Title: HCV NRA Balance and Proper Use of HCV Funding
1Year End Financial Reporting For The Housing
Choice Voucher Program
- HCV NRA Balance and Proper Use of HCV Funding
- The following topics will be covered
- How is NRA balance defined?
- How are PHAs financial statements and FDS used
to calculate and report the NRA balance? - How does income statement reporting directly
impact the NRA balance? - How to review your initially reported NRA balance
for accuracy? - What are the eligible uses of HAP and
administrative fees?
3HCV NRA Balance
4HCV NRA Balance
- Restricted balance
- Reflects the difference between HAP funding and
HAP expenses - Starts from January 1st, 2005
- Calculated as of December 31st and as of the PHA
fiscal year end
5HCV NRA Balance
- Methods of Calculation
- Calcualted by HUD through the use of its data
systems - As reported in the PHAs financial statements
- Hybrid approach
6HCV NRA Balance
- Reported as equity in the PHAs financial
statements - Restricted Net Assets (full accrual)
- Fund Balance Reserved (modified accrual)
- Calculated as of the financial statement date
7HCV NRA Balance
- Partial Statement of Net Assets (full accrual)
8HCV NRA Balance
Partial FDS (full accrual)
9HCV NRA Balance
- Partial Balance Sheet (modified accrual)
10HCV NRA Balance
Partial FDS (modified accrual)
11Equity Accounts and FDS Reporting
12Equity Accounts and FDS Reporting
- Since calendar year 2005, HUD no longer maintains
an ACC Reserve account for the HCV program -
- As of January 1st, 2005 PHAs were required to
establish and maintain their own HAP NRA account
for any HAP funds that were not used - The FDS was updated to properly track this
requirement starting with 9/30/2006 submissions
13Equity Accounts and FDS Reporting
- NRA Balance / HAP Equity
- Full accrual
- 511.1 Restricted net assets
- 11180 HAP (NRA) equity memo account
- Modified accrual
- 509.2 Fund balance reserved
- 11180 HAP (NRA) equity memo account
14Equity Accounts and FDS Reporting
- Administrative Fee Equity
- Full accrual
- 508.1 Invested in capital assets, net of related
debt plus 512.1 unrestricted net assets - 11170 Administrative fee equity
- Modified accrual
- 511.2 Unreserved, designated fund balance plus
512.2 unreserved, undesignated fund balance - 11170 Administrative fee equity
15Equity Accounts and FDS Reporting
- HCV memo equity accounts are used to
differentiate between HAP (NRA) and
administrative fee balances - Information in these accounts are generated
through the income statement activity - Shows the detail FDS line items
- Initial beginning balances were PHA reported.
- Beginning balance should be the same as the PHAs
ending equity balance of the previous year
16Equity Accounts and FDS Reporting
- Proper reporting of HAP (NRA) Equity
- Beginning balance
- Add HAP revenues
- Subtract HAP expenses
- Equals ending HAP (NRA) equity
- Take into account any prior period
adjustments/corrections - This is also known as a roll-forward of equity
17Income Statement Activity and the NRA Balance
18HCV Related Programs
19FDS Line Items for HUD HCV Revenue
20HCV Income Statement Other Activity
- FDS was modified in 2006 to break out the sources
of revenue between HAP and administrative fee
activity - HCV Activity
- Investment Income
- Fraud Recovery
- Family Self-Sufficiency
- Portability
21Cash and Investments
- PHAs are allowed to use one bank account and pool
their cash for investment purposes - Cash should be reported in the program that has
claim to that cash - Investment income should be split based on the
source of the deposits
22Reporting of Pooled Cash and Investments
23Reporting of Pooled Cash and Investments
Does not mean that all Interprogram due to/from
should be removed
24Investment Income
- Unrestricted (FDS Line 71100) and Restricted (FDS
Line 72000) - General Depository Agreement requires cash and
investments to be credited in an interest bearing
account - Interest Income is reported based on
- Fund type (restricted and unrestricted)
- Fund source (HAP and Administrative Fee)
25Investment Income
26Fraud Recovery
- Governing Regulations
- 24 CFR 792 Public Housing Agency Section 8 Fraud
Recoveries - PIH Notice 2006-03 (HA)
- 50/50 Split
- - OR -
- Direct Expenses
27Fraud Recovery
Total Repayment Agreement Amounts
Split 50/50
HAP Revenue 71400-010
Administrative Revenue 71400-020
28Fraud Recovery
Total Repayment Agreement Amounts
Direct Administrative Expenses Related to
Collecting Fraud
HAP Revenue 71400-010
Administrative Revenue 71400-020
29Fraud Recovery
30Family Self Sufficiency
- Family Self Sufficiency (FSS) Defined
- Governing Regulations
- 24 CFR 984.305
- FSS Coordinator
- FSS Program Expense
- Escrow Activity
31FSS Program Expenses
- Report FSS Program Expenses in Tenant Services
line items (92000 Series) - Line 92100 Tenant Services Salaries
- Line 92300 Employee Benefit Contributions Tenant
Services - Line 92400 Tenant Services Other
32FSS Escrow Activity
33FSS Journal Entry
34FSS Journal Entry
35FSS Journal Entry
- Portability Defined
- Governing Regulations
- 24 CFR 982.355
- PIH Notice 2004-12 (HA) Extended to 2006-25(HA)
- Terminology
- Initial PHA and Receiving PHA
- Port In and Port Out
- 97350 HAP Port-in impacts the way portability is
reported on the FDS
38Portability Journal Entry
39Portability Journal Entry
40Portability Journal Entry
41Portability Journal Entry
42Portability Journal Entry
43FDS Line 11170 AFE Detail
44FDS Line 11170 AFE Detail
45FDS Line 11170 AFE Detail
46FDS Line 11180 HAP Equity Detail
47FDS Line 11180 HAP Equity Detail
48FDS Line 11180 HAP Equity Detail
49Review of Initial NRA Balance
50Review of Initial NRA Balance
- HAP (NRA) Equity
- HAP accounts were reconciled (swept) for period
ending 12/31/2004 - As of January 1st, 2005 PHAs were required to
establish and maintain their own HAP NRA account
for any HAP funds that were not used - Beginning balance Zero (01/01/2005)
51Review of Initial NRA Balance
- Administrative Fee Equity
- Admin Fee Accounts were not swept
- Beginning balance prior year ending balance
- The FDS was updated to properly track this HAP
(NRA) and administrative fee equity starting with
9/30/2006 submissions
52Review of Initial NRA Balance
- Step 1 Gather reports
- Financial Data Schedules
- Financial Statements
- VMS Reports
- Funding Letters
- PHA Financial System Reports
- Reporting Information Needed
- 12/31/04 through 12/31/06
- 03/31/05 through 03/31/07
- 06/30/05 through 06/30/07
- 09/30/05 through 09/30/06
53Review of Initial NRA Balance
- Step 2 Using FDS from when system was updated,
review - Ending equity
- HAP memo equity accounts (both ending and
beginning balance) - Administrative fee memo equity accounts (both
ending and beginning balance)
54Review of Initial NRA Balance
- Step 3 Using other reports (VMS data, PHA
financial reports), review to - Determine if revenue and expenses were properly
reported - Determine if FDS detail accounts were properly
55Review of Initial NRA Balance
- Step 4 Using other reports (VMS data, PHA
financial reports), review the beginning balances
for equity and memo equity accounts - Determine if beginning balances were properly
56NRA Checklist to Success
57NRA Checklist to Success
- NRA Balance / HAP Equity reported in the correct
FDS line item - Full accrual
- 511.1 restricted net assets equals 11180 HAP
equity - Modified accrual
- 509.2 fund balance reserved equals 11180 HAP
58NRA Checklist to Success
- FDS line 513 (Ending equity) equals FDS line
11180 (HAP equity) plus 11170 (Admin fee equity) - Beginning equity equals last years ending equity
- Beginning HAP and Admin fee memo account equity
(11170 and 11180) equals last years respective
ending memo account equity
59NRA Checklist to Success
- Initial NRA balance and HAP equity account were
properly reported - Related HAP cash and investments are reported as
restricted - Other program activity is not commingled with
CFDA 14.871 Housing Choice Vouchers
60NRA Checklist to Success
- HAP revenues are properly recognized and reported
in FDS line 70600-010 - HAP cash and investments balances are deposited
in interest bearing accounts - Interest earned is being reported in FDS line
72000-010 or 71100-010
61NRA Checklist to Success
- Fraud recovery are properly reflected in the
NRA balance (FDS line 71400010) - FSS forfeitures in HAP equity are reflected in
the NRA balance (FDS line 71500 and HAP equity
memo account 11180-20)
62NRA Checklist to Success
- Other HAP expenses are properly reflected in the
NRA balance - Appropriate prior period adjustments
- Reclassification of bad debt expense related to
fraud recovery - Subsidy payments to landlord for port-in
vouchers are not in the NRA balance -
63Appropriate Use of HCV Funding
64Appropriate Use of HCV Funding
- Eligible HAP expenses include
- Subsidy payments to owners
- Port-out payments
- Homeownership
- Utility reimbursements to participants
- Deposits to FSS escrow
65Appropriate Use of HCV Funding
- Ineligible HAP expenses include
- Funding of excess vouchers over baseline
- Funding of prior years vouchers
- HCV administrative expenses
- Public Housing or other program costs (including
66Appropriate Use of HCV Funding
- FFY 2004 administrative fee equity and subsequent
periods - Used to support HCV program
- Related development
- FFY 2003 administrative fee equity and prior
periods - Used to support HCV program
- Other housing purposes permitted by state and
local law
67The End