
Because 52 of people do not own a car they will
not be stressed sitting in rush hour traffic.
11Describe the quality of life likely to exist in
Area 1. Use evidence from the table. (2)
Because 42 are unskilled workers they will have
a low wage SO this may mean they do not have a
lot of money to spend on entertainment and
leisure/food/rent/improving their home. Etc.
12Describe the quality of life likely to exist in
Area 1. Use evidence from the table. (2)
Area 1 has 12 overcrowded SO the residents might
find this stressful and there may be problems
such as difficulty parking which is stressful or
a lot of noise from traffic or children playing
which is also stressful. This along with a high
housing density could also mean that housing is
cramped and people have little privacy. 16 of
people do not have central heating so this means
they are more likely to suffer ill health. It is
only 1km from the CBD so is likely to suffer from
congestion as people commute to and from work in
the CBD. This would lead to noise and air
pollution and can be stressful or lead to poor
13Comparing stuff
Older (43 compared to 33) Taller (511 compared
to 59) Heavier (13 ish stones compared to
more!) Hotter Richer (More money) Gorgeous
WHEREAS appeals to fewer women.
14How does this COMPARE to the quality of life
likely to exist in Area 2. (4)
- Area 2 has a higher rate of owner occupation (80
compared to 65, or 15 higher) so people in area
2 will have more security.
15How does this COMPARE to the quality of life
likely to exist in Area 2. (4)
- Area 2 has less children aged 0-14 (18 compared
to 32 in area 1) so the area will be quieter and
more peaceful/less stressful.
16How does this COMPARE to the quality of life
likely to exist in Area 2. (4)
- Area 2 has a higher age of people owning 1 car
or more (70 - remember to add 1car and 2or more
together compared to 48 in area 1) SO people
have better access to jobs and services which
saves time and is more convenient.
17How does this COMPARE to the quality of life
likely to exist in Area 2. (4)
- 40 of people in area 2 have professional/manageri
al jobs COMPARED to only 12 in area SO they are
more likely to have money to spend on leisure and
entertainment/food/enjoying themselves.
18How does this COMPARE to the quality of life
likely to exist in Area 2. (4)
- Area 2 has only 1 overcrowded WHEREAS area 1 has
12. This means that people will be more likely
to be stressed in area 1 with more traffic, more
noise and less privacy. - Area 2 has a lower age of people with no central
heating (5 compared to 16) SO people are less
likely to suffer ill health.
19Suggest which photograph is of Area 1 and which
of Area 2. Explain your choices. (4)
- I think photo B is area 1 because my slippers are
pink and they look like they might wear pink
slippers in that photo. - I think that photo C is area 1 because the people
in this photo will probably not have jobs because
it is close to the CBD and as everyone knows
20Suggest which photograph is of Area 1 and which
of Area 2. Explain your choices. (4)
- Photo B detached/semis, Drives, large gardens,
larger houses, spaced out. - Photo C terraced, rows, cramped, narrow
streets, lots more housing in a smaller area. - NOW Link this to the evidence.
21What type of housing is more likely to be built
by the council? In actual fact it is
semi-detached. Most terraced housing is
privately owned, especially in Sheffield although
a lot of it is rented privately to students and
young professionals. Very few terraced housing
is council owned. BUT where you find terraced
housing i.e. inner city you will also find flats
and tower blocks which are council housing!
22So Area 1 is more likely to be photo C because
there is a lower rate of owner occupation (65)
and this is typical of an inner city terraced
area. VICE VERSA (You dont get the points for
reversing an answer).
23Photo B is more likely to be Area 2 (on the
right) because there is a higher percentage of
people 50 and over (34 compared to 15) and this
age group is more likely to be able to afford
larger housing seen in photo B. VICE VERSA
24Photo C is more likely to be Area 1 because there
52 of people do not have a car and this area has
very little car parking whereas the housing in
photo B has drives and area 2 has a high
percentage of people who own 1 or more cars
(70) There are 4 marks here!
25Photo B is more likely to be area 2 because there
is very little overcrowding (1) and the
photograph shows that the housing is spaced out
with large gardens, drives and wide roads. Photo
B is area 2 because it is a typical suburb area
with detached housing and area 2 is 4km from the
CBD where you would find detached housing. Be
careful using some of this info because you can
only get 1 mark for some statements e.g. Photo B
is area 2 because it has a low housing density
and the housing here is spread out.
26Suggest reasons why two different groups of
people may wish to migrate away from the area
shown on Photograph C. (2)
- Elderly to leave crime, noise, poor safety,
overcrowding, small cramped housing with poor
facilities e.g. no central heating. FOR more
suitable housing e.g. old peoples homes or
bungalows. - Families for bigger gardens, more space, drive
for family car, less air/noise pollution, less
crime - Young professionals for life in CBD where it is
more entertaining, for bigger house if they are
earning more money or planning to start a family.
27Suggest ways in which the local council could
improve the area shown in Photograph C to prevent
people moving away. (6)
- Plus the council probably dont own the housing
because most terraced housing isnt council.
28Suggest ways in which the local council could
improve the area shown in Photograph C to prevent
people moving away. (6)
- Roads traffic calming, local resident permits,
one way streets - WHY?
- Less accidents so safer
- Less noise pollution so less stressful
- Less air pollution so less impact on health
- Less traffic accidents so car owners are less
worried about damage when parked on street.
29Suggest ways in which the local council could
improve the area shown in Photograph C to prevent
people moving away. (6)
- Green areas parks, trees, flowers
- WHY?
- More space for families to play safely
- More relaxing environment
- Helps to reduce air pollution so less impact on
health. - Increases pride in local area
30Suggest ways in which the local council could
improve the area shown in Photograph C to prevent
people moving away. (6)
- Improve education in the area
- NOT build a school or build more.
- What then?
- Improve school environment to encourage better
attendance. - Better school resources e.g. libraries to improve
results - Support parents education so they can help their
children e.g. book bags and parent guides - Training for parents to improve
literacy/numeracy/ict to help children or to help
them get a better job.
31Suggest ways in which the local council could
improve the area shown in Photograph C to prevent
people moving away. (6)
- Attract new businesses to the area
- NOT build new businesses the council cant
create a business out of nothing. - WHY?
- Easier access for local people to get to jobs.
32Suggest ways in which the local council could
improve the area shown in Photograph C to prevent
people moving away. (6)
- Demolish old buildings (e.g. factories and
housing) - The council can compulsorily purchase buildings
and land if they are derelict and sell it on or
develop it. - WHY?
- Reduce overcrowding so more privacy and open
space for people.
33- Should take about 30 minutes including reading
time without a case study. - Should take 40 minutes with a case study.
- Dont write too much.
- Dont write too little.
- Im very good at spotting the difference between
slackers and people who dont understand it
write an answer even if you dont get it because
I (AND you) will learn more from your mistakes
than if you dont write anything.
34Put your ruddy name on your ruddy homework!