Title: Linking Assessment to Intervention
1Linking Assessment to Intervention
2Goal of Assessment Intervention
Hypothesis Testing Approach
A-?B-?C Steps in Executive Skills Intervention
- Collect information from various sources
- Interviews Behavior checklists
- Classroom observations Work samples
- Formal assessment procedures
- 2. Review data list specific problem
behaviors?connect them to - most appropriate executive skill domain
- Select one executive skill domain for initial
intervention and identify a specific behavioral
goal (e.g. soliciting one or two behaviors, that
if - changed ( or -) will lead to a better
performance of the student
3 Troutman (1999) there are 4 components of
behavioral objectives a) identify the
learner b) identity the target behavior c)
identify the conditions under which the behavior
is to be displayed d) identify criteria
for acceptable performance 4. Design the
intervention, incorporating one or more of the
following elements Environmental
supports or environmental modifications that
will be put in place to help support the
development of the skill The specific skills
the child will be taught and the procedures
to teach them What incentives will be used to
motivate the student 5. Evaluate the
intervention effectiveness by looking at each
intervention component and answering the
following questions Was the component in
place Was it effective Does it need to be
continued What is the plan for fading the